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Date: 01/01/2007 - 11:38 pm Title: Three
Author's Response: Thanks, glad to hear you think so.
Date: 12/22/2006 - 11:23 am Title: Two
You've got me intrigued. I haven't read the other story, so I'm wiating to see where this one goes before I pick that one up :)
Author's Response: The two aren't really related - more like same universe, but then both could be read as in-between canon just as easily. The other is more holiday and B/S oriented, so to my mind has a wider appeal. I just thought this could be fun, and is largely unexplored territory.
Date: 12/21/2006 - 08:20 pm Title: Two
I really like this exploration of Harmony and Spike, I hope there is more. He seems nicer than he did on the TV show. I hope she is let down easy.
Author's Response: Well, kw, I think you and I are the only ones to take an interest in the pairing, LOL. Of course the subtext is always there - even when he didn't realize he was in love with Buffy, he had not special feelings for Harmony - just someone convenient.
Date: 12/21/2006 - 07:08 pm Title: Two
loved it;
Author's Response: Thanks sweetie
Date: 12/02/2006 - 09:18 pm Title: One
Funny story, look foward to more
Author's Response: Thanks, I'm working on it.
Date: 12/02/2006 - 08:31 pm Title: One
I really like the tone of this story. It is interesting, love the peek into the mind of Spike after the chip. I agree with you that they didn't take the time to flesh out his life early season 5. Its like once they gave him the chip, they (the writers) had to scramble to find a good story line. Thanks for sharing I look forward to reading more. Jennifer S
Author's Response: Yes, the opportunity for more Spike on camera was foolishly wasted! One of his charms is how he changes over time - and very little was said about how he actually lived or what he thought during this period.