Ch. 5: Steel Memories

“Mom? Mom, are you still here?” Buffy called out, her step light and her heart bouncing from the newness of kisses and fresh intimacy.

“In the kitchen, Buffy,” Joyce replied, her voice weary. “Where did you run off to?” Joyce leaned against the counter, slowly blowing on a mug of hot cocoa.

“Oh, I just went out for a walk, you know, get away from the bad vibes of Dad,” Buffy said, helping herself to a cup. “Is everything okay? Is he gone?”

Joyce sighed and closed her eyes. “For the time being, he’s gone. He just makes me so angry sometimes,” she said, irritated. “I wish I could be the better person and not be drawn into his games, but I can’t help myself.”

“Oh, you’re perfectly normal. He’s the one with problems. God, I can’t believe his latest. Did you see how young she was? What is up with that? Can we say, ew?” Buffy rolled her eyes in disgust as she opened and closed cabinet doors in search of those little marshmallows she loved. “I’m so glad you never went through that phase.”

Joyce stirred her cocoa absentmindedly. “There aren’t any marshmallows. I didn’t even think to restock for you. Sorry about that,” she murmured.

“Mom, are you okay? I know it’s always kind of weird to see Dad again. I—” Buffy paused, thinking about the plans she had made to see Spike later on that evening. She imagined seeing him, his smooth cheekbones and smoother arms. She smiled but then caught sight of her mom, listlessly stirring her hot cocoa with a blank look on her face. “Mom, do you want to do some girl bonding? Maybe watch Steel Magnolias and eat lots of ice cream?”

“Oh, Buffy, that sounds perfect.” Joyce smiled, her face creased with contentment. “We haven’t done that in ages. Are you sure you don’t mind staying in?”

“Not a problem. I might consider going out later on tonight, you know, when the freaks come out, but dinner and a movie are definitely doable.” Buffy reached out and gave her mom a squeeze. “Besides, Summers women are always more important. It’s the Summers men that have the problems.”

Joyce leaned into her daughter’s arms and enjoyed her daughter’s company. “Thank God we did something right. It’s amazing you’re as normal as you pretend to be,” she said laughingly.

“Gee, compliments all around.”

They both giggled and took sips of their hot cocoa.


Spike’s phone vibrated into his thigh.

“Hello? Oh, hey pet. Sure, I’ve been thinking about you,” he said, smiling. He had been thinking about her for the past few minutes and was thinking about really thinking about her for the next half hour or so.

“Oh, really? Yeah, sure, you should do that. Get your kumbayayas out and make your mum feel happy. Yeah, I’m up for doing something later on. Do you want me just to come by, or should I wait for you to call?” He imagined what she looked like talking on the phone—her shiny hair, her sexy eyes, her luscious mouth… “Uh, what? Sure, definitely. I’ll see you then.”

Spike threw his phone onto the couch and ran his fingers through his hair. I know I just met her, but I can’t help it. I think I’m going to have to.

Spike closed his eyes and ran his fingers down his thighs, imagining her petite body straddling his.


Buffy sniffed loudly. “That Sally Fields really knows how to cry.”

Joyce blew her nose. “And Julia Roberts still looks good in a hospital bed.”

“I know how it ends, but I cry every time. I’m such a sucker for this movie.” Buffy stretched her arms and put the popcorn bowl back on the table. “Nothing like a sad movie to make you appreciate what you have.”

“I love you, too, Buffy.” Joyce slowly rose from the couch. “You don’t have to hold back any longer. Go ahead and call that boy you met today.” Joyce smiled as she saw her daughter feign disinterest.

“Huh? But we were so cozy,” Buffy said, not wanting her guilt to answer her mom.

“Oh, Buffy, I’ll be fine. This was really great, but I’m not one to wallow. Hank irritates me, my daughter loves me, and Sally Fields cries for me. All is right with the world.” Joyce squeezed Buffy’s shoulder. “I’m going to get going soon, anyway. So go call.”

Buffy hugged her mom tightly. “You are so the best mom. Definitely the best.” She ran up to her room to call.

Joyce put away all the dishes and stretched again, languidly. She stifled a yawn when she heard the doorbell ring.


Even before they got off the phone, Spike headed next door. Right as he pressed the end button, he rang the doorbell. Expecting to see Buffy, he froze when he saw the woman at the door.

“Mrs. Summers,” Spike said with surprise. “Joyce.” The second time he said her name was softer, the memories of his lost virginity and their intimacy heating his face and pushing him back into time.

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