Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 8069 Read: 7314
Published: 05/09/2005 Updated: 07/30/2005
1. Chapter 1 by Jin [Reviews - 9] (1411 words)
This is my first fic, I'm really nervous about what you all will think of it! So please let me know! I know it's incredibly short, but I will be posting chapter 2 later today. Anyway, less babble and on with the story! Enjoy!
I deleted this story and am now puting it back up, I changed a few things and shifted others around.
Thanks to my beta LindaM!!
2. Chapter 2 by Jin [Reviews - 1] (1509 words)
Thanks to my beta LindaM!
3. Chapter 3 by Jin [Reviews - 3] (1109 words)
*Warning* In this chapter, someone gets hurt, so there is bloody 'n' stuff. If you get squicked easily, skim thru!
Thanks to my wonderful beta LindaM!
4. Chapter 4 by Jin [Reviews - 11] (1534 words)
Chapter 4 is here! Yay! **Warning: Also more bloody stuff, be careful!** Many thanks to my beta LindaM!!
5. Chapter 5 by Jin [Reviews - 12] (1201 words)
So VERY sorry this has taken so long to post! I hope everyone is still interested in my lil story here! Thanks to ALL my reviewers, your comments really mean a lot to me! And as always, thanks to my wonderful beta LindaM!
6. Chapter 6 by Jin [Reviews - 14] (1305 words)
This is so cool! I was nominated for Best WIP on the Love's Last Glimpse Awards! YAY! =D Thank you! And Thanks to my beta LindaM!