Deep Inside

By Heather Martin

*You can lie to others. You can lie to yourself. But you can’t lie to your dreams .*

Spoilers- Grave

Disclaimer- Joss owns all the characters from Buffy TVS

Distribution- Sure, just ask

Summary- Anyone know what dissociative fugue amnesia is? Well, Spike develops such a case after his sudden shiny soul, along with the unexpected return of humanity. He just can’t cope, so he pretends to be somebody he‘s not. As for Buffy, she lies to herself that Spike’s absence hasn’t effected her. But at night, she cannot keep him out of her dreams. What will happen to these two lost souls? Will they ever find their way? And will it be together?

This occurs after Grave. The time between episodes are unclear. Pretend that everything after ‘As You Were ‘only spanned a couple weeks. If you think about it, that makes sense. Seeing Red, Villians, 2 to Go, and Grave all happened in a couple days.

Thanks, guys, for the reviews. I’ve thought it over and decided on doing the locating spell. Most people wanted a summoning spell and I actually started writing it that way, but changed it. I have better ideas for Buffy going to England. It’ll make the story more involved and longer. Hope you guys like it. I have a big bad thought up and everything. : )

Chapter 5

Cleo scanned through a magic book. “A summoning spell would be the best, but there is no guarantee as to how long it would take.”

On the other end of the blue couch sat Buffy. She leaned over to glance at the page. “How long could it take?”

“That’s the thing, it varies. He could rush right over . . . or not. Sometimes the person will resist the urge to leave where they are.”

The irony of the situation was not lost to Buffy. She had spent what seemed like forever trying to kick Spike out of town. He was always there, a nuisance that seemed to never go away. And here she was attempting to force him back.

“I really can’t wait five months,” the slayer said. “Maybe we should do a location spell.”

She didn’t have the money for a trip, but she was sure it would pay off in the long run. It was ridiculous, but she felt that everything would be okay when Spike came home. All the pieces that had scattered around, creating a mess, would fall back into place. ‘I’m part of you.’ Could it be true? Could Spike complete her in some way?

Cleo placed the book down on the coffee table. “We’ll try the location spell. I’m gonna need a world map.”

“Willow’s bound to have one. She has all the brainy stuff,” Buffy said.

They went over to the accumulation of Willow’s unpacked boxes. Thankfully, she had labeled each one. One was marked ‘School supplies.’ Inside were texts, an atlas was among them.

It didn’t take long to set up. Apparently the process was quite simple. It required an item that the person being found had touched. Buffy ran home and came back with Spike’s leather duster. She placed it in the circle of white candles.

“That’ll do fine, “ Cleo commented.

“It’s not going to ruin it, is it? I mean, it won’t go poof or anything?” Buffy had actually grown attached to the worn coat. She’d take it out when the dreams became too much to handle.

Cleo laughed. “No, it’ll just get a scent of lavender from the incense.”

She knew it was stupid, but Buffy wished she had chosen something else. Like his Kiss the Librarian mug. Making his coat smell like flowers was wrong. Oh well, this spell would work and then he could come back to replenish its fragrance of smoke and alcohol.

Cleo stood in the circle and began the spell. Buffy stood back as she called the elements to come forth. The lit incense spread through the room and hit Buffy’s nostrils. She watched in fascination as the raven-haired beauty chanted some unknown tongue. She had no idea what was being said, but she was positive that Cleo pronounced it just right. She could have sworn that she could picture the magic flowing through the witch.

Cleo took a crystal pendulum suspended on a silver chain and placed it over the open atlas. It swayed back and forth at first, then started to gather speed, going round and round in a circle. It went faster and faster and Buffy was sure that it would fly out of Cleo’s hand any second. Instead, however, it abruptly stopped.

Glancing up, Cleo’s gaze fixed on Buffy. “He’s in England. London to be exact.”

*+ *+* +*

He knew he shouldn’t be there. He only had ten bucks left and he should be saving it for food. But this was Spike afterall, even if he was human now with a blank memory; and when things got brutal he banished it with booze.

“Bourbon,” he ordered.

The bartender was a short little man with glasses. Not the kind of person you usually would see serving drinks in a pub. If you would place him it would either be as a teacher or watcher. Not that Spike remembered what a watcher was, but anyways . . . He poured the drink into a shot glass. He pushed it toward Spike. The ex-vamp gulped it down quickly.

Spike motioned for another drink and the bartender complied. “Rough day?”
A snort came from Spike. “A whole bloody week,” he replied.

“Ah, I see.”

Spike swallowed down the burning substance. “Fresh out of dough, got amnesia or somethin of that sort, and I’ve been going out of my mind with these dreams of some chit. Sorta became an obsession.”

“Wow, and I thought the fight me and the Mrs. had last night was bad.” He poured another glass full of alcohol. “Here, this one’s on me.”

Spike took it, gratefully. “Thanks, mate.”

The man studied him. “You say you’re broke?”

He nodded. “Down to my last bill.”

“You know, I could use some help here. Want a job?”

A smile came to Spike’s lips. “Bloody wonderful, thanks.”

“Okay, you can start tomorrow.”

*+ *+* +*

Buffy blinked. “London. As in Giles London?”

“There is only one London that I know of, Buffy,” Cleo said.

The slayer plopped down on the couch. “What is he doing in London!?” She had suddenly become mad. It didn’t make any sense. He had to be somewhere, and England was a perfectly valid place to be. She had known that he was not around before and accepted it, so why all of a sudden couldn’t she now?

“Um, Buffy, would you rather he be in Iraq?”

She shook her head. “No. But why couldn’t he have stayed in the US? He’s in another time zone for crying out loud.” She sighed, getting back up again. “Guess I’m off to Great Britain.”

Cleo grabbed her arm. “Buffy . . .?”


An expression of worry had spread over Cleo’s features. “I think I . . . felt something while I was doing the spell.”

Confusion came over Buffy. “Felt something? What kind of something?”

“I don’t know for sure, but it was bad. Negative energy.”

“Great. Is it the apocalypse kind of negative energy?”

“No, I don’t think it is that drastic. It is more centered around Spike.”

Buffy’s eyes widened. “On Spike? Don’t tell me he got the chip out and is back to his demony ways? I so don’t want to have to stake him.” Truth was, she didn’t think she could if it came to that. Not when he was the father of her unborn baby. She couldn’t face her daughter or son asking about daddy and remembering how she had turned him to dust.

“It’s not like that. It isn’t ‘him’, but something ‘around’ him.”


“I think something is after him. An evil not-good something,” Cleo said plainly.

Okay, not of the good. But at least Buffy wouldn’t have to kill him. She’d just be killing something else. A lot bigger. And scarier. While pregnant. Gee, being the slayer sure sucked about 99% of the time.


What do you guys think? I’ll be throwin Giles in the mix probably next chapter. Some people wanted Angel and group. Don’t think that’ll be happening folks. I’ve already got 2 other fics that I’m working on with the AI peeps, can’t handle another one. Nah, this one is only for the Scoobies.



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