Date: 02/08/2008 - 09:37 am Title: Buffy
Great story. Sorry your having trouble finding a beta. I'd offer but I'm horrible at grammar and spelling I usually have to have my mother look over my writing as she is a great speller and pretty good at grammar. I hope to see more in the future so good luck at finding a beta. ~ZLB
Date: 07/23/2007 - 02:12 am Title: Buffy
So Spike wasn't the only one into the voyeurism, I love it! Can't wait for your next update. This is going great, really enjoying it, thanks.
Date: 07/23/2007 - 01:23 am Title: Spike's Turn
Go to any of the spuffy websites like Bloodshedverse or Elysian Fields if you can't find a beta here. So Spike and Buffy are Dawn's parents? *claps* I love those stories with them as her parents. Loved Spikes POV, the best, so far. Can't wait to read Buffy's and see if she knows, that Spike's been watching her, for a while now. A lot of POV's to cover. Really enjoying your fic, thanks.
Date: 07/23/2007 - 12:11 am Title: Giles Turn
You've got a good story to tell. I love the way they're all giving Spike that chance, that he so desperately belong to a family. It's much easier to read and your punctuation is improving. Good work. Now to see who's POV, this is?
Date: 07/18/2007 - 05:27 pm Title: Buffy
Oh an update :) Long time no read.
Riley is just to normal for this Buffy but he doesn't understand it.
Oh when Buffy felt the tinglies I guess she had a silent watcher this evening. ~ At last she confess later she was watching him too; she couldn't indeed hold that against him :)
Hopefully soon more.
Date: 07/17/2007 - 07:46 pm Title: Buffy
OH I need more.
Date: 07/17/2007 - 06:50 pm Title: Spike's Turn
OH that was good, never heard of a doctor proscribing that, oh wait I have but it was to do with inducing labour.
Wonder what Spike thought of GIles revalation in the store about Buffy.
Date: 07/17/2007 - 05:58 pm Title: Giles Turn
OH that was good, so GIles and Joyce are happy they are together.
Date: 07/17/2007 - 04:50 pm Title: Joyce Remembers
OH that was interesting, so is Buffy with Spike now or is he just visiting.
Date: 03/23/2007 - 09:09 pm Title: Spike's Turn
Just love this chapter. It just brings so much in perspective. Just love it and how about Giles giving Spike a little heads up.
Date: 03/22/2007 - 09:15 pm Title: Spike's Turn
I'm not English so I'm not of use as a beta. I can only point you out to some links. Or ask on the tag board... I hope you'll find one because I'm looking forward to more. ~
I'm glad Riley is out now :)
Buffy has a lot of toys. If she only knew that Spike is looking forward to play with them too. ;-)
Loved the update
Date: 03/22/2007 - 05:37 am Title: Spike's Turn
good chapter. I hope you can find a beta soon so that there will be more udates :)
Date: 01/06/2007 - 05:16 pm Title: Giles Turn
You updated? :-D
Oh and the spacing looks good.
What Giles said about the Slayers wanting kinky sex being submissive sounds logical.
And Spike was very insightful why Buffy has problems to knowledge that she loved someone, especially Spike.
But him saving Joyce changed things for Buffy I guess. Or simply gave her the courage to speak. ~ Till next chapter!
Date: 01/05/2007 - 11:28 am Title: Joyce Remembers
wonderful, am really looking forward to where this is going,
my only critasism is that there are a couple of spelling mistakes and i suggest a beta.
Date: 01/05/2007 - 03:43 am Title: Giles Turn
Great story with a unique plot and much easier to read this time. Look foward to more
Date: 01/03/2007 - 05:58 pm Title: Joyce Remembers
Oh I'm glad you fixed the spacing! I took a look yesterday and well almost unreadable. I've heart that another author had problems too updating with a Mac computer. It's a lot better this way :-D
Good to see that Giles spoke about his feelings for Joyce. And nice present Spike got for them... but not in the way he said he did. Loved the little history of Spike.
And there is even more! Another secret... so Giles (his family) is to protect Spike (I guess he is 'the one' Giles was looking for).
And me, I'm looking forward to read the next part :)
Date: 01/03/2007 - 01:10 am Title: Joyce Remembers
I liked your story alot but i did have trouble reading it but i think that this has a lot of poetential and i think once you find a beta to help you out i think that will make the story even better. i'm not trying to be mean or anything in fact from what i read i really liked it alot.
Date: 01/02/2007 - 03:27 pm Title: Joyce Remembers
kinda coulndn't read it all, spaces please. from what i read good though.
Date: 01/02/2007 - 03:01 pm Title: Joyce Remembers
I can't read this as written. You really need to break this down into paragraphs that can be easily read. For one thing. You have to make a new paragraph after each person speaks, otherwise you get a jumbled up mess that no one can read.
Please edit this and I would be happy to read.
I'm not trying to flame you, I just can't read it.
Date: 01/02/2007 - 02:59 pm Title: Joyce Remembers
I can't read this as written. You really need to break this down into paragraphs that can be easily read. For one thing. You have to make a new paragraph after each person speaks, otherwise you get a jumbled up mess that no one can read.
Please edit this and I would be happy to read.
I'm not trying to flame you, I just can't read it.
Date: 01/02/2007 - 12:57 pm Title: Joyce Remembers
Great start. Looking forward to reading more.
Date: 01/02/2007 - 11:29 am Title: Joyce Remembers
mmm look its seems like a very nice story but the wat u post it its very unreadable u need to use more space between lines and sentences. its very hard to read it like that
Date: 01/02/2007 - 08:10 am Title: Joyce Remembers
This is a good start, a little hard to read because of the no spacing between paragraphs but a good fic.
Date: 01/02/2007 - 05:50 am Title: Joyce Remembers
Great start, the plot line is unique, I just hope the spacing is better next time so it is easier to read
Date: 01/02/2007 - 05:32 am Title: Joyce Remembers
That's a really mean way to make what could be a helpful suggesstion. I am sure the writer takes the writing very seriosuly. Maybe it was a site or a simple coding error. Or maybe the person is not familiar with how to post fics, etc. If you can't find a nicer way to say things then I think you should take your words elswhere. I read the chapter and the premise and idea was wonderful. My advice to the writer, which is what I believe you were trying to give... would be to seek a beta. I used to write fic, and they are valuable assets to any great story. I think this one has the potential to be something wonderful, and having a second pair of eyes is always helpful. If you aren't familiar with how to post and coding, etc, maybe ask a veteran from this site for help. I look forward to seeing more of this fic in the future!