Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanx to everyone who read, i love you guys. To all my reviewers, i dont know what i would have done without you guys. You inspired me so much and thanx doesnt even cut how much i owe you but its all i can really say. You guys are why i love to write so much!!!!xxxLinz
“What the bloody buggering fuck is going on?” Spike roared as he touched his arms, chest and legs in spastic movements.

There where two blue freaks in front of him with gold makeup or something on their faces and he recognised them as the ptb’s.

“I was dust, how am I not dust anymore?”

“Because we did not allow it.” One of them said simply.

“Is Buffy….did she make it?”

“They all did, thanx to you.”

Spike sighed in relief. At least she was still alive. The blue couple where coming closer now and it was freaking him out.

“The two of you are anomalies. What lies between the both of you is unheard of.”

“And what would that be smurfette?” Spike asked irritated. He hated when people talked in riddles. He was a get to the point kind of vamp!

“The demon in you was destined to be with the demon in her, soulmates of the uunderworld, a rarity in itself.”

The other one spoke. “The man you where, William had a soulmate also, but was turned before he could meet her. This was an Elizabeth Summers, Buffy is her incarnate, her soul is linked to yours.”

Spike stood in shock as the ptb continued. “You are mates in every single way possible. Your souls where created with the intention of finding each other. Alone you are both hero’s, champions. Together, you are much more.”

“What does all of this mean?” Spike managed to ask.

“Together you are saviors. Life is the reward you will be granted and life is the reward you will give back.”

Before Spike could ask anymore questions he was standing in front of Buffys house.

He walked up to the door shaking, afraid that this was a dream. When he rang the doorbell and it opened he almost passed out. There she was, his Buffy, alive and beautiful….and pregnant?

“Spike?”she gasped and flung her not so tiny anymore body around him. He stumbled back with the force of her ‘attack’.

“I thought you where never coming back.” She sobbed and pulled him into the house between kisses and ‘I love you’s’.

There was so much he wanted to say to her, to tell her, could she hear his heart beating? Did she know he was human now? Well human with a little demon in him? A hero still needed powers!

“Buffy pet, how long have I been gone?” he asked quietly looking at her stomach.

“147 days, 148 today but today doesn’t count does it?” she gushed, laughing and crying at the same time.

“So who’s the niblets da’?” he asked putting his hand on her stomach.

She stepped back and took him in. He was so beautiful. “I don’t know how or why this happened Spike, but you are. You’re her father.”

“Impossible. Vampires cant…..”

He didn’t have to finish the sentence. He could tell by the look on her face, and alright hed used his nose to tell as well, that she hadn’t been with anyone else.

He raised his head to the heavens and yelled thank you before picking her up and climbing the stairs as quickly as he could.

Hours later when they caught up, not just verbally and where lying in her bed wrapped around each other Buffy put her head over his heart and listened.

“I’ll never not love that sound.” She whispered.

Spike smiled and pulled her closer, giving a kiss to her forehead.

“The baby’s name has to be Dawn.” Buffy said out of nowhere and Spike laughed.

“Whys that pet?”

“I had this dream with two weird smurf people. They told me that life was my gift and that the life we brought into this world would be the dawning of a new era. A peaceful one.”

Spike smiled at her. “I love the name kitten, wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Buffy snuggled in closer and fell asleep listening to the steady rythym of his heart.

Spike sighed contentedly. He was alive, he was still strong, the love of his life was sleeping in his arms, correction, the loves of his life where sleeping in his arms, he already loved the baby with all his heart, and now.

Well know he didn’t have to see the sunshine through Buffys eyes, now he could see it standing next to her.

Unlife had been good, but life, life was perfect was the last thing he thought as he fell asleep listening to the heartbeats of both his girls.

I hope you guys like the end, i know it could have been a bit more detailed but i just wanted happy, ya know? Thanx again to everyone, i love you all :)

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