[Reviews - 837] LikedPrinter
Summary: NEW SUMMARY - When Buffy’s mother dies suddenly, she withdraws from her friends and family, and runs away from home. Venturing the streets of L.A. by herself, she is abducted by a gang when she accidentally interferes in their business. Buffy finds herself in the middle of a cruel life, where violence and rape aren’t given a second thought. Can Spike save her from this life…or can she save him? A story about rape, whether redemption is even possible, and whether love can triumph from it.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: No
Word count: 74026 Read: 51496
Published: 04/04/2005 Updated: 10/10/2006

1. Losing Innocence by pj [Reviews - 26] Liked (1941 words)
Dark Fiction, with rape warnings in certain chapters.

2. A Harsh Reality by pj [Reviews - 16] (2478 words)

3. And the Winner Is... by pj [Reviews - 21] (3453 words)

4. Never Defeated by pj [Reviews - 23] (3927 words)

5. Saving Face by pj [Reviews - 20] (4120 words)
I thank the people who are sticking around/waiting impatiently or patiently for my updates – sorry for the long waits! Ashlee gets credit for Spike’s line denoted by *

Breakdown so far: Spike’s side = Illyria, Wesley, Darla, Lorne, Gunn, Harmony, Faith, Cordelia, and Buffy. Angel’s side = Drusilla, Lindsay, Riley, Connor, Lilah, Eve, Doyle. (10-8 after Angelus’ current loss)

6. The Dark Light at the End of the Tunnel by pj [Reviews - 20] (3062 words)
A/N: Dark Fiction Warning: In case anyone missed the hints – Spike is definitely going to be continuing the sexual relationship with Buffy. It will be non-consensual…for now. If it helps, this chapter is R (implied).

7. Playing with Fire by pj [Reviews - 22] (3629 words)
Thank you for your reviews! Took me longer to reply this time, but I did to all of them :)

8. Cruel Fate by pj [Reviews - 29] (3336 words)
WARNING: There is a non-Spuffy gang rape in this chapter- if you don't think you can handle it (because it IS disturbing), DON'T read- this is your only warning, so please don't flame me if you choose to read this.

9. The Gray Parts In Between by pj [Reviews - 40] Liked (3798 words)
For those who don’t know, I’m out of the country – hence, my incredibly slow updates. I actually write a lot, but it seems to be sub-par and I delete a lot of it. It’s also hard for me to get to internet access, so bear with me. Hope this chapter doesn’t disappoint. And thanks for all the support - incredibly flattered that a few of you have checked for updates so much that the last chapter has more hits than the first - lmao.

10. The Edge by pj [Reviews - 34] Liked (1994 words)
A/N: Your support has been amazing – thank you! I’m sorry for the long hiatus! And well…ok, there’s no “gift” in this chapter like I promised last A/N. I know, I lied, but I changed the sequence of things, so it’ll come later. Dark fiction warning – rape scene. Again, there’s no “present” – this chapter is mean and dark, be warned and no flames, period. :)

11. The Tides Have Changed by pj [Reviews - 28] Liked (3898 words)
The reviews for the last chapter were really wonderful and supportive – thank you! I got to responding to all the other reviews from the summer too :) I added in a few new settings into the gang quarters, sorry it seems like it’s out of nowhere. And because you guys are so awesome, I decided to go ahead and not split the chapter up, even though there’s a natural break in it. Hopefully, the more the merrier.

12. Revenge by pj [Reviews - 35] Liked (3729 words)
A/N: I go between flashbacks and current time, usually with a whole paragraph in italics or a * denoting the beginning and end of a whole flashback segment. My only advice is to not skim to lessen any confusion. Thanks for all the reviews last chapter! I don’t know if I can keep up this writing pace during midterms, but hopefully I’ll continue to write like I did this week :)

13. Regaining Control by pj [Reviews - 29] Liked (4556 words)
A/N: Your reviews are really feeding my muse this week – thank you! For this specific chapter, it’s a whirlwind of Spike and Buffy flashbacks, scattered all over. It’ll be confusing to some people – interesting to the others, but this is the way I liked it, so I’m sorry if it’s hard to follow. You can always ask me to clarify after :)

14. VAMPS by pj [Reviews - 66] Liked (4918 words)

15. Something to Prove by pj [Reviews - 47] Liked (2248 words)
Wow! Thanks so much for the wonderful reviews :D – they were great to read during dreadful finals. And I hope everyone is having a great holiday season! This chapter is a bit short, but I hope to have more soon…

16. Hot and Cold by pj [Reviews - 58] Liked (4563 words)

17. Comfort by pj [Reviews - 62] Liked (5393 words)
Sorry for the long delay! I feel really bad that you guys have been so amazing and it takes me so long, but I am trying *meek smile.* The reviews have just been fantastic – thank you!

If you would like to be added to an email notification list for updates to this fic, then email me with the subject heading “PotDS update list” at spuffyangst@yahoo.com and add that email so it doesn’t go to your spam folder.

ETA: I forgot to answer reviews, but I'll be all caught up by next time!

18. Everything to Lose by pj [Reviews - 58] Liked (4610 words)
I’m back :) Thanks for putting up with my incredibly long in-betweens! I’ve been swamped with school and moving, which hopefully will die down at the end of the month when I get my spring break. All your reviews are wonderful - thank you!

19. Suspicion by pj [Reviews - 70] Liked (3123 words)
Chapter revised, especially the ending. I realized I had Spike way too pansy-whipped for this part of the story (that’s for later heh). Also, if anyone is reading this while waiting for chapter 20, it's coming - slowly but surely. Thanks for waiting!

20. As the Sun Sets by pj [Reviews - 133] Liked (5250 words)
Chapter 19 was revised a bit, mostly at the end so go back and read if you haven’t :) Sooo sorry for the hiatus, but I’m not as spry as I used to be, sadly. Literally 11 drafts later, I’ve come up with this update, so I hope I don’t get ‘you suck’ flames. Lastly, end scene contains some lines from the alley scene in Dead Things. Feedback is yearned for :)