Reviews For Next Life
Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous
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Date: 05/28/2008 - 08:46 am Title: Vampires

Date: 05/28/2008 - 08:46 am Title: Vampires
Loved the Bianca/Diane interaction. I also enjoyed reading Spike's musings about Diane. Great chapter!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous
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Date: 05/27/2008 - 10:11 pm Title: Vampires

Date: 05/27/2008 - 10:11 pm Title: Vampires
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
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Date: 05/27/2008 - 04:00 pm Title: Vampires

Date: 05/27/2008 - 04:00 pm Title: Vampires
I guess Buffy and Spike have the same problem like every you parents to have time for themselves, being careful not to wake the children. Fun if you only read it. I don't think they found it that funny. ;-)
Author's Response: thanks for the reivew!
Reviewer: Pet Signed
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Date: 05/27/2008 - 01:05 pm Title: Vampires

Date: 05/27/2008 - 01:05 pm Title: Vampires
Finally caught up with the chapters, still enjoying this story. :)
Author's Response: Glad you like!