Author's Chapter Notes:
Wow- thank you to everyone who reviewed yesterday! Most of you know how much I detest writing sex scenes, but I think some stories really call for them, so oh well LOL Surprisingly, though, I enjoyed writing this one, so I'm happy it worked. The epilogue will be posted tomorrow, and I promise it'll be a happy ending! Enjoy!:)
When Buffy woke up the following morning, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a note on Spike’s pillow. She frowned, looking around the room and noticing that all of his stuff was gone. She quickly opened the note and began to read it.

Sweet Buffy~

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up, but I had to be at work early. I would really like to see you before you leave if you can manage it, but if you can’t, I’ll understand. I can’t thank you enough for last night and for every moment we’ve shared. I hope that we will meet again someday, and I will never forget the time we spent together. With all my love,


She put the letter aside and wiped away the tears that were beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

She heard a knock on her door and quickly pulled on a bathrobe before opening it, revealing her mother.

“Your father and I want to go into town once more before we leave,” Joyce said. “Do you think you’ll be all packed up in twenty minutes?”

“Sure,” Buffy said. “I’d like to go to town again, too.” Joyce smiled and went back to her room as Buffy shut the door, quickly throwing all of her stuff into her luggage and getting dressed.

Moments later, she dragged her bags into the hallway and followed her parents to the elevator so they could go downstairs and check out. After that, they filled the rental car up with their belongings and drove to the downtown area of Williamsburg for the last time.

Buffy split up from them as soon as she feasibly could, hoping that she’d locate Spike quickly. She’d be meeting up with her parents within twenty minutes, allowing Joyce enough time to buy a painting from a local vendor.

When Buffy saw Spike walking around by the Governor’s Palace, she grinned and quickly made her way to him, not caring if she bumped into people on the way. He spotted her and felt relief wash over him, picking her up in a hug as soon as she was close to him.

“Thank god you came,” he said, running his hand over her hair and kissing her forehead. “I wanted to say good-bye properly, but I had work and-”

“I know,” she replied, taking his hands in hers and squeezing them. “I don’t have a lot of time, but I needed to see you one last time.” He looked at her sadly. “Thank you for last night and for everything else, Spike. You’re the only reason these last few days have been amazing.” He smiled at her, and she returned the gesture before pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket. “Here is my phone number, address, and e-mail address. I’d really like to talk to you again, if you’re interested.” He took the piece of paper from her, grinning as he looked at it before putting it in his pocket.

“Of course I’m interested, Goldilocks,” he said. “You’ve mesmerized me.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning up to kiss him. “I’ll be in touch with you soon, Buffy, I promise.” She nodded before he kissed her intensely, not ready to let her walk away for good. She broke away to breathe and looked at her watch.

“I’m so sorry I have to leave,” she said. “But it’s not forever, Spike.” He nodded and kissed her one last time before hugging her to him. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” he whispered, kissing the crook of her neck before looking at her. She fought back tears as she turned and walked away, finding her parents a couple of blocks over, waiting for her.

“Ready to go?” Hank asked, and she looked down, shaking her head. “No?”

“Leaving is the last thing I want to do right now,” she answered. Joyce studied her daughter before patting her shoulder.

“You fell for the Redcoat, didn’t you?” she asked. Buffy looked at her, stunned. “You really think we didn’t see you with that nice-looking boy, sweetheart?” Buffy managed a small smile.

“You both knew and never said anything?” she asked, and Hank smiled at her.

“We wanted you to enjoy yourself,” he said. “I’m sure it hurts that we’re leaving, but that’s just how it is, honey. Vacations always have to come to an end.” She nodded and walked with them to their car, biting back tears all the way to the airport.

* * * * *

Buffy got on the plane, frowning, wishing that she hadn’t come on the vacation in the first place.

‘If I hadn’t come to Williamsburg, I wouldn’t have met Spike, and I would never know what I’m missing,’ she thought, locating her seat and sitting down, putting on her seatbelt as Joyce sat beside her.

About half an hour after take-off, Buffy looked out the window of the plane, staring at the clouds below her.

“So, what’s his name?” Joyce asked curiously. Buffy smiled slightly and looked at her mother.

“William,” she answered. “But his nickname is Spike.” Joyce raised an eyebrow. “I have no idea why.”

‘Well, yes, actually I have an idea why, but she doesn’t need to know that,’ she thought, trying not to smirk.

“He was a re-enactor?” Joyce asked, and Buffy nodded.

“He was a spy,” she said. “They hung him every afternoon as his punishment for the crime.”

“Your father and I watched that the other day,” Joyce replied. “We saw you watching him dreamily, even as they dropped the board from beneath him.” Buffy giggled quietly. “You really like him?”

“Yeah, I really do,” she answered, looking down.

“There’s nothing saying you won’t ever see him again,” her mother said, trying to be consoling.

“I know,” Buffy said, sighing. “But it won’t be like it was.”

“You don’t know that,” Joyce said, and Buffy looked outside once again.

“No, I don’t know that for sure,” she agreed. “But I have a feeling that it’ll never be that amazing again.” She felt tears forming. “That is, if I ever see him again.”

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