Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for reading and please review. I'm feeling a bit old tonight!
Chapter 6: ‘Girls Just Wanna’ Shop; Til They Drop!’

Summary: Spike, Buffy and Dawn go shopping and buy out Bloomingdales. Buffy, in a flashback, remembers her and William’s first time together! The chapter ends on some angst, but things will get better for our Spuffy couple, soon!

A/N: Sigh…I am posting this tonight because I wanted to do some fluff Spuffy. In the midst of all this angst in the real world I thought it might be nice.

I just found out that my oldest daughter is being considered, in her job, as part of an emergency response team to the Hurricane Katrina victims in Louisiana. I’m proud of her, yes, but coupled with my youngest daughter starting High School today? I’m feeling a little outdated I’m afraid. Where the hell did time go?

Anyway, please read and enjoy this chapter.

Spike tipped the door man at Bloomingdales a ten dollar bill, just for holding the door open for Dawn, Buffy and him. He noted, proudly, that this rather large tip elicited a rather pleasant grin from Buffy. Not to mention a shocked, wide-eyed expression from little Dawn.

‘About time,’ Spike snorted to himself, ‘Buffy must ‘ave bought out half of the store for the Bit. He chuckled softly, quite pleased with the whole day, despite his much lighter wallet. It had been so long since Spike had actually gone shopping for a woman, grown up or pint-size. The truth was, he had enjoyed it, immensely, and was rather disappointed that the day was nearly over.

“How ‘bout supper?” He suddenly blurted out, without really thinking about it. “Let’s take a cab, to that place on 5th and Broadway, Buffy,” he pleaded, just a little with his ex. Spike shifted the two Bloomies’ packages he carried from his left hand, to his right. “You remember it, Buff, we used to…”

Buffy flinched, slightly, at the mention of ‘their’ restaurant, just a couple of blocks from where they were at now. It had been the place that William had taken Buffy, that night, so long ago. It was the night they made love for the first time together.

“Can we Buffy! Please!” Dawn’s thrilled high-pitched squeal broke into Buffy’s thoughts.

“I don’t know doll,” Buffy stammered, “Mr. Spike might have other plans and all.” For some reason, Buffy felt a tinge of jealousy when she thought of William actually having other plans.
She knew he’d been seeing some blond waitress at Angel’s other lower end club, but that had been over months ago. Buffy knew that for sure; she still made it her business to know about Will’s personal life. Just as he seemed to know all about Buffy’s personal business. Or so it seemed anyway.

“If I’d of had plans, Princess,” Spike grumbled, a bit put out, “do you think I would ‘ave asked?”

Buffy could tell William was getting a bit edgy. He always fell into his old cockney accent when he got nervous, impatient or angry. She tried to lighten up the mood again:

“Well you might,” she giggled nervously. “I know you were seeing some blond dame. Hagarty (emphasis on the ‘hag’ part!) was it?”

“Oh bloody hell, Buffy,” Spike muttered and shot her a murderous look. “You know Harmony. I saw her maybe three or four times and that ended well over six months ago. I only dated her because she was blond and short, like you. Besides, I could say the bint has the brains of a flea, but I don’t want to insult the bloody flea.”

“Oh Mr. Spike!” Dawn broke out into loud giggles, her little shoulders shaking violently from her laughter.

“William!” Buffy tsked in a mock tone of shock. “You shouldn’t say that about poor Hagerty.” However, she was secretly delighted that Harmony, just as Buffy had suspected, had truly meant nothing to William. She tried hard to hide her secret smirk, but failed miserably.

“Well,” Spike snorted, “it’s the bloody truth. That bint was as thick as a brick in her head. She certainly wasn’t you, Princess,” he finished matter-of-factly. He was secretly delighted to note the jealous, catty tone Buffy had taken on.

“Good,” Buffy muttered under her breath. “Okay,” she continued in a ‘take charge’ manner. “Bloomingdales isn’t delivering the rest of Dawn’s purchases until tomorrow morning, to my place so...let’s go eat, but let’s walk, kay Will? It’s not that far and the weather is so lovely today. Please?”

“Anything for you, luv,” Spike murmured tenderly to Buffy. He smiled slightly and took Dawn’s hand in his while Buffy took her other hand. They headed down the street, the tiny girl between them as if she truly belonged with them.

“Oh, Buffy! Look at that wonderful dress!” Dawn gasped in awe and stared longingly at the final Bloomingdales window display. “It’s perfect for you, Buffy,” the little girl whispered as she pointed to the beautiful red dress on the pretty mannequin in the window.

“I’ll be damned,” Spike mumbled in surprise as he eyed the evening dress. “That looks just like the first red dress I bought for you, Princess,” he smiled down at Buffy. “Remember?”

Buffy didn’t reply; she just stared at the dress, the one that ‘did’ look so much like the first fancy dress William had ever bought her. It seemed like ages ago, but Buffy could still remember that night, like it was yesterday.

“You took me to ‘our’ place,” Buffy whispered dreamily, looking at the dress longingly. “I wore that same dress, for the first time and we went to Tony’s on 5th and Broadway. We…” Buffy’s thin voice trailed off and she felt hot tiny tears at the corner of her eyes.

Spike leaned in and whispered in her ear, “it’s what we did later that I remember best, sweetheart.” His voice was low and husky; it caused Buffy to shiver, visibly.

‘Flashback, Buffy’s POV’

William had bought Buffy the most dreamy dress in the entire known world. It was silky red, cut low in the front, to reveal a sweet amount of Buffy’s ample cleavage. The back was almost non-existent and showed off her silky skin, all the way to the top of her hipline. There was a slit that traveled up the right side of the gorgeous dress, right to Buffy’s lower thigh. In less then ten words? The dress was: deadly; dangerous; delightful; sexy; sensational; somewhat sinful; just wonderful!

Buffy had worn the dress, that very night that William had given it to her. They were going to this new place, on 5th Street, Tony’s it was called. Although William had almost ‘sponsored’ Buffy since Willie’s that is, and had given her lovely jewelry, even found her the great job at Easy Street? He, William, had been almost Victorian in his courting of Buffy. William had never done more then give Buffy a quick, chaste kiss on the lips or more then likely, her cheek.

If he wanted or expected more from Buffy, up until now? William certainly never pushed the issue and Buffy was grateful for that. She was only eighteen when she met William and it was apparent that he was willing to bide his time and wait for ‘her’ to respond to him.

Tonight, with the new dress and the new restaurant, Buffy had come to her decision. At nineteen, finally, she was more then ready to consummate her courtship with William Jameson. She could only hope that he felt the same way. Something told Buffy that Will was more then ready to take their relationship to the next level. So, when he asked her to come up to his apartment, after supper at Tony’s? She eagerly accepted his invitation and allowed him to lead her into his posh home.

“Want some wine, sweetheart?” William asked Buffy with a raised brow. “I’m having some, and…”

“William,” Buffy cut him off by taking the wine bottle from his hand and setting it on the bar. “We need to talk, okay?”

“Okay,” William shrugged as he followed Buffy to the couch. “Let’s talk.”

Buffy snuggled up close to Will and laid her head on his shoulder.

“This is nice,” he whispered as he wrapped his left arm about her shoulders. “I like this a hell of a lot better then talking and…”

“Shut up, Will,” Buffy snapped, but in a gentle tone. “This is going to be hard for me and your yammering isn’t going to make it any easier. So, please, just be quiet and listen, for once anyway. Right?”

“Too right,” William responded, much like a scolded school boy.

“I’m not a virgin, Will,” Buffy blurted out suddenly. She tried to clock his reaction, but found his expression unreadable. Her tummy sank.

Finally, William replied curtly, “well, neither am I. What’s this about, Princess?” He looked confused, Buffy thought, and maybe just a bit disappointed.

“This is about me telling you about me,” Buffy whispered softly. “And, God, Will, it’s so damned awkward. So please just listen to me and try to understand what I’m saying, kay?”

“I said okay, pet,” he sighed in reply.

“You know I’m from Sunnydale, California and all, but I’ve never really told you much else, have I?”

“No,” he responded quickly. “I’d like to know more about you, luv, but I didn’t want to push.”

“Well, you need to push here, Will,” Buffy snorted ruefully. “Back home, in Sunnydale, I had a beau. His name was Owen Anderson and he was the son of a farmer, just outside of Sunnydale.”

Buffy felt William flinch slightly, so she placed her tiny right hand on his thigh and patted it. “He was my childhood sweetheart, not much more, honest. Everyone in Sunnydale thought that Owen and me would get married someday. Even me. But…” she hesitated, embarrassed to go on really.

“Tell me,” William whispered gently, tenderly stroking Buffy’s golden hair.

“I gave in to Owen’s pressure to ‘go all the way’ when I shouldn’t have. I realize that now, but I was young and stupid. Owen and I both were. I got pregnant Will, the only time we…”

“Pregnant? I don’t understand, Buffy,” William mumbled.

“I lost the baby, Will. I wasn’t that far along and it was really for the best. I certainly wasn’t ready to be a mother and Owen? The day after I told him about the baby? He enlisted in the Army. How’s that for rejection?” She actually caught herself chuckling about that.

“I’m sorry, Princess,” William whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “This Owen was a fucking fool. Don’t be sorry about him or sad. Please.”

“I’m not,” Buffy giggled, “And for heaven’s sake Will, do you need to talk so crude!”

“Just me being me, baby,” William chuckled, breaking the tension.

“Anyway, I left Sunnydale, right after I lost the baby and came to New York. Got that miserable job at Willie’s and well, met you.” Buffy scowled, briefly, then continued her story.

“Luckiest day of my life,” William mumbled, kissing Buffy’s forehead tenderly.

“Mine too,” Buffy murmured. “I just want you to know that I ‘do’ want this,” she placed her right hand on Will’s left cheek. “I want what you want, that is. Do you want me Will?”

“More then anything,” he rasped as he pulled Buffy into his strong arms. “I’ve waited so long, baby,” he groaned in a husky voice.
“Bided my time, waited for you to be ready for me and…”

“Then let’s neither of us wait any longer, kay Will?” Buffy whispered shyly. “I know things now,” she continued timidly, “ways to make sure there’s no baby and…”

“Now how do you know that?” Buffy could tell that William was trying to keep a straight face, but his merry blue eyes gave him away.

“That's my best friend, at the Club? Cordelia Chase? She’s seeing a policeman by the name of Larry Wilkens and I guess she knows things. Lots of things,” Buffy stumbled on the words, her face flushed with embarrassment.

“Anyway,” she continued firmly, “Cordy’s told me ways to keep a baby from coming. I’ve been doing what she says, for a while now and thought maybe me and you could…”

“Shhhh,” William murmured softly, “let’s just do this, shall we? Let’s go in my bedroom; get naked together and lay down on my rather comfy bed. We’ll hold each other and cuddle, touch each and neck. Then, Buffy, my sweet, sweet love…I’m going to make love to you, all night long.”

“Okay,” Buffy panted in a breathy voice as she gazed into William’s lovely blue eyes. “I just hope I don’t disappoint you Will. I would just die if I…”

“You won’t,” William whispered, kissing Buffy’s lips, ever so gently. “Buffy,” he continued, serious now, “If you haven’t noticed, sweet? Then I’ll say it. I love you, Buffy. I’ve loved you since I saw you that first night, at Willie’s Café. I’ll always love you.”

‘Present day…’

‘I’ll always love you,’ Buffy heard Will’s words from that night echo in her mind. When she roused herself from her dreamy memory, she realized that her right hand was entwined in Will’s left one.

Spike was staring openly, he realized, at his Buffy. She was staring, dazedly, at the red dress in the window display. He had no doubt that Buffy was remembering ‘that’ night, almost seven years earlier. When Buffy had opened up to him, totally, and given herself to him, completely.

“Buffy…” he began, almost shyly.

“Well, well, well,” came a familiar voice from behind Spike, Buffy and Dawn. “What’s this then?” Lieutenant Wilkens chuckled gleefully. “Buffy Summers and Spike Jameson? Together again; at last? I’ll have to hurry home to the Mrs. and give her the good news!”

Buffy pulled her hand from William’s and turned to see Lt. Lawrence Wilkens, standing not five feet from them. There was a wide, joyful grin on his friendly face.

“Hello Lieutenant,” Buffy giggled in greeting to the policeman. “It’s good to see you. How’s your wife?”

“Better then good, Buffy Summers,” Lt. Wilkens chuckled in response. “She’ll be screamin’ for joy when she hears that you and Spike here have come to your senses. Got back together and…”

“No, no, we’re not back together at all,” Buffy mumbled quickly. “William’s just helping me to, uhm...” She glanced at William, a desperate pleading look in her eyes. His eyes had gone dark with an emotion that Buffy would rather not try and suss out.

“Angel asked me to help Buffy out, while he’s gone,” Spike grumbled with a pout. “Buffy needs help with…”

“Me,” Dawn chimed in suddenly.

“And who might you be lovely little one,” Lt. Wilkens asked with a smirk. He eyed the little brunette girl with curiosity.

“I’m Buffy’s little sister,” Dawn stated solemnly. “Our Daddy sent me from California, to visit Buffy and the dark prince decided to…”

“Angel decided to have William help me show Dawnie around town,” Buffy added quickly.

“My wonderful wife, Cordy, never mentioned that you have a little sister, Buffy,” Larry Wilkens said, his brow scrunched in suspicion.

“My dad, he married again, after my mom died,” Buffy began to ramble on. “My step-mother, her name’s,” Buffy stumbled on, trying to think of a name for the non-existent woman.

“My mommy’s name is Margaret!” Dawn squealed happily. “Margaret, that’s it!”

Both Spike and Buffy just stared down at the little girl that now stood between them again.

‘My housekeeper?’ Buffy realized in awe at the little doll’s resourcefulness. ‘She came up with my housekeeper's name?’

Spike couldn’t have been more proud if the kid was his. To think the little Bit thought up an easy out of an answer for the question and…

“That’s it,” Buffy interjected, “Margaret is my step-mother. She’s Dawn’s mother and that makes this little jewel my half-sister. Right Dawnie?”

“Too right,” Dawn mimicked Spike’s quipped reply.

“Hmmm,” Lt. Wilkens hissed with pursed lips. “I’m thinking that I’ll just move along then,” he added amicably. “It’s Cordelia’s birthday tomorrow and I’m pickin’ up some fancy duds from Bloomingdales for her. Drop by, Buffy,” the policeman finished warmly. “Cordy misses you, very much.”

“I don’t think the girlfriend of Angel O’Connor would be too welcome at your home, Lieutenant,” Buffy mumbled sadly.

“Maybe not,” Wilkens grunted, “but Buffy Summers certainly would be.” The policeman said his goodnights and strolled off down the block.

“I’m starved,” Spike stated simply. “How ‘bout you Bit? You hungry?”

“Hungry enough to eat a bear Mr. Spike,” Dawn replied honestly.

Later, Spike escorted Buffy and the Bit home to Buffy’s place. He had never been to this apartment and it irked him to know Angel probably had been, dozens of times. Actually, it did more then irk him; it enraged him.

“Invite me in, Princess,” Spike ordered more then requested of Buffy.

“I’m not sure Angel would like that, William,” Buffy muttered as she blocked her front doorway.

“Who gives a…” Spike began. Buffy slapped her tiny hand over his mouth and hissed, “don’t you dare!”

“One drink,” Buffy snorted curtly. “You can come in for one drink. Only!”

Spike slipped into Buffy’s apartment, trying not to show the smug glee he certainly felt. “Nice place,” Spike mumbled with an indifferent shrug, or so he hoped. “It ‘seems’ like you,” he added non-chalantly.

“Thanks,” Buffy muttered, William’s harsh tone was not lost on her. She knew her ex better then anyone and realized that he was not happy right now.

“Can I go and wash up for bed, Buffy?” Dawn asked with a yawn. “I want to wear my new pajamas you and Mr. Spike got me today,” she giggled, eyeing the Bloomingdales’ package that held the said items.

“You go on then, honey,” Buffy offered affectionately. “I want to talk to Mr. Spike, alone,” she finished with a stern frown at Spike.

‘Oh shit,’ Spike groaned inwardly. ‘What the bloody hell did I do now?’

After Dawn had scurried into the guest bedroom, Buffy sashayed over to her bar and mixed William a drink. She took her sweet time, just to miff off Will, if nothing else.

Finally, after a strained few minutes, Buffy blurted out, “I don’t like the little doll lying. It’s not ladylike or right, Will.”

“Well Jesus Christ, Buffy,” Spike spat, “she used ‘your’ family in the lie. Not mine. What do you want me to do about it? I can’t help it if…”

“More the reason that the little doll should be here, with me,” Buffy grunted. “At least here, she’ll learn the finer points of being a lady and all. Oh, and don’t even look at me like that William Jameson. If you give me that smug, holier then thou glare one more time? I’ll…”

“You’ll what?” Spike spat back at her as he sipped his whisky, slowly. The longer he took to finish his drink, the longer he’d be allowed to stay here.

“Oooohhh, you, you nasty, evil, infuriating son-of-a…” Buffy froze, her harsh words halted by Dawn’s voice behind her.

“Are you going to tuck me in Buffy?” Dawn asked so innocently, that Buffy felt like a real nasty piece of work for her awful words to William.

“Yes,” she replied hastily. “Then I’m coming back out here and saying good night to Mr. Spike,” Buffy said in her most surgary voice.

“Good night Mr. Spike,” Dawn giggled and waved at Spike, happily oblivious to the tension between him and Buffy.

“Night Bit,” Spike mumbled in return. “Sweet dreams,” he added with a warm smile.

Once Buffy and Dawn disappeared into the guestroom, Spike flopped down on the plush couch before him. It really was a nice apartment, Spike had to admit that. The thing was, it made him want to throw up; the fact that Angel may have had something to do with setting Buffy up in this posh place.

Buffy reappeared, almost twenty minutes after she had taken the Bit into the room for bed. Something about the look on his Princess’ face caused Spike to bite his tongue and hold back the vindictive words he’d almost blurted out.

“What?” Spike asked Buffy instead.

“You know,” Buffy sighed deeply as she flopped down next to William on her couch. “The little doll thinks that Rupert Giles is Merlin the Magician, from King Arthur? Can you beat that?”

Spike chuckled and leaned against the back of Buffy’s comfortable couch. “I’m not surprised,” he mumbled. “The Bit’s just enraptured with King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table and everything. I suppose if she met Finn and Jesse? She’d think they were noble knights too.”

“Oh, God forbid,” Buffy muttered. “Riley Finn and Jesse are the worst examples of human males…”

“Now sweetheart,” Spike laughed, wrapping his arm about Buffy’s slim shoulders. “You thought Finn was a real catch once and all. Don’t throw stones, pet. It isn’t ladylike,” he snorted.

“Hmph, a catch indeed,” Buffy grunted, very unladylike. “I just thought he might make a nice guy for my friend Faith.”

“And he was, right? They’ve been married for three years now, sweet,” Spike stated. “You’re quite the matchmaker Buffy,” he chuckled merrily. “Too bad you messed up with us but then again, that can always be fixed and…”

“Stop it!” Buffy snarled, pulling out of William’s arm. “You just stop it, right now, right there, William. She felt those traitorous tears begin again, in the corner of her eyes.

“Don’t you even mock our relationship,” she hiccupped, trying not to cry outright. “I loved you, William. I ridiculously loved you to distraction. Do not make it ugly and smug, I just couldn’t take it!”

Spike just watched Buffy play out her whole emotions, right in front of his eyes, in disbelief. He hadn’t, in the last four years, considered just how hard ‘their’ break-up had been for Buffy. No, he’d always just thought of himself and how Buffy had broken his heart.

Without considering the repercussions, Spike grasped Buffy by her shoulders and crushed his lips to hers, in a searing kiss. When she didn’t fight him, Spike was encouraged to continue his onslaught of her lips with his.

Before his heart could beat, three times, Buffy was struggling out of his grasp. She pushed him away; her green eyes were a blaze of indignation.

“You bastard!” Buffy screeched as she slapped William across his left cheek.

“Bitch!” Spike yelped in pain, clutching his cheek. He fought the urge to slap Buffy, hard.

“You’re not supposed to do that,” Buffy whimpered, pulling back from William. “You’re not supposed to kiss me,” she whispered, a lot less defiant then just moments before. “Just like you’re not supposed to wear your hat like you did today,” she whimpered again. “All set back on your head and so cute,” she sobbed.

That had been a sore point with Buffy, earlier. William had worn his hat, set back on his head, all day while they shopped. He was all so casual and adorable and all.

‘He’s not adorable,’ Buffy groaned inwardly. ‘He’s a selfish, self-centered monster. He’ll never change, never.’

“You were mine first,” Spike retorted, hating the whine in his voice.

“I’m not yours now,” Buffy countered haughtily. “I’m…”

“Don’t fucking say it,” Spike growled angrily, “don’t you say that moron’s name or I’ll…”

“Go home, William,” Buffy sniffed. “Just get the hell out of here and go home.”

“Right,” Spike sighed sadly, standing up from the couch. “But I ‘will’ be back tomorrow, and the next day, Buffy,” he promised.

Buffy sat, all hunched up, her arms about her knees and her head hung down. “Just go home, Will,” she pleaded softly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night Princess,” Spike whispered as he slipped through the front door.

Buffy stared at the closed door; her heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces. She finally broke down and began to sob, silently, afraid that she might wake the sleeping child in her guestroom.

A/N: That wasn’t much Spuffy, I know, but I promise there’ll be more, soon.

Thanks for reading and please review, spufette.

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