[Reviews - 69] Printer
Summary: **Nominated for Best WIP at Love's Last Glimpse Awards!** AU. Takes place in season 5, after Joyce died. Dawn doesn't exist and Riley has left. Buffy feels lost, like her life is falling apart. The only one that notices is Spike. He wants to be there for her, loving her as he does. They had no idea what fate had in store for them.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 8069 Read: 7314
Published: 05/09/2005 Updated: 07/30/2005

1. Chapter 1 by Jin [Reviews - 9] (1411 words)
This is my first fic, I'm really nervous about what you all will think of it! So please let me know! I know it's incredibly short, but I will be posting chapter 2 later today. Anyway, less babble and on with the story! Enjoy!

I deleted this story and am now puting it back up, I changed a few things and shifted others around.

Thanks to my beta LindaM!!

2. Chapter 2 by Jin [Reviews - 1] Liked (1509 words)
Thanks to my beta LindaM!

3. Chapter 3 by Jin [Reviews - 3] (1109 words)
*Warning* In this chapter, someone gets hurt, so there is bloody 'n' stuff. If you get squicked easily, skim thru!

Thanks to my wonderful beta LindaM!

4. Chapter 4 by Jin [Reviews - 11] (1534 words)
Chapter 4 is here! Yay! **Warning: Also more bloody stuff, be careful!** Many thanks to my beta LindaM!!

5. Chapter 5 by Jin [Reviews - 12] Liked (1201 words)
So VERY sorry this has taken so long to post! I hope everyone is still interested in my lil story here! Thanks to ALL my reviewers, your comments really mean a lot to me! And as always, thanks to my wonderful beta LindaM!

6. Chapter 6 by Jin [Reviews - 14] Liked (1305 words)
This is so cool! I was nominated for Best WIP on the Love's Last Glimpse Awards! YAY! =D Thank you! And Thanks to my beta LindaM!