Date: 01/30/2006 - 01:47 pm Title: One/One
loved it!! you made that ending so much better...thanx!!
Author's Response: Aww, thanks. =) Glad you liked it!

Date: 01/29/2006 - 10:59 am Title: One/One
Love it! I always knew there was more to that little smirk at the end. The way the show ended made me want to scream. Thanks for this.
Author's Response: Wasn't it nuts? I'm glad you liked my version of events!

Date: 01/29/2006 - 05:15 am Title: One/One
Great ficlet. So poignant. I like your take on why Buffy had that smile on her face at the end of "Chosen".
Author's Response: Thanks! =D

Date: 01/28/2006 - 11:15 pm Title: One/One
keep up the good wok in your stories to come
Author's Response: Thanks!

Date: 01/28/2006 - 08:40 pm Title: One/One
Sad, sweet, heartbreaking.
Oh, my daughter just watched the TIVO'd Smallville. Shit, I didn't know it was his DAD!!!k
Okay, back to the review.
I loved this, it's just so sad.
Author's Response: Aww, thanks. =) And yeah, that was crazy! I wanted Lana dead, I really did. =P