Date: 08/05/2008 - 04:57 pm Title: 1
And this was one of the best first chapters I'd read in a while at the time I first went through this story. Just so you know. (Yes, repaying old debts).
Date: 12/26/2007 - 05:31 am Title: 1
Thank you very-very much *blushes* For now I'm content with reading the rest of Hunter's Bane whenever you feel well enough to post!
I've never said 'no' to surprises though:P LOL! Thank you again, you're a sweetheart!
Date: 12/24/2007 - 05:54 am Title: 1
Awwwwww! This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing (mental note: thank Katkin for pointing me to it!!!)
Merry Christmas!
Author's Response: Thanks again Sotia, Katkin is such a sweetie! Glad you like this fic, it was so fun to write! Thanks for the review
Date: 10/18/2007 - 05:08 am Title: 1
ahh poor buffy what a life, no wonder she doesn't trust spike
lovely story
Author's Response: Thanks Lady! Yeah, they were both a little scared of 'what if' and it caused quite a few problems. But now they're happy... yeah them!
Date: 10/07/2007 - 02:51 am Title: 1
Wow! This looks really good! I'm liking how Spike has had this long-standing love for Buffy, and that nasty bathroom stuff was hilarious! lol Definitely looking forward to reading more!
Author's Response: Yeah, that was a very nasty bathroom! Thanks for the review!
Date: 09/17/2007 - 03:49 pm Title: 1
Ah naughty Spike. No wonder Buffy doesn't like him. *gg*
Maybe he had second thoughts about what he did, he was really nice to Buffy in the car.
*shudders about the loo*
Heh heh they were lucky to find the other. Not so lucky for Spike though (bats) ;-)
Awwwe :) Now Spike taking pics sound different (his motives). And Buffy heard it. ~ That was so sweet :)
Author's Response: Thanks Cordy for the review. Spike has had a deep longing for Buffy for a while now, but has never told her. Maybe he will this time around?
Date: 09/17/2007 - 12:00 pm Title: 1
Aw, that was so sweet, I loved it! I can't wait to see what happens next, great start! :)
Author's Response: Thanks Pet! It'll be Spuffy, I'm sure!
Date: 09/17/2007 - 11:04 am Title: 1
Aww, that was sweet. The bat part was hilarious, poor Spike. I hope he would let Buffy know of his feelings, and that she's not so hard on him afterwards. She should be flattered that he wanted to take nude pictures of her. Okay, a little embarrassed, but also! Can't wait for more=)
Author's Response: I totally forgot you like human fics, Tammy! Thanks for the review, yeah, he's actually taken quite a few pics of her that she never knew about.
Date: 09/17/2007 - 06:02 am Title: 1
So original ... snarky, fun and tender all at once. Looking forward to the future installments with great anticipation and crossing my fingers for a Spuffy ending.
Author's Response: Thanks Kim! There will definitely be a Spuffy ending, I wouldn't be able to live with myself otherwise.
Date: 09/17/2007 - 05:27 am Title: 1
Gah... I'm tearing up! I'm a piece of emotional baggae!
Brilliant hunni, thank you so much I can't wait for next chapter... and yes I will be writing another chap of mine soon!
Miss you loads must chat soon! xxx
Author's Response: Nah, not emotional baggage...
Glad you like it so far, hopefully you won't become a teary wreck by the end.
Date: 09/17/2007 - 04:32 am Title: 1
Love the plot, and Spike's closing line was awesome. Great start!
Author's Response: Aww thanks! I liked it myself...
Date: 09/16/2007 - 09:13 pm Title: 1
loved it sooooo much. please post soon. great start. more soon.
Author's Response: Thanks Blondiebear! I shall post again this weekend!
Date: 09/16/2007 - 08:25 pm Title: 1
i loved it, more please!
Author's Response: Aww, thanks ashlan! Hope you enjoy the rest!
Date: 09/16/2007 - 07:49 pm Title: 1
omg please update!!!!
Author's Response: LOL, I will, I will!
Date: 09/16/2007 - 05:37 pm Title: 1
Love the banter between Spike and Buffy.. And how sweet but sad.." I would love you, if you let me,”
Author's Response: Thanks Pam! Wasn't that so sweet? Gah, I love mushy Spike sometimes...