Author's Chapter Notes:
I'm sorry for the delay in this chapter. Writer's block struck. I hope you like this chapter and also thank you for the great reviews:) Enjoy!

Buffy stood in front of the mirror, putting the finishing touches on her hair. She sighed, wondering just how interested William really was in getting to know her better. She still found it amazing that he wrote a song about her. That was the nicest thing a boy had ever done …especially after only meeting her.

“Ready?” Willow peeked in. She wore a pretty green sundress that brought out her eyes, and her flaming red hair was piled in a cascade of curls on top of her head. She was ready for a night of fun with Oz and wanted to know Buffy was ready for William. The boys were going to be there any second and it would be best to be gone as soon as possible. Preferably before Giles returned from wherever he was off to at the moment.

“Willow…what do you know about William?” Buffy asked, her curiosity stronger then ever. She wanted to make sure that they were compatible somehow…that they would get along. Not that she thought they wouldn’t…it’s just that…they may not.

“Well…he’s the gardener’s son. He’s the singer in Oz’s band. He once had a girlfriend, but they broke up because she was a lousy ho-bag, and he’s completely available,” Willow grinned, feeling very knowledgeable about her boyfriend’s best friend. “And it’s possible that he likes you. He doesn’t write a song just for any girl, you know.”

Buffy blushed just as the door chimes went off. Willow’s eyes widened with delight as she grabbed Buffy’s hand and pulled her towards the stairs. “They’re here. Let’s get out of here.”

Buffy gasped as Willow opened the door to Oz and William. William was especially handsome in a pair of nice jeans and a blue shirt that matched his eyes. His blond hair was tousled into wild curls that was begging Buffy to run her fingers through them.

“Ladies ready?” Oz asked, his eyes bright in anticipation. He was hoping to get Willow alone for a while, so his friend could get to know her cousin a bit better.

“Of course,” Willow linked her arm through Oz’s and headed for the car.

Buffy took William’s offered arm and followed him to the back seat. She had to admit her excitement. This was going to be fun. She loved carnivals, especially when a handsome guy was her date.

William on the other hand was rather nervous. He was never a real ladies man, despite what he tried to project. To tell the truth, he was rather shy around women, and this Buffy was no exception. Sure, he tried to act cool, but he didn’t really think she was buying it. Well at least she was impressed with his song. She seemed to be anyway.

When he had first noticed the pretty blond watching him, he had thought she was an actual muse, the kind from all those Greek myths, but then he remembered the talk his father gave him about being nice to the boss’s niece if he should ever come across her. At first, he didn’t know what he was going to say to her. Obviously, she was the prettiest blond he had ever seen. Remembering how he usually reacted to pretty women, he decided to remain true to form and flirt, finding himself becoming more intrigued by this shy girl from America.

That night, when he had gotten home, he couldn’t get Buffy Summers off his mind, so he decided to write the song and maybe show it to Oz the next day. He had no idea that Buffy herself would be there to hear it. He was about to change his mind when he saw Buffy standing there, watching Willow and Oz being all lovey dovy, but knew that he couldn’t. The bloody song was the only one he had brought and Oz would insist on playing it if William had tried to back out. So, again he played the flirt card and played the song, pleased by the amazement in saw in her eyes. She obviously liked it, which made him over the bloody moon.

Now here he was, escorting the girl of his dreams to the carnival, having no idea what he was going to talk to her about. What if she ended up hating him? Or the other way around? After all, America and England were two separate cultures altogether. What could they possibly have in common? Music. Music was definitely something. They both liked it. Tonight, he was determined to find something else that he and Buffy shared.

The ride to the carnival was made in silence. Everyone was caught up in their own thoughts. Willow wondered just how well William and Buffy would get along. Oz was thinking of ways to get Willow alone. William was thinking about Buffy and of course, Buffy was thinking about William.

At last they arrived. Willow and Oz stepped out of the car and took a deep breath of the evening air. They were definitely looking forward to a night of fun and perhaps romance. Watching their companions emerge from the car, they couldn’t help but hope that they wouldn’t be the only ones finding romance that night.

“William man, I’ll take Willow and you take Buffy. We’ll meet back here at closing time. That ok with you?” Oz asked, wrapping a arm around his girlfriend, who looked a little concerned at the thought of leaving William and Buffy alone. They barely knew each other. What’s to say that they’ll get along?

“Uh…I’m ok. How about you, kitten. Do you mind being alone with the big bad here?” William asked, trying to sound confident and cool. He didn’t want Buffy to know that the thought of being alone with her made butterflies tumble around in his stomach. He wanted her to think of him as confident and flirtatious. The epitome of cool.

“I don’t mind,” Buffy smiled, pushing all nervous thoughts to the back of her mind as she wiped her sweaty palms against her jeans. This was her chance to really get to know her date. There had to be more to him then guitars and music. What that was…well she didn’t know, but she was as determined as hell to find out.

“Cool. We’ll see you later,” Willow waved, following Oz into the churning crowd, leaving Buffy alone with William in a awkward silence.

“Well, looks like it’s just you and me, pet. What do you want to do first?” William asked, his eyes blue and bright.

Buffy shrugged, not knowing what else to say and not sound like some naïve twit. God, she had been so determined this morning to wow him with her flirtatious nature, but now…shy Buffy had made a come back and she wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. She cursed herself for not being over this foolish shyness. Why couldn’t she be the Buffy she was in Sunnydale? Why did she feel the need to hide somewhere whenever William was nearby? If she wanted William to really like her, she had to speak up more. She had to stop this shy librarian gig she had going.

William grinned, grabbing her hand. He knew just the thing to impress the young American blond. He had a good arm and the pink pig hanging over the booth for the dunking game had Buffy’s name written all over it.

Buffy’s eyes widened as William pulled her in the direction of what looked to be a dunking booth. What was he up to and why? She would ask, but he seemed so sure and determined that she didn’t see the point of asking. She would just roll with the punches here. See where the night took them. Maybe the night wouldn’t be such a disaster after all.

To Buffy’s amazement, they were in front of a dunking booth, listening to taunts from the guy that was to be the dunkee. She suddenly knew what this was about and felt a twinge of delight. She just stood back and watched. This was definitely going to be interesting.

“Come and show your skill,” the woman in charge of the booth smiled, her eyes lighting up with instant attraction when she saw the handsome man approach. The attraction instantly faded when she saw that he wasn’t alone. Damn. All the cute ones were taken. “Win a bear for your girl there?”

“How much are tickets?” William asked, judging the distance to the trigger that would drop the partially bald man into the water below.

“For you handsome, I’ll give you three throws for the price one,” The woman smiled, flirtatious once more, ignoring the dirty looks the petite blond threw her way. Spike just shrugged and handed her the money, his eyes full of determination. He was going to win that pig or die trying.

“Oh big fella!” The small middle aged man on the stool laughed. “Going to try to dunk me huh? Tough luck pal! It don’t look like you could throw much of anything if you ask me!”

Spike narrowed his eyes and threw the ball, just to miss. The dunkee just laughed, his eyes full of mirth and confidence.

“Hah! Nice try! How about I take the little girl home tonight! She looks to need a man! Because you certainly can’t throw like one!”

Again Spike threw the ball, just to miss again. His anger was near the boiling point. This asshole was going down, but when he reached for the ball, he found it gone. To his astonishment and anger, the man was still running his mouth.

“You throw like a girl, Blondie!”

Splash! The man went into the water as the ball hit the target. All eyes were on Buffy as she stared angrily at the now soaked man.

“Care to say that again?” Buffy glared at Spike’s tormenter, her arms crossed. The man just sputtered and climbed out of the tank to take his place on the stool, waiting for the next customer. He had nothing else to say to the man with the angry girlfriend who had an arm of a major league pitcher.

“Want to pick out a animal?” The girl asked, smiling with pride. It did her heart good to see Paul taken down a peg or two, and by a woman no less.

“The pig please,” William shrugged, feeling a bit proud of the girl he was with. There was obviously more to Miss. Buffy Anne Summers that meet the eye. He definitely wanted to find out more about her.

“Mr. Gordo, coming right up,” The hostess laughed, winking at Buffy.

“Thank you,” She smiled, letting William take her hand and lead her away. Honestly, she couldn’t say what had made her throw that ball. She just didn’t like how that man was taunting William. She couldn’t just stand there. She had to do something and she did.

“Where did you learn to throw like that, pet?” William asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

“My dad. Before he left us, we used to play catch. I’d throw and he’d catch,” Buffy smiled at the memory. It had been a long time since she thought of her father. The last time she had seen him, he had hugged her and said he’d always be there for her. Three months later, he took his secretary and disappeared from the country. She hadn’t heard from him since. She was hurt at first, but now she just shrugged it off and accepted that Hank Summers was no longer a part of her life.

“He must be proud,” William sighed, thinking of his own father and how the man seemed to detest the very sight of him. William was everything his father wasn’t. Well versed, talented, hard-working, and everyone…except his father, seemed to adore him. William would do anything to hear even a kind word from Angelus Bennett, but that would never happen unless the man was on his death bed.

“I haven’t seen him in two years…I mean…well he left my mom and me. I haven’t heard from him since he moved to Europe,” Buffy sighed, becoming a bit confused on why she was telling William this. She barely knew the guy and already she was telling him her life story. She hadn’t spoken of her father for years, yet here she was telling William about how she and her mom were left high and dry.

“Oh…sorry to hear that, love. He missed out on a great girl,” William grinned, taking her hand in his and squeezing it tightly as he resisted the urge to get down on his knees and pledge that he’d never leave her side. It would take wild horses to make him leave. What would she say if he did that? She’d probably take off on the first plane back to America to tell her mum about the crazy git back in England who wanted to pledge his very existence to her will being after knowing her for only a day.

“Don’t be. I’m over it. I came to terms with the lack of a father figure a long time ago,” Buffy shrugged, a blush heating her cheeks as she noticed just how perfectly her hand fit into his. It’s like her hand was made to fit into his.

“How old are you William? I mean…you seem so mature…I mean…God, you must think I’m so mentally challenged,” Buffy sighed in disgust. This wasn’t going as planned at all. She seemed so tongue tied around him. If he was one of the boys from school, she would have no problems being flirtatious and funny. With him…she was just coming across as a lame geek with a crush, she was sure.

Deep laughter was her answer, and she found herself pressed against his chest, his arms gently wrapped around her waist as his blue eyes sparkled with mirth. “Love, mentally challenged you’re not. If you must know, I just turned 17 last month. Oz threw a party. You should ask Willow about. Was a bloody good time.”

“Wish I was there,” Buffy blushed, not daring to move, afraid of breaking this moment. Never had she felt so…at home…in a guy’s embrace before. He was warm, strong, and oh god, he smelt so wonderful…she could stay like this forever.

“Buffy,” William sighed, leaning his head against hers. He had no idea what he was doing. He had just met this girl…yet, he wanted to be closer to her then he had ever wanted to be to anyone in his life. What was it about this American girl that made her so irresistible to him? Why did he feel like he had just found his other half?

“Hmm?” She sighed, getting lost in his azure gaze, all thoughts lost to her now.

“Want to go on the Ferris wheel?”

She blinked as the spell shattered and he released her, just to pull her in the direction of the Ferris wheel looming in the evening sky. She could do nothing but follow and hope that she’d get to be in his arms again and soon. She didn’t know where this was going with the handsome British boy, but she didn’t mind. At times, surprises were the best things ever. She was just going to set back and let the cards fall where they may. Hopefully they’ll land her right back in William’s arms, to stare into those beautiful eyes for eternity.


The night had been a success. William had gotten to know Buffy more then he had ever thought possible, and was certain that what he felt was pretty close to love. He definitely wanted to see her again.

Two hours later, William and Oz had said good-night to the girls and were heading back to William’s place to crash for the night. Just by looking at him, Oz knew that William was smitten with Willow’s cousin-in-law. He just hoped that his friend knew what he was getting into. Not only was Rupert Giles a snob when it came to members of the lower class dating his family…Buffy was due to go back to America at the end of the Summer and there was no word if she’ll ever return to England again. With all his problems, a broken heart was something William didn’t need.

“Buffy…she’s really something isn’t she?” William sighed, keeping his eyes straight ahead, not wanting to see the worried frown Oz was most likely wearing. He knew all about how Mr. Giles had tried to come between Oz and Willow. He had sat with his friend as he worried that he’d never see his girlfriend again.

“About Buffy, man…be careful…alright?”

William sighed. He had known this was coming. Again, he bloody well got why Oz was concerned, and he appreciated it, but Buffy…there was just something about her. The girl was bloody amazing. “I’m sure ole Ripper won’t be a problem,” He laughed as Oz winced at the nickname William had picked out for his father’s employer so long ago.

“It’s not just Mr. Giles, Will. Buffy’s not from here. She’s an American and will most likely be returning to America once the summer’s over. You probably won’t see her again. Can you seriously tell me you’d be able to let her go? I know you, man. Once you fall in love…it’s like intense.”

“Listen mate, I appreciate your concern. Really, I do. Look, I know that deciding to pursue this girl may not be the right decision…but, I don’t know…bullocks, there’s just something about her. I want to get to know her and perhaps make her visit here more memorable somehow. If it makes you feel better, I promise to take things slow. I won’t go all poems, candy and flowers.”

Oz just sighed and shook his head. Somehow, he knew that any further argument was useless. William was determined to start something with Buffy Summers. He just hoped that his friend won’t end up regretting it.

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