Reviews For A Forced Fate
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Reviewer: BreathesStory Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/08/2008 - 10:28 am Title: chapter six

Well this is fun. Although a lot of the usual elements are present I have honestly been surprised at just about every new plot turn. And boy is THAT refreshing! Also kinda nice to see an Angel that isn't a total wanker. Shows a bit of imagination there.

Really interested to know what will happen next. Oh yeah, and the NEXT next as well.

Reviewer: Katie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/08/2008 - 03:10 pm Title: chapter six

This is really good please please update it soon.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/24/2008 - 05:39 pm Title: chapter six

Not only Angel's CDs were suffering. *gg* Seems they both got tired.
At last Angel believes Spike now that he didn't do a thing but that means too that it is still a mystery.
~ Looking forward to more.

Reviewer: Sotia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2008 - 07:39 pm Title: chapter six

Extremely well written and interesting! Love their voices and cannot wait to see how Spike and Buffy (let alone those around them) handle the truth when they find out about it!


Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2008 - 07:36 pm Title: chapter six

OH at least they were not hurt to day, I wonder what will happen when he is out.

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/22/2008 - 06:44 pm Title: chapter six

I love this one.

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