Chapter 1:
"I thought we were looking for vampires?" Rona asked quietly.
"You have to be ready for anything on the Hellmouth, especially when things are Apocalypsy," Buffy told the potentials.
Had she been with the Scoobies or even just Spike, Buffy might have replied with a humorous one liner. But she wasn't sure how the potentials might take her jokes.
In fact she was pretty sure that they didn't see the humor at all in the demons that were scurrying about the warehouse floor beneath them. They looked liked little Godzillas, except that they moved much more fluidly. They would scuttle about on all fours, then get up on their hind legs to use their front legs as arms.
The rest of the scene however was not so funny. The 'zillas had drawn in a large white circle with some sort of powder. The middle of the circle was filled with smaller circles drawn in what Buffy guessed was blood. Each of these circles had a human body in the center, and a series of mystical symbols around the edge.
It was the six bodies that had brought the Slayer here. Several fresh bodies had gone missing from Sunnydale's graveyards. They had assumed that someone was recruiting vampires to aid The First, but it seemed something else was going on.
Buffy looked at Spike questioningly to see if he knew who the demons were or what was going on. He only shrugged, silently telling her he didn't know any more than she did.
For a moment Buffy considered going back to Giles and Willow, and doing some research before they attacked the 'zillas. Who knew what powers they might have? But it was obvious that whatever they were up to, it was almost done. Besides, she figured she and Spike alone could handle it. She just had to hope that none of the potentials got hurt.
"Okay guys. Remember, just about everything dies when you cut off its head."
"Just about?" Molly asked nervously.
"The one who has robes," Buffy continued, ignoring Molly. "He's probably the head honcho. Try to get him first. That may cause the others to back off. Ready?" The question was just for Spike. After all, he'd be the one watching her back, while she watched the back of the potentials.
He nodded, and Buffy opened the skylight they were peering through and dropped to the floor of the warehouse.
"Hey guys," Buffy greeted the confused 'zillas. "Is this a dead man's party or can anyone join?"
With that she launched an attack at the nearest demon.
"Hope not," she heard Spike say as he landed next to her. "That would mean I'm invited and not a party crasher."
The potential's were cautiously crawling through the skylight as the demons swarmed Buffy and Spike. Buffy realized too late that there were a lot more than she had thought at first.
Still, things weren't looking too bad. Once they had made their way inside the warehouse, the potentials were actually making a very good fighting force. They were armed with axes, swords and crossbows and were quickly hacking their way through the mob.
Just as the battle was starting to go their way, the robed 'zilla began to chant in a strange chirpy voice. Suddenly the white powder that made up the outer circle burst into flames, and the flames surrounded Buffy, Spike, and the potentials.
"Crap," Buffy muttered.
Actually the magic turned out to be to their advantage. Buffy and Spike began batting the demons into the flames which quickly consumed them. It was a far faster and easier way of killing them. The only problem was they were inside the circle of fire, and the spell casting demon was on the outside.
Kennedy shot the last of the demons inside the circle with her crossbow, but the chanting continued.
"Everyone be ready," Buffy yelled.
It was the greatest advice she'd ever given, but there was no way of knowing what was about to happen. All she could hope was that whatever the spell did, its result would be something she could fight with her fists.
She and Spike moved so that they were each facing a different direction and could watch each other's backs. There was no word spoken between them, there didn't need to be. They'd spent so much time fighting with and against each other that they each knew exactly what the other one would do.
The chanting stopped and the flames vanished as quickly as they had sprung up. Suddenly all of the bodies, both human and demon began to twitch and flop about. Buffy heard a retching sound behind her and assumed that one of the potentials was reacting badly to the blood and guts.
She didn't give it a second thought. Instead she charged forward toward the demon who'd cast the spell. If this was the first step in razzing a zombie army, she wanted to get rid of the caster before he could order the zombies to attack. Zombies were bad enough on their own, but zombies with a purpose were hell to deal with.
She quickly closed the distance to the robed Godzilla. Despite the fact that it tried to run away, she easily caught it and snapped it's neck.
"Buffy?" one of the girls asked loudly over the continued sound of retching.
Buffy sighed, sometimes it was hard to imagine that any one of these girls could be the next Slayer. She had forgotten how many times she'd nearly gotten sick when she first started slaying.
When she turned around she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It wasn't one of the girls who was sick; it was Spike who was throwing up blood.
She rushed to the vampire's side.
"Spike are you okay?"
He couldn't answer her however, he was too busy retching. He had emptied his stomach of most of the blood that was in it. Now he was dry heaving.
She put a hand on his shoulder. It was the only thing she could do to comfort him. But she could try and do something to fix whatever was wrong with him.
"Kennedy?" she called. The brunette slayerette stepped forward. "Do you have your cell phone?"
"Yeah, but I don't think we can take him to a hospital."
Buffy resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "It's a camera phone right? Take a picture of these symbols and send it to Willow. I want her and Giles researching this now."
Spike had finally stopped heaving. Without thinking, Buffy placed her hand on his forehead just like her mother would have done. She was shocked to find that his skin was warm.

Author's Chapter Notes:
Written for Summer of Spike.