Joyce looked up from her book as Buffy entered the room. She knew she should have been in bed resting, and her daughter would give her the lecture about following doctor’s orders, but sick or not she was still a mother. Buffy had said she was going out to the Magick Shop to get some training in, but still she worried. Her daughter was the Slayer, and trouble had a tendency pf popping up when least expected. Buffy looked happy, almost animated, a rather unusual occurrence for her daughter who seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders lately.
“Have a good evening?” Joyce asked laying her book on the cushion next to her.
“Very good,” Buffy paused her head tilting to the side for a moment, “Mom.”
“Weren’t you wearing a jacket when you left?” she asked.
She had the impression that something must be wrong. Buffy seemed too happy, and that usually meant she was trying to hide something. She also knew Buffy would keep up the act all night rather than worry her ill mother.
“Jacket?” She looked down at her bare arms as if just realizing her jacket was missing. “I must have left it at the shop. I will get it tomorrow.”
“Is everything okay, Buffy?”
“I am fine, thank you,” she replied with a broad smile. “It is getting late. I had better get to bed.”
“Okay, honey. I’ll see you in the morning,” Joyce sighed as the girl left the room. Something was definitely on Buffy’s mind. She hadn’t even asked her mother how she was feeling.
Buffy sighed turning her face into her pillow. She kept her eyes closed, really not ready to get out of bed. It felt like she hadn’t slept at all, and the nightmare she had had about Spike didn’t help matters. Wasn’t it enough that he plagued her thoughts during the day?
She shifted a bit uncomfortably. She didn’t normally sleep on her back, and she didn’t remember her bed being this uncomfortable. Then there was the matter of the pillow. It didn’t normally have a lingering scent of cigarette smoke. Unless that vampire had been in her room again. There was the de-invite spell, but maybe he had convinced Dawn to… She was going to kill that vampire!
“What the—“
“Thought you’d never wake up, Slayer.”
Buffy’s eyes snapped open as she turned her head towards the familiar voice. The blond annoyance was sitting on a wooden chair next to the bed she was lying on. She gave her leg a tug and discovered that he had not only chained her arms, but her legs were also bound. The bed was situated against the wall of a dingy little room she didn’t recognize. Apparently, Spike had thought better than taking her back to the crypt. Through the moth-eaten curtains, she could see that the windows had been bricked up. Spike had been a very busy little vampire.
“This is not funny, Spike!” she growled giving him a look that could kill had he not already been dead. “The chain thing was old before you did it the first time! Now let me up!”
“Not just yet, Slayer,” he replied leaning back on the creaky chair. He pulled a cigarette out of the pack in his pocket and raised it slowly to his lips obviously enjoying the moment. “I brought you here to talk, and you’re not leaving until we’ve done that.”
“You want to talk, then talk,” Buffy sighed. “The faster you talk, the faster I get to kick your ass!”
The smoke floated about the blonde’s head as his lips curved into an aggravating smirk. “Exactly why you’re chained down, luv. Knew your first thought would be a bit of kick the Spike, so the chains stay on until you’re ready to sit down and talk like adults.”
“You call kidnapping me and chaining me to a bed acting like an adult?” She fought hard to keep her voice even.
“No, I call it keeping my ass in tact,” he replied stomping out the half smoked cigarette on the floor. He stood up and approached the edge of the bed. The glint in his blue eyes as he looked down at her made every nerve ending in her body tingle. She fought the urge to squirm refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was making her uncomfortable.
“You’ll stay put,” he continued, “until I know I can trust you to carry on a civil conversation without trying to put a stake through my chest.”
“I’ll get loose sometime,” Buffy growled giving the chain around her wrist a hard jerk. She sighed in frustration when the wall at the other end of the chain didn’t even crack.
“Not bloody likely, luv.” He smiled at his handiwork. “Besides, even if you do, you’ll have a tough time getting out the door. Called in a favor and did a little spell casting of my own. Kind of a de-invite spell in reverse. You don’t leave till I invite you.”
He had seemed to have thought of everything. She supposed she should have been thankful that he hadn’t been this devious before the chip, or he just might have gotten his one good day.
“You can’t keep me here forever. They’re going to miss me soon, and…”
“The cavalry won’t be coming to the rescue this time,” he sneered. “Paid your friend Warren a little visit and placed an order.”
“You…” She searched her foggy memory. What could Warren for a vampire? Sure he was an electronics genius, but… Her hallucination! God, he didn’t… “You had Warren make a robot me? They’ll never fall for it. They know me!”
“They’ll figure it out eventually,” he agreed with a shrug, “but in the meantime it’ll give us some time to clear the air. Now, why don’t you relax? I made a pit stop at the DoubleMeat Palace, figured you’d be hungry.”
Buffy’s head sunk into the pillow as she watched the vampire leave the room. She just had to be patient. Willow and Xander would spot the robot right away, and when they had helped her out of this mess, she was going to introduce that platinum pest to the pointy end of a stake.