Author's Chapter Notes:
Well, we're almost to the end of this story. I really enjoyed writing it and have a few others that I can't wait to put in. I think these are probably my best work, but I'll let you guys be the judge. Thanks for the reviews=)
Chapter 16

“Wow, I never would have guessed that about Faith. Not that I have a problem with it or anything,” Spike commented as they walked on the beach together, hand in hand. “That would explain why she never hit on me.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Not every girl hits on you, Spike. You’re not that special,” she said teasingly.

Spike glared at her. “You’re gonna get it, missy.”

Buffy then took off running, with Spike chasing after her. She laughed as he tackled her from behind.

They fell to the ground and Spike got on top of her. He pinned her arms above her head and smirked. “You surrender, love?”

Buffy gazed into his eyes. “Always,” she whispered, the game soon forgotten.

Spike lowered his lips to hers in a soft caress.

They kissed until they both needed to breathe.

Spike pressed his forehead against hers. “God, I love you,” he said, so much emotion in his voice. “You’re the best bloody thing that’s ever happened to me, you know that?”

Buffy nodded and felt tears in her eyes. “I feel the same way. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Spike let her arms go and brushed some hair out of her face. “Let’s not find out, pet. I already know that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

Buffy agreed, not able to stop the tears from falling down her face now. “I feel that way, too. I love you so much.”

Spike kissed her again, with all the love and passion that he felt for her.

* * * * *

Buffy and Spike entered the house later that night.

They walked into the living room and were about to head upstairs, when Buffy suddenly stopped.

Spike stopped as well to see what was wrong and noticed that his father was sitting in the living room with another man. The look on Buffy’s face told him who the other man was.

“Dad?” she said shakily, not expecting to see him so soon, if at all.

The two older men stood up when they noticed the teenagers.

Buffy still couldn’t believe that her father was there. “You came back?” she asked a little unsure. A part of her believed that he would never come back.

Giles moved over to Spike. “I think we should let them talk.”

Spike nodded and was about to walk away, but Buffy grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving.

“It’s okay, I want you to stay,” she claimed, then turned back to her father. “You’re back early; did everything go okay in New York?”

Hank nodded and thought about what he would tell his daughter. “Yes, everything’s fine. I actually only returned to get a few things, then I would be going back.”

Buffy nodded as well.

Spike noticed the sad expression on her face, wishing that he could take all of her pain away.

“So, you just stopped by to check up on me?” she wondered, hope in her voice that her father cared enough to visit her, but Hank just shook his head.

“You don’t understand, Buffy. When I say I’m going back, I mean indefinitely. I’ll be moving to New York, I was transferred there.”

Buffy was shocked and couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’re...You’re never coming back?”

“There would be no reason to. You would be coming with me. I came here to take you back to the house, so you could pack your belongings. We leave the day after tomorrow.”

Buffy was surprised again, then grew angry. “What? I can’t move to New York. This isn’t fair; I have a life here now. A life I actually like, you can’t just keep moving me around until you find a place that works for you.”

Hank was startled by his daughter’s attitude.

Spike held Buffy’s hand tighter and became just as angry. He just found her and there was no way he was letting this man take her away from him. Spike didn’t care if he was her father. He wasn’t a good one and could never take care of her the way she deserved.

“This isn’t a discussion, Buffy. You’re going with me and that’s final. You have no say in this. Now, get your stuff and let’s go.”

Buffy shook her head. “No, I’m not going.” She squeezed Spike’s hand tighter this time.

Hank rolled his eyes and didn’t have time to deal with a child right now.

Spike didn’t know what to do and glanced at his father. “Dad, do something. You can’t let him take her,” he pleaded.

Giles didn’t know what to say.

Hank looked at Spike and finally noticed how Buffy was clinging to him. “What’s this about?”

Buffy gazed at him, with unshed tears in her eyes. She wouldn’t cry in front of him. “I’m with Spike, Dad. We’ve been seeing each other recently. We’re in love and I’m not leaving him. I like it here.”

Hank wouldn’t accept that. “This is not why I brought you here. I didn’t bring you here, so you could be with this punk and go back to your old ways.”

Spike felt like hitting him for that.

Giles placed a hand on his arm, finally speaking up. “I assure you, Mr. Summers. My son has been good for your daughter, and she has been good for him. It wouldn’t be right to separate them.”

Hank turned his glare on Giles now. “You’re supposed to be the adult, Mr. Giles. How could you let this happen? She’s just a child.”

Spike then couldn’t take anymore. “She’s not a child. She’s more than that, but you wouldn’t know anything about her. You abandoned her here when she needed you the most, and now you’re going to take her away from the one home that she feels comfortable in? What kind of father are you, mate?”

“How dare you talk to me like that! I will not stand here and be insulted by a teenager! We’re going, Buffy.” Hank tried to grab her, but she wouldn’t have it.

Buffy moved closer to her boyfriend, staring into her father’s cold eyes. “You don’t want me to live with you. If you did, you never would have brought me here in the first place. You could have taken me with you when you had the chance, but you didn’t because you didn’t want me around. You’re only here now to make yourself look good. I know I screwed up, but that doesn’t mean you should hate me for it. A father is supposed to love his children, no matter what mistakes they make. You gave up on me a long time ago, and I’m only sixteen-years-old. You just wanted to forget about everything after Mom died, including me. It is not my fault that she died, and it’s not fair for you to blame me for something that I had no control over. I love you, Daddy. That will never change, but I have a new life here. I’m doing better. I have real friends, and a boyfriend that really cares about me. I won’t let you take that away.”

Spike was proud of Buffy for standing up to him like that, giving her hand another squeeze.

Giles stepped forward and addressed the other man. “I would be willing to let Buffy stay here. We don’t mind having her around. We won’t need anything from you. All you have to do is accept it.”

Hank thought about it and realized that she would be getting in his way if she came to New York with him. She seemed to be happier here, even if he didn’t believe she was dating the right man. He supposed that she could do worse. Hank wasn’t in the mood to argue anymore and just nodded. “Fine, she can stay here. I don’t want you to call me saying how difficult she is. She’s your responsibility now.”

Giles nodded.

Spike let out a sigh of relief.

Buffy was relieved as well, even though she still felt hurt by his words.

“I’m sure we wouldn’t have a problem,” Giles commented.

Hank turned back to his daughter one more time. “Goodbye, Buffy. I don’t want you to call me to say that you changed your mind. This is your choice, and you’re going to have to live with it.”

Buffy had a determined expression on her face. “I think I’ll manage.”

Hank nodded and after giving her one more look, left the house.

Spike grabbed Buffy in a hug once he was gone, kissing the top of her head. He was so terrified that he was going to lose her. Spike knew that he would never let her go, no matter what.

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