Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank you for the support for this fiction. I've loved writing it, literally!

Chapter 21: ‘Be My Baby’

Summary: The title pretty much sums it up!

Spike alternated between sitting in the hospital room, with his Buffy and stepping outside, on the hospital patio. Whenever his need for a smoke overwhelmed him, he took a hurried break outside and then rushed back into the little two-bed room of Buffy’s. By some miracle, Buffy was the only occupant, present, at this point, in the room.

‘Thank God,’ Spike kept telling himself about ‘that’ situation. ‘I can’t let everybody in God’s green creation see me fall apart, emotionally.’

“Mr. Giles?” came Dr. Doyle’s soft voice from the room’s doorway. “Can we speak, outside of here, now?”

Buffy was sleeping, soundly, in her little bed, though God only knew how she could be. So Spike decided to follow Dr. Doyle outside, into the hallway.

It was now Thursday morning, Spike having been doing ‘watch’ over his wife and unborn child all night long. He was thoroughly exhausted himself, just from the emotional stress and physical lack of sleep. How his Princess Buffy was managing all this was beyond him as she had to be in horrible pain.

“Mr. Giles, I’ve called in an old acquaintance of mine, a Dr. Ethan Rayne. He’s a Brit, like yourself, and very experienced in these kind’s of deliveries, such as your wife’s case.”

Spike glanced at an older, wiser looking doctor, who stood close by the two men. He noticed that the older doctor was watching him, carefully.

“Dr. Rayne, this is the young man I was telling you about. His wife is the patient I need you to take over for me on. This is William Giles. Mr. Giles, Dr. Rayne.”

Rayne reached and clasped Spike’s left hand in his own left hand, shaking it, firmly.

“Dr. Doyle tells me that your baby is being a little stubborn, trying to give Mum and Dad a bit of a shake up. Even before he or she gets out here, eh?” Dr. Rayne murmered matter of factly, but with a warm, almost comforting smile on his mouth.

Spike flinched, a bit, a little taken aback by this old geezer’s cavalier attitude about his Buffy and their child.

“I just…” Spike began, tersely, biting his tongue to keep from smart assing back at this pompous arse and…

“Now don’t be all up in it, there, son,” Rayne chuckled softly, “I know this situation is frightening for you and your Buffy. However,” he continued gently, “I promise you that I’m going to do everything possible to bring your child into this world. The right way and safely. Do you trust me?”

“I…” Spike stammered again, his voice cracked from strain, fear and fatigue. Something in the older doctor brought out a sudden sense of relief in Spike. Dr. Rayne reminded him of his own Dad, Rupert Giles, and a strong sense of longing overwhelmed Spike.

“I trust you,” the nervous young father to be replied, almost in a mumble. Spike couldn’t help himself, even though he felt like dying of shame. He finally broke down and began to cry, again, in front of both of the doctors.

“There, there, son,” Dr. Rayne patted Spike’s arm, comfortingly. “It’s okay to cry, really. You’re exhausted, upset and at your wits’ end, we old doctors know that. I promise you I’m going to help your Buffy deliver her baby, safely and soundly. Then when you hold the little rascal for the first time? Those tears you cry will be because of joy, not fear and sorrow.”

“I’ve delivered babies for over twenty some years, now William,” Rayne continued in his soothing voice. “Let’s step outside here, onto the patio, son. I’m afraid I haven’t quit smoking yet and I would like a break before we go take a look see at your Buffy and that little rascal that’s playing hide and seek. Shall we?”

Spike followed the two doctors out onto the patio, pulling out another cigarette for himself and one for Dr. Rayne.

“Nasty habit,” the older doctor sighed, “but my one and only true vice. Except for the drink now and then,” he chuckled lowly.

“It’s a funny thing about human babies, William. I hope it’s all right, if I call you William?” Dr. Rayne asked with a raised brow.

Nodding quickly, Spike just took another drag off of his cigarette and continued to listen to Rayne’s soothing voice.

“Good. As I was saying,” the older man nodded, taking a drag from his own smoke. “Human babies are incredibly tenacious. I spose they have to be, eh? When I was a lot younger then now, I was a doctor in the British Army. During the War,” Rayne scrunched up his brows, deep in memory of that awful time.

“I delivered a lot of babies during that time, William,” the man smiled warmly. “Some of them, I delivered while bombs dropped on the streets and houses about me, during death and destruction all around. And you know what?”

Spike shook his head, nervously, silently.

“I brought every one of those little miracles, into this world, safely. Believe it or not, William. No matter how much upheaval, or pain and destruction was going on about us. The mother, the child,or in a few cases, the children, and me? Everyone of those blessed new lives entered this world and felt my hand pat their little bums and initiate their first breaths of life.”

“Thank you,” Spike whispered in a shaky voice to match his shaking body. “For coming here, to help my Buffy and our child.”

“I want you to stay out here, William,” Rayne nodded at Spike and pointed at the other present doctor. “Dr. Doyle and I will go check on your wife and you stay here and have another cigarette. Although you should really think about giving the bloody things up. They’re unhealthy, you know.”

Spike waited, impatiently, but waited as he was instructed to do by Doctor Rayne. He must have smoked five cigarettes, continuously, as he paced back and forth on the open aired patio.

Finally, Dr. Rayne and Dr. Doyle returned to find the young man, sitting on the flowerbed wall, his head in his hands.

“William,” Dr. Rayne began, in a gentle voice, “I’m going to move things along now. With your wife and baby that is.”

“How? What about…” Spike stammered as he leapt up from the little brick wall. “What about the baby, being the wrong way and all…”

“I am going to have your wife, lovely girl by the way, moved into the delivery room. Dr. Doyle and I are going to encourage nature to take it’s course, but before the baby enters the actual birth canal? I’m going to try and turn the baby to face the proper way and be born, naturally,” Rayne finished the sentence with a hopeful, reassuring tone.

“I see,” Spike murmered softly, his stomach was now up in his throat and his heart had began racing like a car. He felt like he was going to pass out, scream or throw up. Or all three, not necessarily in that order.

“Will, will my Buffy be okay?” Spike whispered in a raspy voice. “I love her, so bloody much and…” he began to sob, quietly.

“She will,” Dr. Rayne replied softly. “I promised you, William and I always keep my promises,” he added gently.

Spike sat in the little waiting room, nervously shaking his left leg that was crossed over his right one. He had stopped by the chapel, once again, to get in even better with the old man upstairs. Now he could only wait, a long, horrible, tormenting wait that was wearing on his frayed nerves even more then before.

‘Oh God,’ Spike sighed deeply, silently, ‘please, please let the Doc be right. Help him to help my Buffy, our baby. And on that note, God?’ The young man grimmaced briefly, ‘help me to be able to handle Hurracaines Summers and Giles when they blow into Houston.’

Spike couldn’t delude himself. No matter how things turned out, with Buffy, their child? Hank Summers would blow into this Hospital and make his presence known, that was for bloody sure. Mr. Summers would do everything in his power, financially and fatherly, to persuade Buffy to give up this baby, leave himself, Spike, and run back to Sunnydale. That was a given, Spike had no doubts.

‘I had to call them,’ Spike kept assuring himself. ‘Had to let them know that my Buffy is in danger. Terrible, awful danger. If Hank Summers even tries to talk to my Buffy alone, or convince her to ditch me and give up our baby? I’ll fucking snap the bastard’s neck in two and…’ he began to cry, softly again.

‘Jesus, pull yourself together you ponce,’ Spike ordered himself, angrily. ‘You’re the bloody man here. Deal with this and be there for Buffy and the baby. No matter what,’ he added, fearfully.

Dr. Doyle took that moment to rush into the waiting room and up to Spike.

“Dr. how’s the baby? Buffy?” Spike bolted from the chair and asked the young doctor, anxiously.

“He did it!” Dr. Doyle crowed, gleefully. “Dr. Rayne coaxed your baby to flip itself over and get in the right position! Everything’s going to be fine now William!” Doyle shouted, excitedly, ignoring the odd stares from the rest of the hospital staff, and visitors.

“Oh bloody fucking thank Jesus, Mary and God!” Spike nearly screamed in triumph. The blond teen threw his arms around Dr. Doyle and hugged the young medical man, tightly.

“Thank you,” Spike murmered in a shaky, voice, “God, thank you and Dr. Rayne, so much, man. I…” he couldn’t continue, just broke down and let the pent up tears run freely down his cheeks.

“I”ve got to get back,” Doyle grinned, “everything should be fine now, William.” The young doctor sighed in relief. “Buffy’s doing fine and the baby is better then ever. Heart rate’s normal, now, both of theirs’ and it should be any time. For the baby to make it’s appearance, that is. I’m going back, to assist Dr. Rayne now.”

Spike watched his new best friend saunter back into the delivery room. He was impatient, more then before, for the baby to come and for Buffy and him to hold the new life they had created.

“It’s gonna’ be fine,” Spike whispered into the empty waiting room. “We’re gonna’ be fine,” he added with his own sigh of relief.

“Thanks, man.” Spike looked up at the ceiling of the waiting room and nodded at that unseen, omnipresent ‘Power That Be’ that he’d come to re-familiarize himself with. Just recently, that is.

It seemed like hours, but perhaps, it was only minutes before Dr. Doyle returned to the little waiting room and one William Giles.

“William,” Dr. Doyle called, softly, to the deep in thought teenager.

Spike stood up, took a deep breath and began to ask the good doctor what the status on his wife and child was.

“There’s two very beautiful girls, in that room right there, William,” Dr. Doyle cut off his paitent’s young husband, abruptly.

“Two very lovely girls, wanting to see you,” the young doctor repeated, grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh, God!” Spike cried, joyfully as he swept past Dr. Doyle and sprinted into the delivery room.

There, he found his wife, his beautiful, beloved Buffy, lying in a damp, sterile white-sheeted bed. Buffy held a little, squirming bundle in her dear, long slim arms.

Spike suddenly felt very weak, very tired and very unimportant, in the grand scheme of things, that is. He mustered up enough strength and courage to ask a simple question, though.

“Is that?” Spike whispered, all wide-eyed and in awe of his wife and new born child.

“It is,” Buffy giggled, wearily. “This is our little girl, William Giles,” she sighed, gazing down at the pink swaddled bundle in her arms, lovingly.

“Ours. Little girl,” Spike whispered, still in stunned awe at the picture before him.

Buffy looked like the Madonna herself, all serene and motherly, snuggling their daughter up to her flushed body. Except, this was a girl child and everybody was human and…

‘Oh for God’s sake, idiot!’ Spike derided himself. ‘Go over and climb into bed with your wife and introduce yourself to your daughter!’

He did just that, Spike did. Hurried over to the tiny bed and clamored up onto it. Careful not to squish mother or daughter in the meantime.

Buffy snuggled close to her William, careful not to squish the tiny, wonderful little miracle between them. The baby began to squirm and grumble, loudly, in protest of her newborn hunger.

“Time to feed little Miss here,” Buffy giggled, pulling her hospital gown aside and offering her daughter a good ‘first’ meal.

“Hungry little chit, huh?” Spike chuckled as he watched the miracle of his wife feeding their daughter with her own life’s milk.

“She’s been through a lot, Will,” Buffy sighed, laying her head back onto he pillow.

“I love you,” Spike blurted out, suddenly, trying not to let his young wife see the mixed tears of joy and relief fall from his eyes.”

“Well, I kind of like you too,” Buffy giggled, still a bit dazed by all this delivery stuff. She felt almost ‘tipsy’ from alcohol, she was so tired and…

“You’ve been through so bloody much, baby,” Spike whispered, nuzzling Buffy’s neck with his warm mouth. “Too much. This is it for us, baby,” he added, firmly. “No more babies and such. I’m going to…”

“You’ll do no such thing, William Giles!” Buffy gasped, all indignant and all. “I want another two or three of these little darlings, at least!” she stated, just as firmly.

“But it was so hard on you and…” he began, all practical like and still shaking from the ‘scare’ that they’d gotten over the delivery.

“It’ll be easier, next time,” Buffy nodded, serenly. “Next time, we’ll be more ready. Promise,” she finished with a self-satisfied sigh.

“Well, okay,” Spike grumbled, but smiled as he did. “Next time we’ll be more then ready. Agreed.” He nodded, very self-satisfied by this time, also. Especially seeing how wonderfully beautiful and sedate his wife and daughter were, at this moment.

“I’d like to name her Jennifer Joyce Giles, Will,” Buffy murmered with a tired yawn. “For your mother and my stepmom. Is that okay?”

“More then okay, Princess,” Spike whispered warmly, giving his wife’s sweet mouth a little ‘goodnight’ kiss. “It’s perfect,” he added, with a yawn of his own. “You get some sleep now, baby,” he ordered, tenderly. “You deserve it, God knows,” he finished by pulling both Buffy and their daughter closer to his body.

“Okay,Will,” Buffy mumbled, sleepily, snuggling her daughter closer to her breast. “See,” the young mother smiled, softly, “see how she’s looking at us? Like we’re the oddest things she’s ever seen?”

Spike eyed his newborn daughter’s blue eyes and yes, she was looking at both of them as if they were aliens from Mars or something. Little Jennifer had the most inquisitive expression in her cobalt blue eyes. Her little fair eyebrows shot up, as if to ask ‘who the bloody heck are you two?’

“Oh, Will,” Buffy murmered, just before she slipped off to sleep. She was content in knowing that her husband would watch over both their daughter and her.

“Yes, my love,” Spike murmered, still nuzzling Buffy’s neck, while he patted his daughters little back, gently.

“Happy Birthday, baby,” Buffy whispered, affectionately, as she drifted off into a much deserved rest.

‘Be My Baby’ (by the Ronettes)

‘The night we met I new I needed you so
and if I had the chance I’d never let you go.
So won’t you say you love me,
I’ll make you so proud of me,
We’ll make them turn their heads, every place we go.

So, won’t you please, Be My Be My Baby
Be my little baby, My One and Only Baby
Say you’ll be my darlin’, Be My Baby, baby…

I’ll make you happy, baby, just wait and see.
For every kiss you give me, I’ll give you three.
Oh, since the day I saw you,
I have been waiting for you.
You know I will adore you ‘til eternity.

So, won’t you please, Be My Be My Baby…
Be my little baby, My One and Only Baby
Say you’ll be my darlin’, Be My Be My Baby
Be my baby now…..My One and Only Baby

A/N: I just had to write and submit this chapter before the families got there, to cause some more upheaval in our Spuffy universe.

If this was corny? Well, isn’t a lot of life, really? Especially the happy, good times we remember. Yeah! Anyway, what Dr. Rayne told Spike, about the babies and how tenacious they are? My OB/GYN told me that, years ago, when I was pregs with my first daughter, Tara. Pretty much what he said and all.

Thank you, to everyone reading this and please review. Luv, Spuf

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