Date: 05/14/2016 - 04:59 am Title: Get your naughty on?
I think that my knees just gave way. I need a sit down. *nods convulsively* Good job. Good. I'm not sure which kind of naughty I want Buffy to be.

Date: 05/23/2009 - 10:27 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
Wow! I'd never thout of FAith as other than a rival for Buffy, but now that you've mentioned it, well, yeah, it is a natural.They've always moved beautifully together. Their fight scenes make moves on other shows look stilted.
More, please, Mistress Sarah!

Date: 06/13/2008 - 06:13 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
brilliant first part, glad there is another chapter for me to read after this one, looking forward to future updates to this story
Author's Response: And AGAIN thank you so much for reviewing!!! you're such a sweetie! Glad you liked it

Date: 06/07/2008 - 12:18 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
Oh hell yeah more. I managed to miss this first chappie so I get to be a greedy fic slut and move right along. I have NOOO problem with this threesome. Kink/vamps/leather (loved the belt under the chin btw) and hot slayers. VERY yummy. You have my full stamp of approval. XX
Author's Response: *big grin* SOO glad you like hun!!! And when I got the visual of the belt under the chin I had a feeling you might like that!! ;) Hope you like the rest, thanks for the lovely review.

Date: 06/01/2008 - 12:09 am Title: Get your naughty on?
definitely looking forward to updates on this one!
Author's Response: Thanks hun, here's hoping I get my arse in gear and get them out quicker this time!

Date: 05/31/2008 - 08:11 am Title: Get your naughty on?
Not bad at all! :) Faith was so in character and I'd like to read more. / Ariadne
Author's Response: I'm soooo glad you said that about Faith cos I really was kind of worrying about getting characters down due to my long break from writing.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the story too - hoping to update mid week.

Date: 05/29/2008 - 07:34 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
Oh, yeah! I hadn't thought about those three together before and now I just can't think why it didn't occur to me! They are hot! More soon, please!
Author's Response: Lol!! Strangely I hadn't thought about them together much but this juts popped into my head one day and I had to write it!! And I think they would have been pretty darn hot together! Thanks so much for the review!

Date: 05/29/2008 - 06:36 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
*fans self* this is hot stuff! If B/S/F is done well it is certainly right up my alley, and this is done very well ;) Can't wait for more, sweetie!
Author's Response: *blushes* So glad you think it is well done so far - been so long since I wrote properly that I was afraid I wasn't getting voices down!! Hope you continue to enjoy!

Date: 05/29/2008 - 06:21 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
I'm up for a change! We can always count on you Sarah. Carry on!
Author's Response: *big grin* Hey there!!!! Thanks so much for the review hun - I can always count on you to let me know what you think!!!
Hope you like the rest when it gets here!

Date: 05/29/2008 - 03:58 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
MMmmmmm now what does Faith have behind her back...... and where is she going to put it???? MORE please!
Author's Response: Aha!! That would be the question!! might have to wait a little wee while to find out! As for where she's putting it mwahahaha!
Hope you enjoy the rest!

Date: 05/29/2008 - 02:57 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
Thank you Mistress, may we have another???? (wink!)
Thanks, bet this one is going to prove fascinating!
Author's Response: Lol!! You may have another when I see fit! hehe or when I get it into postable format!! It's almost done though I'd like to get the chap after that done too before i post the next one!
Hope it does indeed prove fascinating!

Date: 05/29/2008 - 02:49 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
So excited to see this posted! You know I can't wait to read the next chapter. :) (and like I'm gonna turn my nose up at any other story you're writing or thinking about writing! lol)
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing Kristi even though you'd seen it already! Hope this, and the other story are good for you too!!

Date: 05/29/2008 - 02:14 pm Title: Get your naughty on?
MORE!!! As in now, or I got a belt with your name on it, missy (and YES, that's a threat!!!)
I loved it, in case it wasn't plain enough...
Author's Response: Oh hun! You have it all wrong - that's not a THREAT, although I'm hoping it's a promise! ;)
Thank you soo much for the lovely review!! hope the rest lives up to expectations!