Finally! I actually managed to write something on this one! I've had the worse case of writer's block lately! Thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to leave a review! Hope you like the latest, even if it's a little on the short side!

Buffy leaned back against the wall as she sat on the bed staring blankly at the door on the far side of the room. Her thoughts were muddled—pretty much her typical state when the topic of Spike entered her thoughts. How she longed for high school, back when confrontation with the blond pain in her ass only led to thoughts of staking him out of existence. He still came up with his bonehead schemes—like locking her up not once but twice—but then he had to go and redeem himself by caring for her mom and sister, saving Tara from her family, telling her he loved her. Okay, the last one didn’t count. It only annoyed her all the more. He was so much easier to deal with when he just wanted to kill her.

She wished he would get back already. He’d left the house about an hour after sunset to check on the Summers household. It was comforting to have him check on them, but with him out of the house, she wasn’t making any progress getting out herself.

She was tired of sitting there with her thoughts flip flopping between hating Spike for locking her up and feeling guilty for being cruel to him when he was actually trying to be helpful lately. It was so much simpler before the chip, and he was just an evil thorn in her side.

With a frustrated groan, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and rose to her feet. It wasn’t doing her any good sitting there debating the vampire’s good and bad points, she decided crossing the room to the door. With him out of the house, she should take advantage and check out his room. She doubted she’d be lucky enough to find a cell phone or anything, but maybe there might be something that could give her some idea what spell he had used to trap her in the house. Besides, she was rather curious what Spike had been busy working on at his writing desk when she had barged in that morning.


Spike sighed in relief as he hid in the shadows behind the tree in the Summers’ yard. His first stop after he had left the abandoned house had been the cemetery. The ‘Bot had been programmed to do a nightly patrol, but when he had found the place empty, he had been afraid Buffy had been right, and Glory was pulling a rewiring job on the ‘Bot at that very moment.

Pushing those fears aside, he made his way across Sunnydale to Buffy’s house. The ‘Bot had also been programmed to return there after patrol or if she had been injured. He felt his tense muscles relax when he spotted the light coming from Buffy’s bedroom window. Moving quickly, he crossed the yard and pulled himself onto the porch railing.


“And how are we doing this evening, ladies?” Spike quipped as he slipped through the open window.

The ‘Bot lay immobile on the Slayer’s bed, long wires connecting her to a complicated-looking battery charger on the floor next to the bed. Her eyes were closed as though she was asleep. Luck was really with him. He had told Warren to program the 'Bot to like him—couldn’t hurt having her put in a few good words on his behalf—but the stupid idiot had made it a little over zealous about the topic. All he needed was to have Joyce discover him in her daughter’s room fighting off her amorous advances.

“God, Spike!” Dawn turned away from the charger so quickly she nearly pulled out the wires she had been fiddling with. “Can’t you just use the door like a normal person?”

“And who’s going to explain to your mom about how I am able to get into the house again?” he pointed out.

“Okay, point taken,” she replied. “So, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be busy romancing Buffy, or did she manage to kick you out?”

“She wishes,” he laughed dryly as he settled carefully on the bed, forgetting that he couldn’t wake up the ‘Bot while it was in the off mode. “Actually, I promised to check up on you. Give the Slayer a little peace of mind, and then maybe she can focus on why she’s there with her least favorite vamp.”

“So the Big Bad isn’t the Great Romantic?” Dawn teased. “And I thought with all your charm, you’d have her eating out of your hand by now.”

“I can only do so much when she has a bratty kid sis to worry about,” he shot back.

“I am not bratty!” she snapped throwing him an angry glare that lost its bite because of the broad smile curving her lips.

“You only helped the vampire whisk her away for a little romantic interlude,” Spike reminded her. “You’re not bratty at all.”

“I can’t help it Buffy’s stubborn.” She shrugged as she settled onto the floor next to the charger. “If she wasn’t so pig-headed, we wouldn’t have to go to such extremes to open her eyes.”

“Maybe I fell for the wrong sister,” he replied causing the girl’s cheeks to flush a bright pink. “So everything’s going well with the ‘Bot?”

“No problems so far,” Dawn reported. “She’s a little over enthusiastic about you, but I think they’re just chalking it up to stress. At least, there hasn’t been any phone calls wanting to know why Buffy’s suddenly acting like a pod person.”

“And on the Glory front?”

“Surprisingly, she’s been rather quiet lately,” she continued. “Maybe she heard there was a sale at the mall. Can’t destroy the world in last month’s fashions.”

“So everything’s quiet on the home front,” Spike decided, rising from the bed and heading back towards the window. “Then I’d better get back to my guest before she gets bored and starts kicking out the windows to get even with me. Have fun with the ‘Bot, pet.”

“Oh yeah,” Dawn sighed as the vampire disappeared out the window. “Maybe tomorrow we can go shopping for matching ‘I love Spike’ t-shirts.”


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