Author's Chapter Notes:
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Chapter 8: ‘You May Be Right’

A/N: I’m going to try and update tonight, tomorrow or Sunday? I’m leaving for vacation on Wednesday and will be gone for a while. Anyway, please read and review.

Buffy woke up first on Sunday morning. Thank God! She rolled over to find her so called boyfriend asleep with his back to her.

Somewhere, in the back of her brain, Buffy remembered alot. Buffy remembered that Riley had come home, about 1:00 AM and tried to rouse her from her sleep. To get her into some sex for the night, no doubt.

Fortunately, since she had popped a sleeping pill, Buffy had the excuse that she just could not wake up and perform on demand. That in itself was a true blessing.

‘Speaking of blessings,’ Buffy reminded herself. ‘Mass begins in less then ninety minutes and I have to get ready.’

After her shower, which Buffy took quickly and quietly, she dressed in a nearby guest room. She did not want wake the sleeping giant in the master bedroom.

Buffy made no great effort to doll up for Mass, of course. However, she did choose a rather chic, understated appropriate dress for the occasion. Her heels were only three inches high and she wore the minimal amount of make-up.

This trip to church was not about impressing anyone, except maybe God. Oh, and Father Donatelli, of course. Buffy adored the priest at St. Joseph’s of the Immortal Cathedral in nearby Bel Aire. She had been attending the Mass held by the middle aged priest for a few years now. Well, sporadically, that is and not so frequently.

Andrew was waiting to whisk his passenger off to morning Mass. The young man seemed overly eager to Buffy and that was quite odd. That was when she remembered that Andrew had never shown any interest in the Church before. Nor had he ever expressed his devotion to the Catholic faith.

As they rode along, Buffy stared out the Lincoln’s tinted backseat window. She thought about William and everything that her ex-lover ‘did not’ really know about her. Or anything of the daughter they shared together.

‘Why the heck does Riley own so many damned cars?’ Buffy asked herself in disgust. She was quite surprised at this sudden thought, but passed it off as a defense mechanism on her part.

‘Flashback, Buffy’s POV; Sunnydale, California circa May, 1998’

Hank Summers was mad. No, make that furious, enraged and downright terrifying at this moment.

The Summers’ patriarch was in the midst of his tenth tirade of that evening. He was, at the moment, storming up and down in front of his only child, Buffy, and screaming at the top of his lungs.

“How in the hell did this happen!” Hank screeched for the hundredth time that day. “How do you come here, you little brat, and tell me you’re pregnant with some unknown punk’s bastard!”

“Hank, please,” Joyce Summers whined. “This isn’t helping one bit. If the young man lied to Buffy and…”

“Lied to her? Now, just how did he lie? Joyce?” Hank barked at his wife, even though his heated glare was directed straight at Buffy. “How did he lie, Buffy?” The older man asked his trembling seventeen-year-old daughter, point blank.

“He didn’t,” Buffy whispered with her green eyes were focused on her pink toenails. “I just didn’t get his last name,” she lied easily enough. “His first name is William, I think anyway and…”

“She thinks!” Hank roared loud enough to shake the rafters of their fine house. “Joyce, did you hear that? Our beautiful, brilliant teenaged daughter thinks that this spring break Romeo’s real name ‘is’ William? How nice, don’t you think? It’s lucky for him that you don’t know his last name, Buffy,” Hank growled his final warning. “If I knew who he really was? Or better yet? If Riley Finn, my future son-in-law knew who he was? This little William bastard’s life wouldn’t be worth a fuck.”

“Hank!” Joyce gasped at her husband’s profanity.

“Dad,” Buffy began in her toughest little voice. “I don’t give a damn what Riley Finn thinks and I assure you. He will never ever be your son-in-law. At least not through me or by marriage to me! I can’t stand that arrogant stick-up- his-ass monster and…”

“You’re not making the rules here anymore Buffy,” Hank hissed as he grasped his daughter by her slim arm. He pulled her up, roughly, from the sofa and ignoring his wife’s pleas, pulled her behind him into the dining room.

“Joyce,” Hank barked back at his ashen faced wife, “tomorrow, you call your doctor. We’re going to get a referral, for an OB/GYN, to get rid of this little spawn from hell. Some random little punk in San Diego is not going to screw up our plans for Buffy. Riley Finn is going to marry our daughter and give her everything she needs and could want, forever. Some little bastard growing in her belly isn’t going to ruin this. Riley’s wanted Buffy for over a year and my boss is going to get what he wants!”

“Mommy!” Buffy cried in anguish as her father dragged her up the back stairs of the kitchen. Buffy frantically scanned behind her to find her mother standing in the kitchen doorway, her skin pale as a ghost. Joyce’s blue eyes were filled with fear and pain.

“I’m not getting rid of this baby,” Buffy screamed defiantly.

“Yes you are!” Hank retorted as he dragged Buffy into her upstairs bedroom and flung her inside. Before he slammed and locked her door, from the outside, he glared at his only, darling daughter.

“You will have an abortion young lady,” the angry father roared at the young girl. “Riley Finn ‘is’ your future and you should be damned thankful for that. Do you have any idea what Finn will do if he finds out that you’re ruined now? He’s a proud man, Buffy,” Hank warned, menacingly. “If he ever found out that you whored around and got knocked up? He’d kill the fuck who did this and then he’d make our lives a living hell!”

Hank slammed the door shut and Buffy heard the click of the lock’s key. She pulled herself up off the floor and crawled up onto her queen sized bed. The pink, frilly comforter was inviting, but not very comforting after all. When Buffy heard the sound of her father’s receding footsteps, down the hallway? It was then she buried her face into her pillow and began to weep, uncontrollably.

“Oh, God, Will,” Buffy sobbed into the pillow. “I’m so sorry that I lied about you. Or that I misled you. What hurts most of all? The fact that I ever left you in the first place. I should have stayed, told you the whole sordid truth. You would have accepted me, I know it. You did love me, I know you did, as I love you,” Buffy cried pitifully. “Now it’s too late. Everything is ruined! I ruined it all!”

‘Present day’

Mass had droned on for what seemed like days that morning, but Buffy tried to be patient. She had arranged to speak with Father Donatelli first thing, after the service. Now was the time, Buffy realized, to be completely honest with the wonderful priest and tell him everything. Including the latest development in her screwed up life. The return of William Giles, or was that Spike Sinclair? Even Buffy wasn’t sure just what to call the father of her child anymore.

Andrew had made himself scarce somewhere, as usual, so Buffy felt no need to hurry with her confession to her beloved priest. She took her time, in the little room that Father Donatelli set aside to ‘chat’ with his closest parishioners. Buffy repeated her whole past to the priest and brought him up to date on the present events in her life.

Father Donatelli listened with a sympathetic ear and merely ‘hemmed, or hummed’ once in a while. He was listening, Buffy was sure, but his face was like a stone as he digested her ramblings. The holy man never once divulged his inner thoughts to her, at least not visually.

“And what of this William? He’s here? Now?” Father Donatelli asked Buffy with a raised brow behind his thick glasses.

“Yes, Father,” Buffy mumbled lowly. Her face was bright red with a hot blush and she was totally mortified at the things she’d told her priest.

Even though Buffy had been pretty honest with Father Donatelli before, she had left out some information that might have helped him advise her. Especially the ‘hold’ that Riley had over her and how he kept her to him.

“You must tell William, immediately, Elizabeth,” Father Donatelli stated with authority. “The man deserves to know that he has a daughter with you and…”

“I can’t!” Buffy exclaimed. “If Riley found out who Spike really is to me? He’d kill him! Then he’d go after my child and my parents! You don’t know Riley Finn, Father,” Buffy gasped in fear. “He is truly a monster!”

“That he may be, Elizabeth,” the priest admonished her, “however, this Sinclair fellow is your daughter’s father and he has the right to know. Perhaps he could help you somehow? It sounds as if the man still harbors feelings for you. Deep feelings and this may prove to be your salvation. If you went to the young man and told him of Dawn’s true identity? I believe he would help you escape Finn and…”

“I believe that my poet, William, has become the equal of the monster that Riley Finn is,” Buffy offered sadly. “How can I go to one monster, to save my child and myself from another monster?”

“This is a dilemma, Elizabeth, I won’t deceive you. However,” the priest scrunched his dark brows together. “Perhaps there is an answer, somewhere to be found here. I know you are unhappy my dear,” Father Donatelli gazed at Buffy with sympathy. “This is an unjust and horrid situation. A bad situation, that simply must be rectified, and soon.”

“I should go,” Buffy blurted out abruptly as she stood up and turned to leave the priest. “Riley expects me home for early supper together. Company is coming,” she trailed off, meekly. She was fully aware of who ‘that’ company was supposed to be for Sunday dinner.

“Keep in touch with me, Elizabeth,” Father Donatelli ordered her, gently. “I expect a call from you, each morning or evening. Keep be abreast of what is going on and how I can help. Remember, Elizabeth,” he continued, “your daughter needs you and her father. I know this seems impossible at the moment, but soon, perhaps, things will become clearer and happier for all of you. I will pray for you.”

Buffy stumbled to the Lincoln and did not even wait for Andrew to seat her in the passenger car. She flung the door open and flopped down onto the back seat, totally frustrated and miserable.

‘That was no real help,’ Buffy groaned to herself as she barely looked up from the car floor.

“Andrew, just drive me home, huh? Riley expects me back for early supper and…”

“I’m thinkin’ that we’ll drive around for a while,” came a distinct British voice from the driver’s seat.

Buffy glanced up to find William’s handsome face, smiling back at her from Andrew’s position in the car.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Buffy gasped in shock as she frantically looked outside the car.

“I’m driving you around for a while,” Spike stated matter-of-factly. “Gonna’ take you for a spin in this fancy car of Riley’s and have a little chat with you. We’ll start,” Spike continued as he turned on the ignition key and gunned the motor. “With a deep, truthful conversation as to why you are with Riley Finn in the first place. Then we’ll discuss exactly what it is that the prick has on you and your family. The thing that keeps you tied to him?”

Spike began to slowly drive off from the church parking area. He was careful not to divert his eyes from the road, but he did check the rear view mirror every few seconds. Frankly, Spike didn’t know whether to cringe, cry or laugh at the confused, shocked expression on his beloved Buffy’s pixie face.

Buffy sat in the backseat of her lover’s Lincoln, a shocked expression on her face. Of that she was sure.

Somehow, William had found Mullholland Drive and slowly crept up the windy road. They made it to the top of the dry, but green hillside and Will parked the car.

“Can I ask you something?” Buffy finally inquired of her former lover.

“What would that be?” Spike turned of the ignition and spun around to face the object of his obsession.

“Are you absolutely crazy?” Buffy gasped in wide-eyed wonder at this handsome, blue-eyed wonder of a man in the seat before her. Even if the guy was a bit off his rocker that is.

“Do you have any idea what Riley would do if he ever found out about this, Will? I mean, you are technically kidnapping me here.” She dropped her eyes to focus on the floor of the backseat.

“Don’t really give a fuck, sweetheart,” Spike chuckled wickedly. “I mean, about what your so called boyfriend thinks of me. Or what I’m doing here with you. Let’s get something straight, Buffy,” Spike continued, more seriously now. “We, as in you and me, are going to sit here, at the top of Mullholland Drive and discuss just why you’re with a fucking monster like Riley Finn.”

Buffy slumped back into the seat of the car and raised her green eyes to meet Will’s blue-eyed gaze. She was completely taken aback by this whole insane situation that was unfolding.

“You really are crazy, you know that William Giles. Or should I call you Spike Sinclair?” Buffy asked the question with a sad sigh.

Spike felt like a real prick, but he shrugged off his guilty feelings and glared at the woman he truly loved. Through narrowed eyes, Spike leaned over the front seat and hissed in a raspy voice, “I just may be crazy Buffy, it’s true. But I’ll never give up on you, or us, so it would benefit everyone if you just tell me why you’re with Riley Finn. Oh,” he continued evenly, “don’t even try and give me the old ‘I love him’ routine, precious. It’s a crock of shit and you know it. So do I!”

‘You May Be Right’

(by Billy Joel)

‘Friday night I crashed your party
Saturday I said I’m sorry
Sunday came and trashed me out again
I was only having fun
Wasn’t hurting any one
And we all enjoyed the weekend for a change

I’ve been stranded in the combat zone
I walked through Bedford Stuy alone
Even rode my motorcycle in the rain
And you told me not to drive
But I made it home alive
So you said that only proves that I’m insane

You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for
Turn out the light
Don’t try to save me
You may be wrong for all I know
But you may be right

Remember how I found you there
Alone in your electric chair
I told you dirty jokes until you smiled
You were lonely for a man
I said, take me as I am
Cause you might enjoy some madness for a while

Now think of all the years you tried to
Find someone to satisfy you
I might be as crazy as you say
If I’m crazy then it’s true
That it’s all because of you
And you wouldn’t want me any other way

You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for
It’s too late to fight
It’s too late to change me
You may be wrong for all I know
But you may be right!’

A/N: I had to use this song in a fiction. Love this song! It seemed right for this chapter and all.

Thank you for reading this. I hope it’s interesting enough to keep you all reading! Please review! Luv, Spuf

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