Chapter 15

Buffy and Spike were at school a week later, making out in front of his locker.

She pulled away to take in a breath. “Do you really think we should be doing this here?”

Spike grinned. “I’ve had a long, hard day,” he said huskily, grabbing her hand and placing it on his crotch. “You see what I mean.”

Buffy gave him a smile and a squeeze, which caused him to let out a moan.

“Bloody hell, Buffy. Warn a bloke before you do that.”

Buffy kept the smile on her face as she started to kiss him again.

He moaned into her mouth.

“God, do you two have to be so horny? Get a room or something.”

Spike turned around to glare at Cordelia for interrupting them. “Are you jealous, princess? I know you have a thing for me, but I just don’t think of you that way.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “You wish, Spike. I could care less about your horny self. Just thought I should mention that your ex is looking for you, and she’s not happy.”

“When is she ever? Thanks for the heads up, gorgeous,” he told her with a wink.

She rolled her eyes again, then walked away.

Buffy decided to speak up about what had been bothering her lately, hoping she wouldn’t regret it. “Okay, what is with you two? Did you guys date or something?”

Spike laughed at that. “I can’t stand the bloody chit. Why would I want to date her?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. You argue way too much, like you have a past or something.”

Spike sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, deciding that it would be best to be honest with her. “This isn’t something I like talking about, but I feel that you should know. We never dated, but we did sleep together.”

Buffy raised her eyebrows. “You and Cordy slept together? When did this happen?”

“It was years ago, and it only happened that one time. I guess there’s no easy way to say this, but Cordelia was actually my first.”

Buffy didn’t know what to think about that. “Wow, you actually lost your virginity to her? What happened after that?”

Spike was relieved that she didn’t seem to be upset. “We both agreed that it felt weird and decided it wouldn’t happen again. We were at a party and may have had a little too much to drink. She was depressed about being dumped by her boyfriend, and I guess we found comfort in each other. It didn’t mean anything, and we never spoke of it again. Harris doesn’t even know about it. I just like to tease her sometimes, but that’s all it is. Are we okay?”

Buffy could see the worried look on his face and gave him a smile. “We’re fine, Spike. I’m not gonna be mad about something that happened years ago. Did you not hear about my past? I’m just glad you decided to tell me. No secrets, okay?”

Spike nodded and kissed her on the lips.

They were again interrupted after a few seconds.

“Well, isn’t this sweet?”

Spike pulled away to see Drusilla standing there this time. “Bollocks, can’t a man snog his girl in peace? What do you want, Dru?”

She pouted. “That’s not very nice. You’ve been a bad dog. Choosing the sunshine over your dark princess, shame on you.”

Buffy rolled her eyes and again couldn’t understand how Spike put up with her crazy self for years.

Spike only smiled as he suddenly licked Buffy’s neck, then gazed back at Drusilla. “I don’t know, Dru. The sunshine tastes pretty good.”

Drusilla glared at him. “This isn’t over, Spike. You will come back to me,” she spat, marching away from them.

Spike shook his head and glanced at Buffy. “Tell me again why I didn’t break up with her sooner?”

She shrugged. “Hell if I know. We’ll just call it a moment of weakness.”

Spike agreed and put his arm around her. “That must be it.”

* * * * *

They were sitting in the cafeteria at lunch later that day, again making out. Their friends were pretty much used to seeing them do that by now, but that didn’t mean they weren’t still uncomfortable by the public display of affection.

Willow was sitting next to Oz.

Xander was just staring at the two lovebirds, not knowing what to say.

“Do they ever come up for air?” Oz wondered, finally breaking the silence.

“I don’t know. This is the longest I think I have ever seen two people make out,” Willow replied.

“Damn, B. You’re going to town.”

They finally pulled away from each other at the arrival of Faith.

Buffy gave an embarrassed smile when she noticed their audience. “Sorry, guess we got carried away there.”

Faith shrugged and sat down next to Xander. “Hey, it’s cool. I just don’t know how you can kiss him without gagging,” she said with a grin.

Spike glared at her. “Don’t knock it till you try it, sweetheart,” he remarked with a wink.

Faith rolled her eyes. “Please, bleach boy. You’re really not my type.”

“Suit yourself,” he responded, earning a smack on the head by Buffy.

“Can you not hit on other girls in front of me, please? In fact, don’t hit on any other girls at all.”

Spike held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, won’t be making that mistake again. You know you’re the only one I want.”

“You better say that, mister,” Buffy commented as she kissed him again and continued their make out session.

The others let out a groan.

“There they go again,” Xander said.

Faith had to smile. “Anyone have a watch, so we can time them? I think they have a world record.”

Xander took his watch off and handed it to Faith. “You can keep it,” he told her, then stood up after she took it from him. “I’m gonna go look for Cordy. Catch you guys later.”

Faith watched him walk away and turned back to Buffy and Spike, who were still going at it. She then noticed that Oz and Willow were now making out as well, raising her eyebrows at both of the couples. “Unbelievable,” she said to herself, a frown now forming on her face. Faith sometimes wished she could be that open, but knew it would be harder for her. She really hated being in a secret relationship, then took on a determined expression. It wouldn’t be a secret for much longer. Not if she had anything to say about it.

* * * * *

“So, I hear you slept with Spike.”

Cordelia was stunned at what Buffy said, then grew angry. “Bastard, I can’t believe he told you about that.”

Buffy shrugged. “I kinda bugged him about it. I could tell that something happened. It’s not a big deal.”

Cordy raised her eyebrows. “Not a big deal? It’s Spike, for crying out loud. He’s so repulsive; I don’t want anyone to know about that. You haven’t said anything to Xander, have you?”

Buffy noticed the fear on the other girl’s face and shook her head. “Of course I didn’t, it’s not my place to say anything. I just wanted to tell you that I know. I swear, I won’t tell anyone.”

Cordelia sighed in relief. “Thanks, that’s the last thing I need.”

Buffy nodded in understanding. “Don’t mention it.”

Cordelia got what she needed from her locker and after giving Buffy a smile, walked out of the school.

“So, Spike and Cordy? Have to admit I never would have guessed.”

Buffy turned to see Faith standing there.

“I think I just lost all respect for him.”

Buffy let out a sigh. “She’s not so bad. Don’t say anything, they’re weird about that.”

Faith nodded. “I won’t say anything; I have my own problems to deal with.”

Buffy was confused at the expression she saw on the brunette’s face and wondered what problems she could be talking about. She was about to say something else, when Tara suddenly walked by them and Buffy noticed Faith giving the other girl a look.

Tara turned away from them.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Faith claimed, following after Tara.

Buffy was very interested about that and took off after Faith.

* * * * *

Faith caught up to Tara outside and they seemed to be having a heated conversation.

Buffy couldn’t tell what they were saying, but she noticed that Tara had tears in her eyes.

Faith then moved closer and kissed Tara on the lips, which the other girl returned.

Buffy was surprised and had no idea about that.

They pulled away from each other after a few seconds.

Faith turned to see Buffy there. “Well, I guess the secret’s out.”

Buffy took a moment before she spoke. “Sorry, I was curious. So, you two are together?”

Faith nodded and glanced at Tara, who was staring at the ground. “Yeah, for a few months now.” She tilted her girlfriend’s head up, so she wasn’t staring at the ground anymore. “Hey, no need to be shy. We can trust her.”

Tara nodded and gazed at Buffy.

“No one knows about us,” Faith explained. “They probably wouldn’t understand. I already get treated like a freak as it is, and I won’t have Tara go through that. No matter how much we love each other,” she said, wrapping her arms around Tara.

Buffy could tell how much they really cared about each other. She never saw that side of Faith before. “You guys shouldn’t have to hide your relationship.”

Faith agreed. “We don’t plan on it for long. It’s not fair to her. She wants to tell people, I was the one that decided against it. I realize that I don’t care anymore. I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

Buffy smiled. “That’s good; you shouldn’t care what anyone thinks. I gave up on caring a long time ago.” She focused on the quiet girl. “Have you told Xander about this?”

Tara shook her head. “He...He doesn’t know. I was too scared to tell him.”

“Xander’s your brother; he’ll love you no matter what.”

Tara gave her a small smile. “I know he will. I’m not afraid to tell him anymore.”

Faith smiled as well. “Yeah, at least I know my family could care less. Dawny already knows and she’s cool with it, I tell that kid everything. She practically worships me, so it’s all good.”

Buffy smiled again and wished she had a little sister to share things with.

“Thanks for being so cool about this, Buffy. I know that it would be easier to tell our friends now and if they can’t accept it, then they’re not good friends to begin with,” Faith stated. “I’m really glad that you’re with Spike. I think you’ve been really good for him, and I can’t tell you how much I’m grateful he’s not with that psycho anymore.”

Buffy laughed. “Tell me about it. What the hell did he ever see in her?”

Faith shrugged. “Probably a nice rack.”

Buffy stared down at her chest, which she never thought was that big. “Yeah, well, I can’t really compare to that.”

Faith looked Buffy up and down, letting a grin form on her face. “I don’t know, B. It’s pretty nice from where I’m standing.”

Buffy blushed at the comment.

Tara playfully smacked her on the arm.

Faith held up her hands in surrender, much like Spike did before. “I’m just saying. You know I only wanna look at you, baby,” she amended, giving Tara a kiss on the lips.

She smiled shyly and pulled away. “I would hope so.”

Buffy had to smile at how cute they were together. They started kissing again and she took that as her cue to leave. Buffy decided to give the couple some privacy and headed back into the school to meet up with Spike.

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