It was surprisingly hard to leave her side. Even the hard, unforgiving surface of the boulder they were precariously perched upon seemed bearable surround by her warmth.

The thought that had him moving was how uncomfortable she would become as the night wore on. She deserved a restful night’s sleep after everything she had been through in the past weeks and he wanted to make sure she got it.

He delicately extricated himself from her arms, the cool air in the cavern was not unpleasant, but definitely not as nice as the air he just left.

He quickly pulled on his pants then wrapped her up in the shirts they had let fall to the ground. She looked so peaceful and sweet in sleep.

He considered the possibility of her waking before he returned and wondering where he went, but the light snore escaping her mouth made that unlikely. He just didn’t want her to wake up and think he’d left her alone.

He brushed a light kiss across her forehead, smiling when he saw a smile cross her face even in her sleep.

He moved quickly, almost running to the little cubbyhole Solum said they could share. The sooner he finished up, the sooner he could get back to his warm snuggly Slayer.

The torch he left burning was now barely lit, having burned almost the whole way down to the green vines that held it on the wall. He lit another torch from the dying one and carefully removed the first one before replacing it with the fresh torch.

He surveyed the small space they had to call home indefinitely as he began pulling the two sleeping pallets together. He didn’t have much to work with, but he was right in his earlier assessment that it would be better to make one bed than two. He wanted to make sure his Slayer was comfortable. He wanted this to be the best it could be for her.

She deserved it.

She was floating. No flying.

This had to be a dream. Only in a dream could she feel this carefree freedom.

She was surrounded by clear blue, that seemed to swallow her and yet it also buoyed her. She could feel strong arms around her abdomen, but they didn’t restrain her they just seemed to guide her and move with her. It was so wonderful.

At some point the arms slipped away, but still she floated. She recognized the blue in the sky? Or was it an ocean? It made her happy, that was all that mattered.

After a while she began to notice the blue that surrounded her seemed to be fading and with it went her carefree feeling. She began to feel cold and alone. Her legs especially seemed to be chilly.

Asleep on the rock, Buffy tried to curl her legs up to her, trying to get them under the slight warmth of the shirts that were wrapped around her.

In the dream, the blue was still fading. Buffy tried to swim towards it, but the faster she approached, the faster it seemed to fade. She thrashed out moving her arms and legs determined not to let it go.

She saw out of the corner of her eye that it seemed strong still off to her right. She quickly turned that direction seeking it out…

And rolled right off the boulder onto the hard ground.

Spike was just about finished setting up their now cozy little room. The bed was made out of large branches, filled in with leaves and covered with several animal hides to be used as padding and blankets. He also added several hides to the walls to keep the dampness out. On the floor near the entrance he made fire pit in a natural indentation in the rock floor.

Granted, it wasn’t a five star hotel, but it would do.

Almost fit for his Princess.


His dark princess?


What the fuck was he doing?

How could he have forgotten all about Dru so easily?

So sex with the Slayer had been good.

Ok, better than good.




Best he ever…

No! Those thoughts were WRONG! They betrayed everything he had with Dru.

Drusilla was everything to him. She made him. And not just that she made him who he was. What was he if he wasn’t Drusilla’s?

It was one thing to shag the Slayer, but that was it. That was all it was.






That last one almost made him cringe before he stopped himself.

It was nothing to him. She was nothing to him. She sure wasn’t HIS Slayer. He shouldn’t have these soft, fluffy feelings towards her. He sure as hell shouldn’t miss her arms wrapped around him. And he definitely shouldn’t be doting on her like this.

He was tired too and she had slept a lot more than he had in the past few. He should have woken her bony ass up and made her set up their room.

Dammit!! He loved Drusilla. What the hell was going through his mind?

He needed a cigarette.

He grabbed his Duster from off the bed were he put it and searched the pockets frantically for his pack.

Found it!!

Only two left. FUCK!!

Now if he could just find the lighter. He searched the other pocket, before triumphantly finding it. Then he noticed something else there as well.

The crystal!! He had forgotten all about it.

Of course he recognized it. He had known what it was as soon as the Slayer pulled it out.

It was a messaging device. Angelus and Darla used to have a pair to keep track of each other. It worked like an answering machine they could leave messages for each other. They were popular with all the vamps for a while, then telephones came and they were pretty obsolete. He didn’t even know any still existed.

He peered into it; know that his concentration level would activate it. He wanted to know what messages it held for him.

Buffy sat up quickly.

Where was she?

What was going on?

She started to stand up, but the sore muscles in her thighs stopped her. She started to stretch while wondering what she had done to wear out THOSE muscles and then it hit her. Her face turned a bright red matching the red shirt she was draped in as the images of before flooded her mind.

She had sex with Spike.

She had an amazing, earth shattering, almost religious sexual experience with Spike. That was what sex was supposed to be. Not the awkward fumbling that led up to the grunting and pushing she and Angel had experienced.

She had no idea such pleasure could be found.

Things that she always thought were dirty and disgusting or degrading had been so natural between them. His words and touch turned her into a sexual creature, craving him and everything he had to teach her.

Unlike Angel who had treated her so gently and carefully, he treated her like such a virgin she felt all of her inexperience more than she felt his touch. Spike just made her feel sexy and desired. She never once felt self conscious or awkward with him.

And there was still more to experience. New peaks to reach.

She felt her heartbeat faster at the thought.

She looked to where she thought he would be laying and felt like someone poured cold water over her.

‘You have a lot to learn about men, kid.’

Spike wasn’t there. She looked around frantically, but didn’t see him anywhere.

It felt like someone just punched her in the stomach. She couldn’t breathe right.

She focused on channeling the pain into anger, then she stood up and pulled the shirts over her, determined to find and punish the cocky vampire.

Truce or not, he wasn’t going to get away with using her like that.

After a couple seconds of concentrating, Spike began to see something in the crystal. He saw the vampire from upstairs, the Egyptian one who stopped them.

“William, I hope you get this message before the creatures of the Garden find you. You need to know that not all believe as Mastema does. We think your punishment unfair and want to help you.”

It is our belief that your skills and accomplishments should be rewarded. We want to see you as the head of the Clan of Aurelius. Please respond as soon as you can and we will work on setting you free.”

Spike stared incredulously at the crystal. This bird was out of her mind. She made Dru seem stable.

Him as head of the Aurelius Clan?

He was pretty certain the old bat would dust himself before he let that happen.

There were more messages though, so Spike leaned in to see more.

“It was a wise decision to team up with the Slayer, it may increase your chances of staying alive until we can get you out. Once again your unconventional thinking does you credit. I know that will make it harder for you to contact us, but please do so and SOON.”

Spike snorted. At least this answered the question of whether or not the mist could report their actions.

After that the messages became more demanding, then almost pleading by turn. She claimed greater respect for him and urged him to answer her. She also spoke of wanting to drain the Slayer with him once he was free. She wanted to talk of a strategy. She spoke of ruling the world.

What a crazy bint.

What sort of strategy did a prisoner have? And how could she rule the world when she couldn’t even stand up to Mastema?

Still, it wouldn’t hurt to answer her, see what she had up her sleeve. The question was, what to say? Would he turn on the Slayer for a chance at freedom and power?

Footsteps behind him alerted him he wasn’t alone. He shoved the crystal in his pocket and turned to come face to face with a furious Slayer holding a stake.

“You’re awake!” He said in surprise, and then cursed himself for stating the obvious.

“Sorry to disappoint you.” Her voice was filled with acid.

“Well, I was hoping to have all this finished before I came to get you.” He tried not to let his nervousness show. Did she know about the crystal? Is that why she had the stake gripped in her hand?

Confusion crossed her face, but she held onto the anger tightly.

“What are you talking about?” She demanded, taking a step closer to him. Spike refused to back down under her fury, but he did step to the side so she could see the bed he made more clearly.

“I had two of them before, but they didn’t look very comfortable. So I turned the two into one and, uh, tad dah?” He finished uncertainly. Looking at it now, the bed he had been so proud of, looked like nothing more than a random pile of debris.

He watched the confusion on her face grow as she looked back and forth between him and the bed. Her grip on the stake relaxed slightly.

“Buffy? Luv?” She met his eyes, but seemed startled at the use of her name. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She licked her lips and tried again. “I woke up. I woke up alone. I thought…I thought you…”

All thoughts of Ipwet and Drusilla flew out of Spike’s mind and he rushed to her side.

“Oh, pet. I’m so sorry. I didn’t abandon you.” Even though she still held the stake he didn’t let that stop him from gathering her up into his arms. She seemed to melt against him and he felt so much tension drain out of him just at the feeling of her resting there. “I just wanted to do something nice for you and I thought a comfy bed would be nice. I was going to come back and carry you in here.”

The hopeful look in her eyes almost did him in.


”Yes.” He insisted, kissing her for emphasis.

“I thought…” He silenced her with another kiss.

“I know what you thought, but what you didn’t consider is that I’m not some over gelled, frou-frou wanker.”

A slight smile touched her lips; she didn’t even scold him for talking about Angel like that.

“So, you made me a nice cozy bed?” Her voice was coy.

“Its all for you, baby.”

”Cool, where are you going to sleep?”

Spike gaped at her until she laughed.

“I’m only kidding.” She said.

“Oh, thank you.” Spike breathed a sigh of relief.

“You wanna break it in?” She asked, her voice suddenly breathless.

What could he say to that? He kissed her deeply, letting her know how much he liked that idea.

“Someone is wearing entirely too much clothing to be ravaged properly.” He murmured against her lips.

“And I do believe its you.” She answered, dropping her hands down to the button on his pants.

Spike stopped her movements and pulled back from her. “You go and get all naked and I’m going to step out there and have a fag real quick.” She made a funny face at him. “We don’t want this poison in your lungs now do we?” He asked her.

“Eew, NO!” She said with a disgusted look. “Although tobacco doesn’t taste too bad on you.” She said, stealing his lips again. “Are you sure you need it?” She asked when he pulled away. He noticed she started unbuttoning her top.

“I won’t be long.” He assured her.

“Fine then. Hurry and go so you can get back faster.” She removed all the coverings from her body and posed before him naked. “Then we can have some fun.”

Spike turned and headed out before the sight of her body had him forgetting what he needed to do. The crystal was already in his hand when her voice called him back.


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to say, I wanted to thank you for this.” She gestured to the room. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. I should’ve known you wouldn’t betray me like that.”

Spike gave her what he hoped was a winning smile even though he felt sick inside and headed back out. Once far enough away he stared into the crystal and answered Ipwet’s messages.

“All right you have my attention. What do you have planned?”

He put down the crystal and looked up towards the vent. It was a good thing he didn’t have a soul because he could only imagine how crushing this guilt would be if he did.

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