Author's Chapter Notes:
My thoughts and prayers to anyone at all affected by Hurricane Katrina...hope you and all your family are well and accounted for....

I was iffy about posting this on time because I'm a little bit behind in my writing, but since I'm going out of town for the long weekend, I decided to just post it anyway....*hoping I can write some finally this weekend--since I have to write 40-50 pages by Tueday*

To everyone interested or not, I do not at all support the "borrowing" or other people's story lines...especially with no knowledge on their part.
Chapter 18: Night Out

“Mommy! William’s here,” Sam yelled as she heard a call pull up in the driveway.

“Now, honey, how do you know it’s William? You can’t even see the driveway from here.”

“Because it sounds like his car,” Sam explained as if it should have been entirely obvious to her mother.

“Okay,” Buffy said with a smile. “Now remember sweetie, Buffy said as she finished checking her makeup in the mirror, you have to listen to grandma and be a good girl, okay?”

“Okay,” Sam said distractedly.

“You promise?” Buffy asked holding up her hand.

“I promise,” Sam said, locking pinky with her mother, before tearing off towards the door when she heard the doorbell ring.

“Why don’t you get the door, Sam?” Buffy muttered with a grin.


“Hi, William,” Buffy heard her daughter say a moment later.

“Hey, pixie, your mum ready?”

“Uh huh, but grandma’s not here yet.”

“Oh” William said.

“Yeah,” Buffy supplied, as she came up behind the pair, “She should be here in a few minutes though.”

“No problem. I’m not in a hurry.”

‘Cause of course he wouldn’t want to spend the night with me…wants to delay it as long as possible, probably hopes that mom will never show and that we don’t have to go at all,’ Buffy thought miserably.

“We don’t have to go, if you don’t want to…” Buffy assured him, still feeling hurt.

When he looked at her and saw how serious she was, William realized that his attitude was making her think something other than what he was intending. “Can I talk to you in private, luv?”

“Yeah, sure,” Buffy replied, having no idea what he wanted to talk to her about and automatically assuming the worst.


He waited until they were alone and the door closed before he turned to her, a serious expression on his face.

“Buffy, you think I don’t want to do this don’t you?”

“Well, yeah, you’re all with your ‘I’m in no hurry’ and ‘let’s just do it to appease Angel,’” she mocked in a bad imitation of his accent.

”That’s just me being a prat. The thing is Buffy, yeah I want to do this….But the other side of it is, you’re a married woman and I’m dangerously close to forgetting that. I like you alright…and I have fun spending time with you and so far I’ve kept it at a safe level, but if I start going out with you every Friday night and don’t remind myself that it’s because you’re husband suggested it.

I’ve tried to be a good man Buffy, there have been times that I wasn’t, but I’m trying to be now…And having more fun than is appropriate with a married woman, doesn’t go with that. So, yeah, I’ve been acting like a prat, but it’s only so that I can avoid doing something I shouldn’t.”

“Oh, okay, Buffy said, blushing at what he’d implied. “I just didn’t want to make you go tonight if you didn’t want to.”

“It’ll be fun, luv. Why don’t we go sit with Sam, ‘til your mum gets here?”

“That sounds like a good idea.”


Joyce arrived around ten minutes later, apologizing profusely for being late, “I’m so sorry Buffy, I had this painting that I’ve been working on for weeks now and I just haven’t been able to figure out what to do to finish it and then just as I was leaving to come here, it hit me! I didn’t think that it would make me this late, I’m so sorry!” It was when she finished that she noticed William for the first time, “Oh, hello!”

‘Oh, great,’ Buffy thought, noticing the smile her mother was giving William and how she’d shifter just slightly closer to him, ‘Now my mother’s going to like him….as if Sam and I weren’t liking him weren’t enough…what is it about him, anyway?’ Except, at least subconsciously, Buffy knew the answer to that question.

“Mom, this is William,” Buffy said, when she saw her mother still staring.

“Hello, Mrs. Summers,” William said.

”Oh, please, call me Joyce…’Mrs. Summers’ makes me feel old.”

“Nice to meet you Joyce,” William was amused by the woman’s flirting, not that he didn’t find it flattering mind you—he just happened to be in love with her daughter.

“William and I really do need to get going mom,” Buffy knew that if she didn’t put a stop to it, her mother would make them much, much later.

“Oh…..Where’s Angel, dear?”

“He’s working late tonight,” Buffy explained.

‘Yeah ‘working’ late,’ William thought, ‘Sure.’

“So, you and, uh, William are going out?” Joyce asked, “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“Mother,” Buffy hissed, “May I talk to you for a minute….in private.”

“Of course, dear. It was nice meeting you, William,” Joyce said, laying a hand on his arm and making sure he saw her smile, before following Buffy into the other room.

“You’re flirting with him, mother!” Buffy exclaimed once they’d made it to the kitchen.

“Yes, I am,” Joyce replied. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be?”

‘Yeah, Buffy is there a reason she shouldn’t be?’ Buffy thought, ‘Come on, Buff, come up with something….anything. Thinking….thinking.’

”Because,” ‘because if I can’t you can’t’ “Well, because….because he’s too young for you,” ‘Yeah, that’s it!’

“Buffy, I’m only twenty years older than you and William’s a few years older than you….so there’s not really that much of an age difference.”

“Okay,” Buffy said, trying to come up with another reason for why she found the idea of her mother and William so abhorrent. “Well, it’d be weird for Sam too. How am I supposed to explain that her grandmother is dating her teacher….hmm? How am I supposed to do that?”

“I never said I was going to date him, it was just a bit of harmless flirting. He’s a good looking man and sometimes I like to be reminded that I’m not an old woman.”

“Sorry,” Buffy said.

“It’s alright Buffy, But I think you need to think about something…why were you so upset about it?”

Not giving her daughter a chance to answer, Joyce went back to Sam and William.

“It was nice meeting you William, you and Buffy have fun, okay?”

“We’ll try,” William said, a bit worried about the zoned out expression on Buffy’s face—she didn’t look like she was paying attention to what was going on around her. “Come on, luv, we should get going.”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” Buffy said distractedly. “Have fun Sam and listen to Grandma.”

But Joyce and Sam were already headed to the family room and didn’t hear her parting words.

‘Alright, mate, you’re going to keep this all safe…no breaking the rules and no pushing the girl. Safe.’ William repeated in his head as he drove them to The Bronze.


TBC…………………………Pretty please review? I'm having a bit of writer's block at the mo so I'm going to beg for reviews again? they really do help me write, even if it's only making me feel like too many people would be disappointed if I didn't update....

Thank you to everyone who reviewed the last chapter (I just love getting all these reviews) Nikki, Kazzy, Caitie, fibble, spufette, lovesbitca37, Cordykitten, Brat, DK, Irishwoman39, Allison, and Carri

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