Chapter 3: ‘When I Fall In Love’

A/N: Because I simply cannot take any angst for a while, in fiction or in real life, I’m going to write and submit this chapter. It is the end of B/A and the start of Spuffy. Believe me, I need this as much as anyone!

They were slow dancing, Spike and Buffy were, to one of the greatest love songs in the world, to date that is. It was nearly over, the song, and Spike was fighting the temptation to just say ‘fuck it all’ and kiss Buffy. Some kind of kiss, anyway, even a chaste one?

Buffy was in a dream world where everything was okay, safe and warm. She was loved in this dream world, truly loved, by Spike Giles, at least. Too bad it was just kind of a ‘dream’ when ‘I Only Have Eyes For You’ ended and another slow song began to play.

“I believe this is ‘our’ song, and ‘our’ dance, Buff,” Angel broke into the magic moment between Spike and Buffy.

“Trying to move in on my girl, Spike?” Angel chuckled, tensely.

Both Spike and Buffy heard the barely disguised jealousy and anger in Angel’s tone. Buffy pulled away from Spike, abruptly and allowed Angel to take her by the hand. As Angel led her over to the corner of the makeshift dance floor, Buffy glanced, longingly, at Spike.

The blond teen stood where Buffy had left him, in the middle of a throng of dancing couples. Spike gazed at Buffy with sad, eyes, his stance was one of defeat.

“This is our song, right babe?” Angel whispered in Buffy’s ear as he pulled her into his strong embrace.

The dark, tall teen male held onto Buffy, possessively and began to sway to the strains of ‘Angel Baby’ that echoed through the living room.

(Words to Angel Baby will be in apostrophes)

‘Angel Baby’

‘It’s just like Heaven,
Being with you,
You’re like an Angel
Too good to be true…’

“You know, Buff,” Angel grumbled roughly, “you’ve spent more time with my loser cousin tonight then with me. It kind of looks bad, honey. Spike’s a lost cause and…”

“Why do you treat your cousin, Spike, like a dog, Angel?” Buffy hissed lowly, making sure other people couldn’t hear them.

“I don’t,” Angel glared at Buffy defensively, then changed his expression to a pout. “It’s just that you don’t really know my cousin, Spike. For instance,” Angel continued with a smug smile, “do you even know the real reason his family, Uncle Rupert and Aunt Jenny had to move here, from England?”

‘But after all,
I love you,
I do
Angel Baby,
My Angel Baby.’

Buffy shook her head, a little worried at what Angel might tell her. Frankly, she was already getting a little sick of this particular song.

“Old Spike got himself into some real trouble, at home, in London. Dad says that Spike almost ruined the family name, started running with a bad crowd. Even though he was only fifteen at the time? I guess he got into trouble with the law over there. Uncle Rupert dragged my Dad’s sister, Aunt Jenny over here to straighten Spike out. Get him away from ‘that’ bad element over in London.”

Angel snorted in disgust at the thought of Spike. Her ‘Angel’s’ snobby tone and ugly expression made Buffy ill to her tummy. Gave her an instant headache.

“He was only what? Fifteen at the time,” Buffy asked with wide-eyed innocence. “How much trouble could it have been?” She knew, deep down, that she was naïve, but the smug tone of Angel? His sense of disgust when talking about Spike? It was beginning to tick Buffy off, a lot.

“Oh get off it, Buffy,” Angel growled in frustration, ignoring the odd looks of the couples nearest them. “Spike’s the ‘black sheep’ of our whole family and why Aunt Jenny puts up with the lot of them? I’ve no idea. My Aunt certainly wasn’t raised to cow tow to a simple librarian, like Rupert, or their no good son.”

“Maybe because your Aunt Jenny loves her son and husband, unconditionally, Angel? Kind of a novel idea, huh?” Buffy quipped, sarcastically at her so called boyfriend. “Besides,” Buffy frowned at her guy, “Rupert and Jennifer Giles are one of the most respected couples in Sunnydale. They’re good people, you out of anyone should realize that.”

‘When you are near me,
My heart skips a beat,
I can hardly stand on,
My own two feet,
Because I love you,
I love you,
I doooo…
Angel Baby.’

“Buffy I’m beginning to get a real weird feeling here, and I don’t like it, one bit,” Angel scowled down at the little blond in his arms. “You’re defending people that really are not worthy of you, or your time.” Buffy noticed that Angel had that superior expression on his somewhat handsome face.

“You show up, here at ‘my’ party, with Xander Harris and…” Buffy cut Angel off at the pass…

“Xander ‘is’ my cousin, you remember that, right Angel?” Buffy hissed a little too loudly. “I suppose ‘he’s’not good enough for me to hang out with either?”

“Well,” Angel stammered, “now that you mention it? No. He’s not good enough to be seen with you, family or not. I know for a fact your own father disrespects Harris’s family and makes no secret of it. Just because a once classy girl like Anya Jenkins was taken in by Xander and his stupid sense of humor, that’s no reason why you should lower yourself to their level.”

Buffy stopped swaying to the music, stopped giving any pretense at all that she was content with this dance, this song or this ‘man’ that held her.

“You really ‘are’ an incredible snob Angel Crawford,” Buffy spat as she pulled away from her boyfriend. “I shouldn’t be surprised,” she continued, her green eyes filled with indignation, “you always have been a pompous ass, haven’t you?”

With a flip of her long, golden hair, Buffy turned and stormed off the dance floor and as far away from her ‘Angel’ as possible.

“Buffy,” Angel called out to Buffy over the last strains of ‘their’ song:

‘Because I love you,
I love you,
I dooo…
Angel Baby,
My Angel Baby,
A……ngel Baby’

Buffy Summers made it to the second floor bathroom of the Crawford house in record time. She had to get away from Angel, everyone, at the moment and calm down.

Unfortunately, when she got to the ladies room, Buffy found a line of three females in front of her,waiting at the closed door.

“Hey, Buffy,” Cordelia Chase purred from the front of the little line. “What’s going on?”

Buffy gave Cordelia a ‘safe’ smile and just shrugged at the taller, dark haired girl and fellow cheerleader. For some reason, Buffy had never felt particularly close to Cordelia Chase, even though the the rich, sophisticated brunette teenager had tried to be a friend to her. Or so it would seem.

“Nothing,” Buffy smiled, weakly and focused on her pink toe nails as she nervously waited to get into the rather lush bathroom. If nothing else, Buffy could rinse her face and ‘think’ for a bit.

Cordelia left the front of the line and joined Buffy at the end of it. “I don’t know who’s in there,” Cordy chuckled, “but I’ll bet it’s a girl and guy,” the dark haired girl winked at Buffy, wickedly.

“Maybe,” Buffy mumbled softly, hoping against hope that the ‘couple’ would come out soon and allow the others to use the facilities.

“Why so nervous?” Cordelia asked, a secret smile on her pretty mouth.

“Not nervous,” Buffy countered, “okay,” she relented, “not nervous, just a little upset, that’s all.”

“You and Angel have a spat?” Cordy asked with a ‘concerned’ look in her dark eyes.

“Yes,” Buffy blurted out, why she didn’t know. If Buffy confided in anyone, it was Anya or her other best friend, Willow Rosenberg.

“Guys are such idiots,” Cordelia sighed in mock frustration. “All’s they want is ‘one’ thing and if you don’t give it? They move on to the next girl that will…”

“Cordy,” Buffy gasped with a blush. “We shouldn’t be talking like this. It doesn’t sound right and someone might hear.” She glanced, anxiously, at the two, unfamiliar females in front of them.

“It’s true,” Cordy shrugged, indifferently, “of course,” she whispered, “I let Scott go to third base so…”

“Cordy!” Buffy gasped again, “Please!”

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Sandy Wilkens, along with Riley Finn scurried out of the room. Riley looked like the cat that ate the canary, while Sandy was bright red and the top of her dress looked a bit mussed and out of place.

‘Oh, good grief,’ Buffy groaned silently. ‘The least they could have done is be more private. Less obvious.’

“Go on ahead of me,” Cordy motioned to her place in line. “I’m just here to fix my lipstick. You gals need more time in the ladies room then me,” she continued, smugly as she glanced at the two girls in front of them.

“You need to set some ground rules with your guy,” Cordelia returned her attention to Buffy and scrunched her perfectly plucked dark brows together. “Make him tow the line, Buff,” she added quickly.

“What I need,” Buffy interjected, “is to go out to the gazebo and have some alone time, to think.”

“Do it,” Cordelia encouraged Buffy, with a sly smile. “If it’s what works for you, go ahead. I’m sure you won’t be missed,” she added with another smug grin.

“I’m sure,” Buffy sighed sadly. “I have to use the ladies room first, but then? I’m going to the gazebo, to be alone and sort things out.”

“Good girl,” Cordy patted Buffy’s arm. “I’ll see you later,” the brunette called back, over her shoulder as she headed back downstairs.

Buffy finally got into the bathroom and rinsed her face, quickly. She then reapplied her spartan make-up and spread the pink lip gloss on her lips.

‘Better,’ Buffy thought with a big smile as she surveyed herself in the huge, gold gilded mirror. ‘Now,’ she continued her inner thoughts, ‘out to the Gazebo and some alone time. To think.’

When Buffy exited the bathroom, she hurried down the long staircase and headed, immediately, out of the back door of the Crawford house. Destination: Private, hidden, safe, Gazebo.

In her hurry to escape the crowd of the party, Buffy didn’t notice that she was being watched by a certain blond, leather clad teen. Nor did she see him when Spike followed, from a conservative distance, behind her.

Once Buffy got away from the party’s noise, she scurried to the far end of the Crawford back yard, eager to relax in the Gazebo, by herself. However, the closer she got to her destination, the louder the voices were, signalling that the Gazebo was already taken.

“Darn it,” Buffy sighed as she stopped in her tracks and listened, making sure she was right. “Yup,” she groaned in disappointment, “somebody’s already there. Wait a minute,” Buffy stopped and listened, carefully, “that’s Angel’s voice.”

Unable to resist her curiosity, Buffy snuck up to the high hedges that surrounded the hidden Gazebo. She pushed aside some roses and leaves to peak inside of the conclave that held the Gazebo. She was rewarded with seeing her so called boyfriend, Angel and Cordy Chase snuggling together in the Gazebo and doing much, much more then that!

Angel had his arms around Cordelia’s back, his chest pushed up against her semi-bare breasts. When he wasn’t kissing Cordelia’s mouth, he sounded like he was begging the girl to let him touch her bra covered chest.

Buffy stilled her breathing, and her rapidly beating heart and listened in, carefully to the conversation.

“It’s not like I haven’t ‘touched’ those babies before, Cordy,” Angel chuckled, as he brought his big hands around her chest and tried to pull at the white lace bra.

“No,” Cordy, laughed, smugly, “but I’m not sure we should be doing ‘this’ out here. Someone could come along…”

“Nah,” Angel mumbled as he succeeded in unclasping Cordy’s bra and pulling the straps off of her shoulders. “No one comes out here, baby, just the gardener sometimes. He’s not here so…”

“But I am,” Buffy called out, loudly, and hurried around the hedges to step into the Gazebo clearing.

“Buffy!” Angel gasped as he leapt up from the bench and nearly fell forward, over his own feet.

Buffy fought the urge to laugh, for some reason, especially since Angel was not only pale faced, but holding Cordelia’s white lace bra in his big, stupid right hand.

“That would be me,” Buffy said evenly as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You know,” the blond girl actually chuckled slightly, “I think maybe this is one of those times that no one should say too much.”

“Buffy,” Angel whined, a lot less loudly this time, “I didn’t know…”

“Didn’t know what Angel?” Buffy asked, evenly, “that I’d actually come out here and catch you two together? I won’t even ask how long this has been going on, but…” She took a deep, deep breath and continued, “I will say this. I’m going home now, well, as soon as I can call my Dad and have him come get me. In the mean time? Tomorrow, I’ll have Xander, my less then worthy cousin as you called him, bring your football jacket back to you. Along with your class ring and all the rest of the worthless junk you’ve given me for the last two years.”

Cordelia sat, wide-eyed, but with a victorious grin on her pretty mouth and smirked at Buffy from behind Angel’s back. Apparently, the Chase girl thought ‘she’ had somehow won something.

“Don’t look so smug, Cordy,” Buffy chuckled as she shot her own smug glares at the dark haired girl. “I’m sure this break up would have happened sooner or later, with or without you. So don’t get all ‘uppity’ and all with me. Contrary to popular belief? A snobby bitch isn’t attractive what-so-ever, so don’t get too pompous. Then again, maybe that’s ‘your’ best look after all. The two of you can be pompous asses together, it fits you both.”

Buffy turned to walk away, but couldn’t help shouting back one last retort. “Oh, and by-the-way, good luck to the both of you, you certainly deserve each other.”

By the time Buffy had gone twenty feet, away from the disgusting scene at the Gazebo, she ran right into a strong, male body. She had been so pre-occupied, she never saw the body in her pathway.

“Watch where you’re going, you…” Buffy hissed, then looked up to see Spike staring down at her, a concerned look on is face.

“You okay, luv?” Spike asked, tenderly as he brushed a lock of hair behind Buffy’s right ear. Spike looked a bit embarrassed at being caught following Buffy. Which was obvious by this time.

“I’m okay, Spike,” Buffy murmered softly, trying to step past the blond teen male. “I need to go into the house, call my Dad to come get me. The party’s over for me tonight, Spike,” she whispered. “Angel,” Buffy hesitated at her ex’s name, “he hurt me. Not physically,” she added, quickly, when she saw the anger in Spike’s blue eyes.

“Wait,” Spike called to her, “I’ll go get Xander and Anya. It was the three of us, brought you here, we’ll take you home, pet. Okay?”

Buffy stopped in her tracks and waited until Spike caught up with her. She nodded, silently, and did not flinch when Spike took her arm to steer her back inside the Crawford house.

Spike and Buffy found Xander and Anya, with about 30 or so girls and boys, in a ‘Stroll’ line in the living room. The two-sided line of dancers, seperated by gender, were slide dancing to that new song, by the Ronettes.

“Oh, Spike,” Buffy hissed, “don’t bother them,” she motioned to Xander and his girlfriend, Anya. “They’re about to ‘couple’ up and dance down the middle of the lines, body to body. They’re having so much fun,” Buffy whimpered, holding fast to Spike’s strong left arm. “Don’t ruin it for them, please.”

“Let’s wait then,” Spike nodded, wisely, “the song’s almost done. When it’s over? I’ll tell Xander that we need to go. No back talk on this, Buffy,” Spike scowled down at his little companion. “We brought you, we’ll take you home.”

When the song ended, Xander hurried up to Spike and Buffy, a concerned look in his dark eyes. Anya was chatting with Willow and her date, Daniel Osbourne.

“What’s up?” Xander asked, a little anxious when he looked at his cousin’s pensive expression.

“Angel’s been an arse and Buffy wants to go home,” Spike responded simply. “Let’s go,” the blond teen ordered.

“Right,” Xander nodded with understanding. “I’ll go get Anya, be right back.”

“I hate to make you guys leave,” Buffy whined softly, “you’re having such a good time and…”

Xander halted in his steps and turned to look at Buffy, an odd, half-smile on his handsome mouth.

“You know what, Buff?” Xander began with a slight chuckle, “you’re right. Me and Anya? We’re having a great time. So,” the dark haired teen continued with a wink at Spike, “that’s why I’m going to have old Spike here borrow my car, drive you home. What do you say?”

“Oh, Xander,” Buffy stammered, “that’s not necessary. I’ll call Dad and have him come get me. I don’t want any of you to miss out on the fun and…”

“I’m not having fun, luv,” Spike interjected quickly. He tried not to grin too widely at his best friend, over his offer to get Buffy all alone to himself.

“I’ll drop Buffy off, at her Dad’s,” Spike talked to Xander, solely. “Take your car home, to your place and walk home to mine.”

Spike and Xander lived pretty close together so Spike dropping off the car would be no problem.

“No,” Buffy blurted out, quickly, “that wouldn’t be right. I don’t want you to be put out, Spike. Xander?” Buffy pleaded with her cousin.

“It’s fine, Buff,” Xander smiled widely at his little blond cousin. “Anya wants to stay, I’m sure. We’ll get a ride home with Willow and Daniel. No problem, honest.” Xander gave Buffy, his cousin, the look of a Saint and then winked again at Spike.

“Take good care of my cousin and my car,” Xander ordered his best friend, Spike, as he tossed him the keys to his Bel Aire. Spike caught the keys, in his left hand, with ease and grinned at Xander. “No problem,” the blond male teen responded, gleefully.

“We’ll see you guys later,” Xander chuckled again and turned to join his lovely girlfriend in another dance.

“Ready?” Spike asked Buffy with a charming smile.

“I guess,” Buffy whispered as she allowed Spike to take her arm and escort her out of the Crawford house.

It didn’t take long to find Xander’s car and for Spike to escort Buffy into it. After making sure Buffy was safely enscounced in the front seat, Spike got into the driver’s seat and started up the Bel Aire.

The couple drove, for a few miles in silence, then Spike finally broke the quiet.

“What did ‘he’ do?” Spike quietly, his blue eyes on the road ahead of him.

“Nothing that I wouldn’t expect, eventually,” Buffy sighed in response.

Spike stopped at the next red light, looked over at his passenger, then took off, quickly, when the light turned green. Instead of heading right to Buffy’s house, Spike turned off on Main Street and headed towards Willie’s Famous Burgers.

“You didn’t eat enough to keep a bird alive, sweet,” Spike stated, rather then asked. “We’re going to stop, have a bite and then I’ll take you home, okay?”

“Okay,” Buffy whispered in reply. She closed her mouth so tightly, that Spike wandered if she’d open it, ever again.

“Come on,” Spike ordered gently as he grasped Buffy by her slim arm and led her into the soda shop.

“Two burgers, fries and two chocolate malts,” Spike ordered with authority. When the food was ready, the blond male led Buffy out and back to the car.

“We’re going to Sunnydale Public Park to eat this,” Spike stated, again with his take charge tone. “No arguments, Buffy,” he added firmly.

“No arguments,” Buffy repeated softly. She couldn’t have argued, at this point, if she wanted to.

Spike pulled the Bel Aire up to the most secluded section of the park and turned off the ignition key. He took the food out of the bags and handed Buffy her portion of the meal.

“I didn’t eat a thing,” Spike explained to Buffy, “at the party I mean. Too much fancy food for me.”

“Me too,” Buffy giggled softly as she tore into her burger with gusto. “Too fancy, that pretty much describes your cousin and ‘his’ family, huh Spike?” She blushed and took a sip of her malted.

“Fraid so, pet,” Spike chuckled as he mimiced his ‘date’ and sipped his malt with glee. “I love chocolate,” Spike mumbled.

“Me too,” Buffy replied softly.

They ate, and drank in comfortable silence for a few moments, then Spike asked again.

“What did Peaches do?” Spike asked, with a blush. Of course, he had a real good idea of what his stupid oaf of a cousin had done to Buffy, but he needed to hear all of it. Record it, mentally, so that things could be put right between Buffy and himself.

“Peaches?” Buffy gasped, wide-eyed. “You call Angel, Peaches?” she began to laugh, almost hysterically at the thought of this particular nickname.

“Yeah,” Spike mumbled, a little embarrassed again. “For some reason, I’ve called Angel that for years. Can’t say why, just always sounded good for him.”

The couple laughed together, happily, then Buffy grew somber and serious. She sat her malt down, on Xander’s dashboard and nearly shivered in the cool night air. This was a Bel Aire convertible, and even if this was California? Sunnydale was near the ocean, especially Sunnydale Public Park. Even for August? It was a bit damp and cool in the night air.

“Angel and Cordelia,” Buffy sighed, a little sadly, “I caught them together in the Gazebo. They were past smooching, heck, they were past second base and rounding third.”

Spike actually felt himself blush, but more for Buffy having to tell him this, then the embarrassment of the situation.

“Buffy…” Spike began, carefully, “if Angel is such a bloody fool, then it’s not your fault. Cordelia Chase has a reputation, in Sunnydale, I mean. She’s not exactly chaste, you know what I mean?”

“I know,” Buffy nodded, her voice was low and soft. “You guys, you think you’re the only ones that talk or gossip about girls that ‘put out’? Girls are pretty up on that sort of thing, Spike We talk all the time, about who ‘does’ and who ‘doesn’t, you know?” Buffy finished with a bright red blush on her face and neck.

“I guess,” Spike wriggled around in the front seat, most uncomfortable with this path of conversation. Somewhat shocked that Buffy was talking in such a bold manner.

“Come on, Spike,” Buffy giggled, a delightful sound to Spike’s ears. “I’ve seen you with some real pretty girls, ones that do and don’t. If you know what I mean that is,” she added with a kind of sad sigh.

“They’re nothing to me, Buffy,” Spike responded quickly, “just pretty girls. To show off and brag about. Girls that would go out with any bloke, sleep with any bloke, no one special, just girls, okay? Not that it’s a good thing, or even right, but just show pieces. Until the right girl comes along and…”

“The right girl?” Buffy asked, her right brow raised in question. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked quietly, averting her emerald green eyes from his indigo blue ones.

“It means,” Spike sighed slowly, staring out at the empty park in front of them, “that I promised myself, a long time ago, something important. I’m not going to deter from that, ever,” he added with conviction.

“What would that something be?” Buffy asked with a soft smile as she scooted closer to Spike and motioned for him to really look at her.

“I promised myself, years ago,” Spike continued shyly, “that ‘when I fall in love,” he began to mumble a bit here.

“Can’t hear you,” Buffy said softly, leaning into the blond male teen, so close to her. Buffy could hear Spike’s soft, breathy pants as he tried to remain calm and collected.

“It means,” Spike said a little louder, “that I promised myself years ago that when I find my special girl, ‘when I fall in love’ in real love, that it ‘would’ be forever. That when I gave my heart, that the girl I fall in love with would be a girl that would only love and want me. Forever,” Spike finished in a whisper. He gazed into Buffy’s green eyes, tenderly, and did not look away.

“And,” Buffy whispered, her voice was breathy and soft, nearly a whisper, “do you think you’ll ever find this special girl?” She tried not to lean in, any further. ‘Too forward, Buffy,’ she admonished herself.

“I,” Spike murmered, then stopped. “I think,” he began again, then halted, again. “Buffy,” Spike moaned as he leaned into her, took her in his arms, not too gently. “I think, no,” he shook his head quickly, “I know that I ‘have’ found my special girl.”

Buffy gazed into Spike’s honest blue eyes and knew that it was her, Buffy Anne Summers, that Spike had found.

When Spike leaned in, even further, to kiss Buffy, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his blond angel did not pull away.

Instead, she kissed him back with all of the new found passion and joy that a young woman could feel for this new feeling within her. Because deep within Buffy Summers, a memory of a promise she had made herself, long ago, emerged.

Long ago, Buffy Summers had promised herself that when she fell in love, when she gave her heart? It would be forever, and only then? Only then would Buffy Summers give her heart, her body and her soul to that man that she truly loved.

(Song ‘When I Fall In Love’ is in apostrophes/by Nat King Cole)

‘When I give my heart,
it will be completely,
Or I’ll never give my heart.
And the moment I can feel that
You feel that way too…
Is when I fall in love
With you.’

A/N: We’re going to bring the curtain down, gently, on this Spuffy moment. Much like the end of ‘Once More With Feeling’ except better. At least in this fiction, be assured that this is only the beginning for our Spuffy couple!

Oh, I hope you like these musical titles…I thought about naming this chapter ‘Angel Baby’ but then went, yuuuuckkkk!

Thanks for reading, please review. Luv, Spuf

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