[A/N: This is such a departure from Origins, but I’m enjoying it. If the subject matter, a teacher/student relationship bothers anyone, I suggest you stop reading now, because this is what this story is about. The quote is from For Keeps, one of those Molly Rignwald movies that we all hated to love in the 1980's (hey, even Molly was embarrassed after a while), well those of us who were old enough to watch them. Disclaimers in full force and effect.]

Third. I’m pregnant. Can you pass the turnips?

Another morning throwing up, another morning when brushing her teeth was an impossible task. Just the thought of toothpaste was enough to make her heave all over again. Grabbing the peppermints, Buffy settled for freshening her breath that way. Maybe later baby, you’ll let Mommy brush her teeth. Think you could do that?

The four block walk to school was over quickly and all too soon Buffy found herself outside the doors. Steeling her back she realized she really didn’t want to sit through classes today. Maybe she could skip everything and just go to Will’s. . . . Mr. Stevenson’s class.

She’d have seriously tried it if Principal Snyder hadn’t just walked past her, sneering about juvenile delinquents and being late for school. Head bowed, Buffy aimed for the front doors, forcing a smile to her features. Someone’s perfume wasn’t mixing well with somebody else’s failure to wash and once inside the hallway she was once more fighting nausea.

Waving at Willow and hurrying past their group of friends, Buffy headed straight for the bathroom, almost running. No . .. No . . . no . . .no. . .not now, please not now. C’mon baby, can’t you give mommy a break, just once?

But baby wasn’t listening and Buffy bumped into whoever was blocking the doorway to the bathroom, her stomach nearly in her mouth.

“Buffy?” One look at her and Will practically pushed her into the bathroom, which happened to be the teacher’s and then stood guard, barring anyone else entrance.

Willow had followed Buffy and saw the whole exchange. Approaching the door, she asked, “Mr. Stevenson? Is Buffy okay?”

He knew they were best friends, but didn’t know how much the young red-head knew. Shaking his head, Will ushered her inside after checking the emptying hallway.


How many times am I gonna come close to throwing up on him before I actually do it? Wiping her mouth, Buffy stood up, then quickly bent over the bowl again.

Damnit. This just sucks. C’mon baby, knock it off. I’m never gonna get anything done if you don’t leave me alone. I know you’re here. Please stop. Please?

Tears slid from her eyes, just as the door opened and Willow’s tentative “Buffy?” echoed in the bathroom.

Oh no . . . bending once more over the bowl, Buffy heaved the last of her stomach into the toilet.

“You okay?”

Crap. She hadn’t locked the stall behind her and now Willow caught her with her head down, spewing up her guts.

“Guess not.” Pausing a second, the other girl dropped her books, then reached out to pull Buffy’s hair back, her free hand rubbing Buffy’s back.

“You need help?”

“No. I’ll be okay in a minute.” Resting her head against the cool steel wall, Buffy struggled to get her breathing and stomach under control.

They waited in silence together, Willow for once not babbling away in nervousness. Buffy slumped to the floor, her back against the steel divider, facing the opposite wall. “Thanks Willow.”

“No biggie. You okay now?” Willow was facing her, searching Buffy’s profile.

“I’m better. Nowhere near okay though.” A pause, then, “really far from okay.”

“Wanna talk?” Something was really wrong. She’d never seen Buffy like this, not even when she and Angel had broken up.

“Promise me you’ll keep quiet about this? Only two other people know.” Buffy’s voice was flat, almost monotone, which was scary.


“I’m serious Willow. No one. Not Cordy. Not Xander. No one.” Buffy finally turned to look at her, a steely look in her eyes that Willow hadn’t ever seen before.

“I promise. Buffy, what’s wrong?”

“I’m pregnant.” There, it was out now. Now Willow knew also.

“Ohmygod. Oh my god. Oh. My. God.” Willow was the one hyperventilating, which struck Buffy as very funny. At least for a moment.

“Breathe Willow. It helps.” Buffy was tired now. She wanted a nap. Wanted to curl up in Stevenson’s class and listen to his voice while she napped. She wondered if he’d do that sometime, just talk while she cat-napped.

“Does Riley know?” Willow was floored. This was not good. “What are you going to do?” Wow this was just really bad. “Oh! What did . . . did your mom say? You did tell her, right?”

“Slow down Wills. No, I haven’t told Riley yet.” She sighed. “I’m keeping the baby. And Mom did nothing but yell. For like an hour straight. All she did was yell.”

She didn’t know how long Mr. Stevenson had been in the bathroom, but Buffy figured it was a while. She thought she heard the door after Willow had dropped her books but she knew by the time she was sitting down that he was nearby.

When the two were silent for a while, Will knew he had to get them moving. “Miss Summers? Miss Rosenberg? You need to get moving.”

Getting reluctantly to her feet, Buffy watched as Willow struggled with the idea of being in a bathroom with a man, a teacher no less.

Will slipped out the door as soon as he heard movement, knowing Buffy would be out shortly.

He hadn’t meant to intrude, but the only way to look the teacher’s bathroom was from the inside and he didn’t think either girl actually knew that.

Willow was still trying to come to grips with Buffy’s announcement. She didn’t even care that Mr. Stevenson had been in the bathroom with them.


He’d handed them both hall passes and notes for the teachers of their first period classes, saying only, “just make sure you’re in the rest of the day,” before heading off to his own classroom.

Hugging Willow, Buffy whispered “thanks” and then quickly, before she lost her courage, asked, “will you stay close at lunchtime, when I tell Riley?”

“You’re gonna tell him here?” Willow looked around at the hallway. “‘Sure you wanna do this here?”

Buffy sighed, saying, “gotta do it when I have the courage, you know?” She really wasn’t looking forward to this at all, but Riley shouldn’t really be the last to know and well, this place has ears. No telling who overheard them, or saw her nearly throw up on Mr. Stevenson.

“All right. I’ll be there.”

Buffy watched her best friend walk away, realizing for the first time that everything in her life had changed.


Will had only gone into the bathroom because Careers teacher Anya Jenkins had come bearing down the hallway aiming for the bathroom with a single-mindedness that he usually found more than a bit off-putting. Bloody forthright woman, but can’t have her interrupting the girls.

Overhearing their conversation had been unintentional then, but he was glad Buffy was telling someone else who would be on her side. This isn’t going to be easy for her.

He’d gone to his classroom, after leaving them, got his first period students scrambling over a pop quiz, written the girls notes and was back in his classroom before the period was half over.

And now that it was nearly fifth and lunch, Will found himself worrying all over again. He had a feeling that something was about to go very wrong, and he couldn’t put his finger on what – Did I forget something? Leave the door unlocked or shit. I’ve no idea why there’s this niggling . . . bloody hell.

That’s what has me worried. Buffy Summers was sitting in the courtyard, obviously waiting for someone, probably Finn, while Willow sat next to her, her leg jumping up and down. She looked better, at least form his vantage point of the balcony and Will blew out a breath. She’s okay, Will. No need to get all protective.

She glanced up when her name was called, breaking out into a forced smile when Riley walked up. He watched the two of them, watched Willow leave them alone, saw her smile fade a bit, him sink to his haunches in front of her, then a shake of his head and suddenly he was up on his feet looming over her, his voice loud in the courtyard, his hands on her upper arms.


The two of them weren’t talking about anything in particular, sort of just marking time, waiting for Riley to get to the courtyard from his last class. Willow’s leg was shaking up and down and every once in a while, Buffy would reach out and still her movements. “Relax Wills, would ya? You’re making me nervous. And nervous Buffy is puky Buffy. So stop, okay?”

“Yeah. Sorry. I’m just anxious.” The red-head smiled apologetically at the blond, but further comment was halted when Riley’s voice called out a greeting.

“Here we go.” Buffy forced a bright smile to her face, motioning Riley over. “Hey.”

“Hey Buffy. Willow. What’s going on?” He shifted his glance between the two girls, smiling widely, “how’s my two favorite girls?”

“I’m good. Gotta run. See ya.” And Willow was up and gone before either of them could voice a protest. So much for support Wills, thanks a freaking lot.

“So what’s up?” He knew something was going on, because Buffy had been really cranky the last couple of days and really quiet. But he wasn’t prepared at all for what she said.

“Riley? I’m pregnant.” No. Damn. Shit. Why can’t I keep my mouth shut until my brain is ready?

“What?” All six foot one and half of him was floored. Involuntarily he sank to his knees in front of her, disbelief on his face. “What?”

“I’m pregnant.”

“What? How? I thought we were. . . we used condoms.” He shook his head in disbelief. “No. Can’t be true. We used condoms. Its not possible.”

“They aren’t one hundred percent effective you know. It is still possible.” Buffy hadn’t meant for the sarcasm to creep into her tones.

“Not a hundred percent. That’s not very comforting you know.” Realization set in. “No. This isn’t. Buffy you can’t do this to me. I just got my appointment letter from West Point. You know they don’t allow this. How could you do this to me?”

“Do this to you? What about me?” Buffy’s anger was rising to match his.

“Its West Point, Buffy, I’m not going to throw it away because you got jammed up.”

“Jammed up? Is that what you?!” Buffy was soo mad she was almost spitting.

Riley got to his feet, anger and some other unknown emotion filling him from head to toe. Grabbing her arms he hauled her up, holding her off the ground, his hands tight around her upper arms, tension causing his muscles to tense up and begin to shake. “How could you? This is your fault you got pregnant. Buffy, I’m not losing West Point over this.”

Too late they realized he’d been shouting, all eyes in the courtyard riveted on them. Riley had her in his hands, shaking her and tears sprang to Buffy’s eyes.


Will had taken the steps down at a jump, afraid the big senior was going to strike the tiny girl and his voice, the voice of authority broke them apart.

“Remove your hands Mr. Finn. Now.”

Very slowly Riley put Buffy back on her feet, letting her go and Will watched as she crumpled, hunching over, harsh yet silent sobs wracking her tiny frame.

“Detention Finn. Now. Go sit in Mr. Giles’ office until I get there.”

William was livid. There was nothing worse than a man who hit a woman or threatened to. And to his eyes and probably everyone else’s that was what Riley Finn had been about to do.

He watched the boy go, not daring to look down at Buffy until he got his temper under control. It took a considerable effort.

Squatting down in front of her, William rested a hand on her back. “Are you okay?”

“No.” She looked at him, tears sliding down her cheeks, face blotchy with hectic color, eyes red-rimmed and heartbroken and Will’s own heart contracted in response.

“Its all right sweetheart. I’m gonna get Willow to take you home, okay?”

She nodded her head and Will motioned Willow over.

“Take her home Miss Rosenberg. Stay with her.” Thinking a bit, he said, “I’ll excuse you both from classes.”

“Thanks Mr. Stevenson.” Willow sat down beside her best friend, her head bent low next to Buffy’s, her arm slung across her back. “C’mon Buff, let’s get you home.”

Will stood there watching the two girls leave, realizing that what he was feeling wasn’t exactly normal between a teacher and student. And also realizing that Riley Finn needed to steer clear of him for a while.

Soo? Any good? Let me know what you think, please?

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