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Reviewer: ChrissieLinnit Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 01:35 pm Title: Comfort

"Frowning, he wondered why that part of him came so naturally. He didn’t admit to himself that it was a cover – it had become the only way he knew how to interact with her without starting a fight.

And the light grows brighter.... Go PJ! This chapter is so fragile... and it wasn't until I reached the very last sentence I was assured you were going to let this be a step forward... mostly for Spike, but assuredly, that last sentence will have served to give Buffy food for thought as well as comfort.

Spike is starting to understand himself, and Buffy, better. And he's doing that whilst also playing a very dangerous game... a game he still doesn't have all the insight to he needs.

Cordelia's eyes are everywhere, taking in everything.... she worries me. I do hope Buffy gets herself together enough to start being observey-girl herself soon. Now that Dru and Angel have made a move things look likely to hot up fairly rapidly...

Don't ever apologise for the length of time you take to get a chapter written and updated, PJ. If the quality of your output is always as good as this, *innerChrissie nods head vigorously*, then the wait is well worth it.

Thank you so much for keeping the excitement alive.

Author's Response: Yes, I was told by my beta that the last sentence is the best part lol, because the rest seemed like they were hopeless, in a good way. And thank you for being so patient about updates ::hugs you for that as well as your review::

Reviewer: Obsura Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 01:16 pm Title: Comfort

I nearly spilled my coffee from seeing there was a new chappie posted.Man oh man just what all did A & D do to William to make him into Spike. Its more then just the staeling of D here. I mean even to be allowed in the gang at all and to his current status he's earned now has to have had cost him more then we can even know. Cause I think A sleeping with D was only the beginning.Dang this story haunts me.

Author's Response: Of course it's more than stealing Drusilla, hehe. Angelus is a perverse man! I'm sorry it haunts you! Lol - just swat it away and itll leave you alone. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Cosmic_Pounce Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 01:03 pm Title: Comfort

Darla and the STD's had me rolling!!! You are by far the best writer I have come across. My friend got me hooked on this fic and man it just grows and grows. I loved Buffy's confusion over who William was or is, I'm just waiting for her to call him that at some point now.
Buffy's being pulled in so many directions and I loved she could sense the true evil pooling off of Angel. So well played out the part of Spike in this update even when knowing he wil be facing her rejection he goes to her. Well done!

Author's Response: Oh I'm glad someone liked that part :) And Buffy will inquire....eventually. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Immortal Redhead Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 12:54 pm Title: Comfort

OUTSTANDING!!! I'm not even awake enough to properly review this but God I worship your work. I know I'm gonna have to read this chapter a few times to take it all in. So much happening and going on and I'm loving every second of it. The whole Dru thing and Buffy finding out more and Spike oh God Spike is so playing with all kinds of fire and damn this is just too good.

Author's Response: My goodness, you should've seen me - I almost wrote more! I had to force the scenes to end because I don't believe in chapters that reach 6000, lol. People will fall asleep! Thank you, for the wonderful comments!

Reviewer: caatje Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 12:03 pm Title: Comfort

beautiful chapter. i love the way you wrote the interaction between Buffy and Spike. Soft at some points and than harsh at others. Keeps us wanting for more. Please update again soon!

Author's Response: Hopefully the soft and harsh didn't clash! Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 11:55 am Title: Comfort

About damned time someone said something to each other!

Thank God, and I am kind of glad that Angelues knows the truth about 'the plan'.

I hate Buffy getting so picked on though. Sigh...
great chapter, glad you updated.

Author's Response: Or does he? He's a little confused now ;) It'll be sweet revenge when she gets to full capability! Thanks for the review :D

Reviewer: Stine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 09:22 am Title: Comfort

I think I said it to you after you posted the first chapter, bit i just have to say it again, The story is AWESOME!!

Author's Response: Thanks :D

Reviewer: luxferi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 09:20 am Title: Comfort

Great chapter... pls update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: sue Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 08:40 am Title: Comfort

Your characters are all so sharply defined: from the main characters to the sideliners, the interaction and dialogue is to the point and reactive - but none more so than Buffy and Spike. Two lost creatures, victims within and hardened exteriors, both traits which are now beginning to affect their behaviour, towards those around them and, critically, towards each other. The trick will be to get the balance right: break the barrier that prevents them from holding on to each other but mutually build up and maintain a defence from the very real threat that approaches from both outside the gang, and within.

A powerful chapter, still seething with threat and menace - and heartache.

Author's Response: Aw, I'm glad someone got the heartache feeling, because I wasn't sure I conveyed it enough. Thanks for the wonderfully perceptive review!

Reviewer: Tuesday Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 08:27 am Title: Comfort

Awesome update! Well worth the wait! More soon please!

Author's Response: Aw, I'm happy you thought it was worth the wait :D

Reviewer: jenny Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 08:07 am Title: Comfort

i am really enjoying the characters become more complex and develop feelings. i am loving your story and i can't wait to read more!!! please update soon?

Author's Response: I'm glad you like the developments :) Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: braat44 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/24/2006 - 07:32 am Title: Comfort

Great chapter! Can't wait for more. :D

Author's Response: Thanks!

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