Chapter 7

Spike walked to the parking lot later that day and he was walking to his car when he noticed Buffy standing in front of a car with an older man trying to grab her. He headed in their direction. “I can walk home; it’s really not that far. You didn’t have to come get me.” She said.

“I told you I decided to pick you up today, now stop being such an ungrateful bitch and get in the car.” He said as he grabbed her arm again.

“Is there a problem here?” Spike asked as he walked over to them. Buffy looked at him with a scared expression on her face and the man seemed angry that he was interrupted.

“There’s no problem. I’m just picking up my daughter.” He said as he turned his gaze back on Buffy. “Get in the car and let’s go.” He stated as he opened the door and pushed her inside. He then closed the door and went to his side. Buffy looked away from Spike as he started the car and drove away. He just stood there for a while thinking that something didn’t seem right about that. He hoped that it was just his imagination as he got to his car and drove off to pick up his daughter.

* * * * *

Spike walked into school the next day. He noticed the familiar red head at her locker and walked over to her. “Excuse me, Ms. Rosenberg? Can I talk to you in my classroom for a second?” Willow looked at her teacher and nodded wondering what she did as she followed him into the room. He closed the door once they were inside.

“Is this about my paper?” Spike shook his head.

“No, you’re friends with Buffy right?” Willow wasn’t expecting that as she nodded. “I was wondering if you know of anything that could be bothering her?” Willow wasn’t sure what she should tell him.

“I’m not sure, she seems fine to me. Why do you ask?” Spike rubbed his tired eyes.

“I don’t know. She seems fine most of the time, but yesterday I saw her in the parking lot with her father and something about it didn’t seem right to me.” Willow then grew nervous.

“What exactly did you see?” She asked him suddenly curious.

“He was harsh and rough with her as he forced her into the car. She didn’t seem like she wanted to go.” Willow nodded.

“I know what he’s like. I’ve met the guy before and saying that he’s pretty scary would be an understatement. He doesn’t even hide that when someone is over her house. She hasn’t told me anything is wrong though, but it doesn’t mean I don’t think that.” Spike nodded after taking in the information.

“Have you noticed anything else?” Willow didn’t think Buffy would like it if she told the teacher what she thought, but she had to say something.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed a lot of bruises on her. She had a bruise on her cheek the other day and she said that she fell, but I don’t really believe that.” Spike crossed his arms over his chest.

“I noticed that, too. I didn’t think it was my place to say anything. So, you think that her father has been hitting her?” Willow shrugged.

“I don’t know anything for sure, but I wouldn’t rule that one out. Buffy has always been afraid of him for as long as I can remember. She hasn’t had the greatest life. I should get to class now.” Willow said as she wanted to end the conversation. Spike just nodded and let her go and thought about what she said. He didn’t want to believe it, but somehow he knew that what she said was true.

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