[Reviews - 103] Printer
Summary: UPDATED SUMMARY: Buffy's an undercover cop for the LAPD, and her job is to spy on the leader of an infamous crime ring--Spike Jenkins. But things aren't always as they seem; good can become evil, and evil can turn out to be good. And sometimes, the one person you think you hate can turn out to be the one who turns your world upside-down...forever.
Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes
Word count: 74708 Read: 22125
Published: 04/01/2005 Updated: 05/03/2005

1. Assignment by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 5] (3586 words)

2. A Round of Applause by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] (5993 words)

3. Unhappy Employee by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 5] (2557 words)

4. Lap-Dancers?! by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] (2989 words)

5. German Shepard Puppies by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] (2480 words)

6. The Whole Almost-Kissage Thing by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 5] (4710 words)

7. Like Dirty Snow by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 7] (3102 words)

8. Just Words by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 5] (2364 words)

9. A One-Way Ticket to Screwednessville by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 6] (4481 words)

10. The Name of the Game by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 6] (4497 words)

11. A Sexy Pig by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] (3798 words)

12. Delicate Emotional State by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 4] (3145 words)

13. West Wing-ey-ness by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] (3906 words)

14. To Be Close by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 6] (2941 words)

15. Gibbering Insanely by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] (3156 words)

16. A World of Yes by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 4] (4418 words)

17. Come Crashing Down by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 5] (3134 words)

18. One Name by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 9] (2439 words)

19. Hold On by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] Liked (3484 words)
Please excuse any typos, this chapter was typed very quickly =) Also, I stumbled across a new site the other day. It's an archive called Beyond Twilight. It supports Ats and BtVS, Spuffy is of course welcome. Since it's new, it's having trouble getting off its feet, so please, if you're a reviewer spread the word, and if you're an author, post!!! Hey, the more archives the better, right?

20. Trust by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 3] (4058 words)

21. Beyond Anything Else by Panta_Rei [Reviews - 12] Liked (3470 words)