Reviews For A Champion's Love
Reviewer: kw Anonymous
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Date: 06/28/2008 - 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 1

Date: 06/28/2008 - 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 1
this one is different i like it
Reviewer: Pet Signed
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Date: 06/28/2008 - 01:52 pm Title: Chapter 1

Date: 06/28/2008 - 01:52 pm Title: Chapter 1
Aw, that was so sweet! I loved it. :)
Reviewer: DragonflyLady Anonymous
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Date: 06/28/2008 - 03:16 am Title: Chapter 1

Date: 06/28/2008 - 03:16 am Title: Chapter 1
“Angel, please go away,” she whispered turning to glance at him. Obviously he couldn’t follow simple instructions.
Loved that bit to death!!
Loved the "you don't kiss me like that" chat, loved the putting Angel in his place bit, the whole thing really!!
Reviewer: guest Anonymous
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Date: 06/28/2008 - 01:27 am Title: Chapter 1

Date: 06/28/2008 - 01:27 am Title: Chapter 1
Liked? Uh uh Honey I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! More please!!!!!!!!!! Hope it's soon! :-D