Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank you to everyone who reads this.

Chapter 8: ‘Family Trials’

Summary: Eight or nine months after the last chapter. Buffy is in, well…..please just read and find out???

A/N: I wanted to write this chapter and have closure for this story. I’ve really enjoyed writing it and I hope a lot of people read it and enjoy it too.

Thanks, spuf

Buffy ‘waddled’ out into the courtroom, her courtroom that is. Okay, so it was a television set, really, but actually it was truly a courtroom. Just a televised courtroom that she just happened to preside over. Her televised courtroom show, the one that everyone chuckled at, at first? It was up for a bloody (using Will’s word) Daytime Emmy!

After a slight vacation from taping her show, Buffy was back in full bloom. This was not just a metaphor, really, since at eight months pregnant, Buffy was truly in ‘full’ bloom at this point.

‘Thank God these damn robes cover up my tubby bod,’ Buffy assured herself as she sunk down onto her chair behind the judge’s bench. ‘Now I just look like a beluga whale, not a freakin’ orca like Shamu!’

Buffy glanced over at Gunn, who grinned back at her. Apparently her bailiff was also glad that she was back and taping the show again. The man did have to eat after all and since he got married to Fred whatshername, just a couple of months ago? Well, Charles Gunn had obligations and commitments to fulfill.

Well, so did Buffy, after all, and so did William. With three children and another one ready to make an appearance any time now? Buffy felt driven to return to her show and meet out her contract, at least until Giles baby number four showed up.

William, being who he was, made sure to cut his hours at his law office shorter, daily, as the birth of the Giles’ miracle baby neared. Buffy’s husband had completely quit doing the lecture circuit and stuck around home as much as possible, running his practice out of their home, when he could.

“What’s on the docket today, Gunn?” Buffy asked her bailiff with all of the formality of the judicial figure she truly was.

“Case number 975, your honor,” Gunn replied evenly, handing Buffy the case file folder. “In the case of Franklin and Margaret Chase vs. Cordelia Francine Chase. All the litigants and witnesses have been sworn in, your honor. Everyone please be seated; the Honorable Judge Elizabeth Summers presiding.”

The entire courtroom sat down in their seats, except for the plaintiff and defendant. Buffy was humbly pleased by the fact that everyone in the courtroom audience, including Gunn and the camera crew had applauded when she strode, or waddled actually, onto the set.

‘It’s damned nice to be missed, that’s for sure,’ Buffy smiled to herself in delight. Then she frowned as she read the case file, ‘oh shit! Another family vs. family member case…’

“I understand that you, Mr. and Mrs. Chase are suing your daughter and only child, Cordelia Chase for the maximum recovery sum of $5,000.00? So, tell me all about it,” Buffy nearly groaned aloud. She detested domestic, or family suits like this, but it was her job after all.

“Your honor,” Mr. Franklin Chase began in a totally lawyer like tone. Which wasn’t so far fetched, considering he was a corporate lawyer, one of the best, actually. “Judge Buffy,” the man began again, obviously nervous for some reason, “my wife and I are here today to recover monetary losses from our daughter, Cordelia. Frankly, Judge Buffy,” Chase glanced over at his daughter, then his wife, Margaret. “Frankly, Judge, the truth is, we’ve sunk well over $50,000.00 into our daughter’s ‘projects’ and well,” the man sighed sadly and shook his head. “Maybe you better take it from here, Maggie,” he nodded to his wife.

“Our daughter is a talented, beautiful young woman, wouldn’t you agree, Judge Buffy?” Margaret Chase asked as she glanced over at the younger version of herself at the defendant’s table.

“Yes,” Buffy sighed heavily, a little distracted by a funny feeling in the pit of her tummy. ‘Who gave a rat’s ass about ‘how’ beautiful Cordelia Chase was? Why the hell were her parents suing the shit out of her?’ That’s what Buffy wanted to know for God’s sake!

“Well,” Margaret continued, oblivious to Buffy’s discomfort, “Cordelia is Frank and my whole world. We’ve never denied her anything and have always encouraged her to follow her dreams and such. However, for the past two years, our daughter has flitted from one venture to another, always requesting our help to get them started. First,” the mother sighed, “it was ‘fashion design school’ which was fine with us.”

Buffy wriggled around in her chair, trying to get comfortable, but failing miserably. She focused on the female plaintiff’s mouth, as she forced herself to listen to this pity party that was unfolding in front of her.

“Frank and I would have been thrilled if Cordy would have followed through and made a go of her classes. However, when she didn’t do well with the first class assignment? She dropped out of the school and lost the $1,500.00 deposit we put down for her.”

“And this is why you’re suing her for…..” Buffy nearly got her whole question out before Franklin Chase broke in.

“No your honor, it’s more then that. There was the time that our darling daughter, just last year? She asked her mother and I for another $10,000.00. This time, Cordelia decided to act as a patroness for a local artist. By the name of Allan Doyle. Artist, my ass! More like a con artist and…” Franklin Chase snorted in disgust.

“Mr. Chase, I will not tolerate profanity in my courtroom. Kapish?” Buffy glared at the dignified looking man, sternly.

“Yes, your Honor, I understand,” Mr. Chase muttered with a shamed face.

“Anyway,” the older Chase continued harshly, “my daughter was taken in by this ‘artist’ by the name of Allan Doyle. When the moron skipped town, with my money and my daughter’s heart he…..”

“Daddy! Please!” Cordelia Chase squealed in shocked embarrassment. “Doyle did not skip town with your money or my heart! He merely went on sabbatical and….”

“You see what I mean?” Franklin Chase asked Buffy with a shrug of defeat. “She’s clueless when it comes to the real world. It’s not that my wife and I want the money back, your honor. No, not really. We just want our daughter to grow up and face reality and the responsibility that goes with it. Cordelia needs to own up to her mistakes; financial and otherwise, and make her own way in life. At least somewhat.”

“How old are you?” Buffy asked the lovely Ms. Chase.

“I am twenty-eight Buffy,” Cordelia smiled prettily at the judge.

“That’s your honor or Judge Summers to you, Ms. Chase.” Buffy stated evenly, just a little put out by the young woman’s lack of respect for her and this courtroom.

“Have you ever held a job, Ms. Chase?” Buffy asked, pretty much already knowing the answer to her question.

“Well,” Cordelia began, “I organize the ‘Privileged Against Poverty’ fashion show every year. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?” Ms. Chase gave Buffy a hopeful look that caused the judge to inwardly cringe.

“I see,” Buffy sighed again, trying very hard not to just throw the whole damn bunch of them out on their bums. “Any other means of earnings, Ms. Chase?” She asked, trying to mask her sarcastic tone.

“No,” Cordelia replied proudly, “Daddy and Mommy have always made sure that I don’t have to work. This way,” she continued eagerly, “I’m available to donate my time to worthy organizations such as ‘PAP’ and the like. I came up with the acronym myself,” Ms. Chase crowed proudly. ‘PAP’ that is; for Privileged Against Poverty! Don’t you just love it? Especially in your condition and…..”

“That’s quite enough Ms. Chase,” Buffy groaned out loud. ‘Well,’ she reasoned, ‘at least Cordelia Chase isn’t procreating and shooting out a bunch of little Chases into the world, right?’

“Mr. Chase,” Buffy sighed in exasperation, “please cut to the chase. No pun intended,” she smirked at her own joke. “Really,” she continued somberly, “it’s time to tell me exactly what compensation you want from your daughter. There ‘is’ a $5,000.00 maximum in small claims court such as this and unless you have some kind of promissory note or something your daughter has signed then……”

“I don’t have a promissory note, Judge Buffy,” Franklin responded with a rather confused look, or so Buffy thought. “Why would I ask my own daughter for a promissory note?”

“Because you’re a lawyer?” Buffy answered Mr. Chase’s question with one of her own. “Mr. Chase I….”

Suddenly, Buffy was hit with a horrible cramping pain within her lower tummy. If she didn’t know better, she could swear it was the beginning of delivery pains. She was only eight months along; too early to have the baby, right?

Another cramping pain shot through Buffy’s lower body and she doubled over from it.

“Your honor?” Charles Gunn gasped, his face was wracked with worry. “Buffy,” he called her by her nickname and hurried behind the judge’s bench to see to her.

Buffy clasped Gunn’s strong hands with her tiny ones, “Charles,” she rasped in a near whisper. “Let me close this fucking case,” she pleaded with her bailiff, careful that the camera crew did not pick up on her words.

“Mr. and Mrs. Chase,” Buffy stammered unevenly, trying to mask her pain. “You have not proven your case, however…..” she tried not to groan out loud when another cramp hit her.

“However,” Buffy continued bravely, “I do have some advice for your daughter. Get a damn job girl! Grow up and pay your folks back for all of their trouble!” Buffy glared at the stunned socialite beauty before she doubled over again, clutching Gunn’s right arm.

“Call William,” Buffy pleaded with Gunn. “Tell him that his wife’s water bag just broke; on freaking national television.” Buffy glanced down and stared, mesmerized, as her warning birth water ran down her legs onto her expensive Prada shoes.

“Turn off the fucking cameras!” Gunn screamed at the film crew. “Clear this damned courtroom, now!”

“I thought we might call ‘him’ Chance,” Buffy whispered to her husband, William, who lay next to her on the hospital bed. Will had made it to the hospital in record time, just after the ambulance had arrived with Buffy in tow.

Less then an hour later, William and Buffy’s fourth child and second son came into the world. William had been there for the whole thing; holding Buffy’s hand while she breathed and counting to ten with her. Just like the first three times they’d brought their children into the world together.

“Chance?” Spike asked his wife, warily. “Why Chance, if I might ask,” he added with a raised left brow.

“Because,” Buffy sighed in exhaustion, “we took a chance having this one. I want his name to really mean something, Will. Please?”

“Of course,” Spike chuckled, tweaking his newborn son’s tender little cheek, gently. As always, Spike was gentle with all of his children.

“I love you, Buffy,” William murmured, nuzzling her cheek with his lovely mouth.

“I know, and you sure as heck better,” Buffy giggled in reply. She was truly worn out, but all of it had been worth it. That was for certain.

“Well, little Chance ? Giles,” Spike began quietly, “welcome to the world.”

“What about Rupert,” Buffy asked wryly, trying not to smile at her husband.

“Oh, like bloody hell we’re going to stick my kid with a middle name like Rupert!” Spike scowled in mock anger.

“Okay, no Rupert,” Buffy giggled. “Maybe Hank? After my dad and the English prince? After all, we have a William, for you and the heir apparent to the throne. Why not…..”

“Chance Hank Giles?” Spike spat in a dubious tone. “I’m not sure, Princess. I think it sounds a bit odd, really.”

“I’m just kidding,” Buffy giggled mischievously. “I was really thinking more along the lines of Chance Giles, period. No middle name this time. What do you say?”

“I say fine,” Spike sighed in contentment as he snuggled his wife and baby son to his chest. “Of course, we need to ask the ‘bits’ what they think about their new baby brother’s name, eh?”

“Of course, Will,” Buffy replied with a huge yawn. “I’m bushed,” she stated the obvious, allowing William to take their baby from her arms.

“Get some sleep,” Spike ordered his beloved little wife, lovingly. “I’m going to con the hospital’s night shift to let our three other rug rats into the room to see little Chance here.”

“Kay, Will,” Buffy murmured with half closed eyes. Her wonderful husband kissed her lips and then she was sound asleep.

The End?

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