A nurse had come back from her break when another nurse came out of the supply room, carefully holding two large chunks of broken glass.

“What happened?” Jane inquired.

“I’m not sure. I went to help a patient, and when I returned, the cabinet was broken into,” Molly replied. “I’m gonna get my ass chewed out for this.” She threw the glass in the trash.

“It’s not your fault. I took a little longer than I needed.”

Molly didn’t say anything because it was true. There should have been someone else here. She sat down and called her supervisor. “Hello, this is Molly at the fifth floor nurses station... We’ve got a problem...The supply cabinet was broken into…No I was with a patient….She was on her break when it happened…Ok...Bye.”

Molly turned around to look Jane in the eye.

“What? What did Marie say?”

“She’s not pleased, but since the hospital is short staffed, there’s nothing that she can do, and we should have called another nurse from another floor.”

Jane sat down across from Molly.

“Is she gonna call the police?”

“Yeah, I guess. They need to be notified about this.”

Twenty minutes later, an African American officer stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the nurse’s station.

“Heard you had a little excitement around here."

“Hi,” Molly greeted. “Someone broke into our supply room."

"Uh-huh. Tell me what happened."

“I was with a patient and Jane was on her break."

“Yes, I was out just a bit longer than I was supposed to have been,” Jane replied.

The officer made notes as the women related the story to him.

“May I see the cabinet?” he asked.

"Follow me.” Molly rose to her feet and crossed to the supply room, waiting for Officer Jones to join her.

“What came up missing?” he asked, surveying the damage.

“Some sedatives," she explained. "A class IV narcotic."

Taking a closer look at the crime scene, he made a few more notes, then

closed his book.

“We'll get someone up here to dust for finger prints, and I'll see if I can’t interview some other people as well. We’ll get back with you as soon as we hear anything. Thanks for your help.”

Back down in the lobby, the officer stopped to speak with the receptionist.

“Hello ma’am. I’m Officer Jones with the Sunnydale PD. I just need to ask you a few questions, if that’s all right with you?”

“Oh sure, sure. What can I help you with, officer?”

“One of the medicine cabinets had been broken into on the fifth floor,” He began to explain, but she interrupted him.

“Oh dear.”

“What? Did you see anything or anyone unusual? Someone you didn’t know perhaps?”

The older woman thought for a few moments before speaking.

“Ah, let me see…Oh yes, there was a new nurse that asked where the rest room was this morning.”

“What’d she look like?”

“Red hair about here,” She gestured along her jaw line. “Petite. Light skinned. She was wearing a gray shirt and black flair pant I believe. She said it was her first day here."

He scribbled down this new information.

“Thank you ma’am. If you can think of any more details, please call me at the police department," he said, handing her his card.

“Oh, I will officer.” She smiled. “I hope you catch who ever did it.”

Jones excused himself and called his superior once again, letting him know of the lead he had. When the CSI team arrived, Jones instructed them to the restroom. He knew that there would be tons of finger prints, but it was worth a shot.

Half hour later, the team had all that they were going to get. Officer Jones interviewed a few more people, but no one was able to shed any more light on the break in. When he was satisfied, he and the team left, heading back to the precinct.


Anya had called them back around ?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />11:30, telling them to meet with her and Xander at Brandywine Country Club for lunch, and maybe a movie afterwards. Whatever it was, it was her treat.

Anya’s parents were very wealthy, but she wanted to make it on her own, so she chose to work with Buffy and Willow at The Magic Box. But that didn’t mean she wouldn't take advantage of their position, at least when it came to little things such as going to the country club, and facials for the girls.

She wanted to do something special for William and Buffy. Anya felt horrible about blurting out her news to them like that on such a hellish day. They'd probably wonder what in the world was wrong with her, but she didn't let that stop her.

I’m allowed to show off my sensitive side once in a awhile, she thought to herself after she hung up from speaking with Willow.

Willow was a little taken aback by Anya's generous offer. She didn’t know what to think, but figured she'd best take advantage of it while she could.

They had been in the family room watching television when Anya had called. Tara, William and Buffy waited patiently until Willow was off the phone. They noticed that Willow looked a little perplexed and called her on it.

“What is it?” Buffy asked.

Willow looked at each of them. “Nothing. Nothing at all. It’s something that Anya said to me.”

”What?” Tara asked.

“She’s offering to take us to the country club for lunch and afterwards facials for us girls,” Willow explained.

“Wow,” Buffy said shocked. “It’s not very often she does something like that. Better take her up on her offer.” She laughed. “Sounds like us girls are going to have fun.”

“What do Xander and I do, while you lovely ladies get beautified?” William wondered, feeling a bit left out. Buffy picked up on it right away, and squeezed his hand that she had been holding. William smiled back at her. He didn’t want to be away from her, but he knew she needed something like this, especially with the weekend they were having. It was supposed to be their anniversary. One she’ll never forget. I should have just packed her up and taken her to Dad’s country house for the weekend. Maybe this Harmony crap wouldn’t be happening at all. Damn! William chastised himself over and over, thinking this was all his fault.

“I think she was mumbling something about you and Xander going to a game or something afterwards,” Willow said, trying to remember everything Anya told her.

Buffy noticed he was thinking. She could always tell when something was bothering him, even when he’d put a brave face on.

“Would you excuse us?” Buffy said to Willow and Tara. “I need to speak with William for a moment.” Buffy pulled William up with her and they went upstairs to the guest room. As they sat on the bed, she looked at him with concern. “Honey, is there something wrong?”

“I just don’t want to be away from you today.” William rose to his feet, running his hands through his hair as he paced. “This was supposed to be our anniversary weekend. We were supposed to be shagging ourselves senseless. How did I let this Harmony thing go so damn far? I should have taken care of this a long time, ago and fired her ass…Bloody hell, why didn’t I just take you away for the weekend? We could have gone to Dad’s country house. He’s in England right now at some book convention. He wouldn’t have minded if we used it for the weekend.”

“William,” she called to him, hoping he’d stop pacing and listen, but he didn’t. She rose to her feet and went over to him. Face to face, she stared into his beautiful blue eyes. She almost let herself drown in them, but she stopped herself, needing to say what she was thinking. “I'm worried too, William. I’m scared shitless...I don’t know what to do…I don’t know what the hell she’s going to do next.” He began to speak, but she stopped him by placing a finger on his lips. “No, let me finish please.” He listened to what she had to say next. “We can’t let that woman run our lives. We have to go on. If we sit in the corner and hide, she wins William. We can’t give her the power.”

William cupped her face in his hands, brought her face close to his and kissed her soundly. “I love you, you know that?”

“Yes,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. “I love you too.” She kissed him back. “When this is over, we’ll go to Giles’ place and do all the things you suggested, but today, we’ll have fun with our friends, then come back and make up for lost time.” She raised her eyebrow seductively.

He kissed her once again, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Is everything ok?” Tara asked from the other side of the door.

William and Buffy collected themselves before answering. Buffy opened the door and noticed the concerned look on Tara’s face.

“Is everything ok?” she asked again.

“Yep, everything's fine,” Buffy said, forcing a smile.

“Willow is downstairs waiting. You still want to go?” Tara asked uncertainly.

“Oh sure, we’re going, aren’t we William?” Buffy interlaced her fingers with his.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” William responded with a smile.


Harmony, in the red wig, drove by Willow and Tara’s home, just as William, Buffy, Tara and Willow exited the house, and climbed into William's car. She decided to pull in someone’s driveway down a little ways from Willow and Tara’s, so she wouldn't be conspicuous. Once they drove away, Harmony followed slowly behind them.

Ten minutes later they pulled into Brandywine Country Club parking lot. It was modest looking compared to other country clubs around Sunnydale. The building was built around a lush garden with a cherub fountain.

From where they parked, they could see a pool, the club house, and the pro golf shop. The golf course was 18 holes of wonderfully landscaped grounds. As the group walked in, they were treated to a large picture window view of the garden.

The hostess smiled as they made their way up to the desk.

“How may I help you?” the young brunette woman asked.

“We’re here for the Jenkins’s party,” Willow replied.

The woman scanned down her guest sheet and looked up once again.

“Ah, yes, they are already waiting in the Chardonnay Room.”

“Which way?” Willow asked.

“Down that hall,” She pointed to the left. “Sixth door on the left, you can’t miss it.”

“Thank you,” the group replied and headed down the hall.

The door was marked with the name Chardonnay Room. In the back, they could see their friends. Willow noticed the wall of tall windows off to the right, which gave them another clear view of the grounds.

“Hello,” Anya greeted waving her hands excitedly.

Willow, Tara, William and Buffy each took a seat around the table. The table had a floral arrangement in the center. The plates, silverware, glass, and napkins were all set up with care.

“Hi guys,” Xander said, once they were all seated.

”This is a nice place,” Willow commented as she looked around.

“The parental units come here all the time,” Anya replied casually. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” She hailed a waiter over. The others picked up their menu and quickly looked over what they wanted.


Harmony walked in a few minutes after they did. There was a couple talking to the hostess and she stayed behind the couple. When they went towards the dining area, she told the young woman she was with them.

Once in the dining room, Harmony walked to the bar on the left and sat down on a stool. She had a perfect view of her obsession through the mirror in front of her, and she smiled bitterly.

Now I’ve got you, right where I want you!

She watched as they all went about having a good time, ordering a drink and waiting to make her move.

Fifteen minutes later, the group’s lunch arrived. While waiting, Buffy excused herself to the rest room. As the gentleman, William rose from his chair, and pulled Buffy’s chair away from her as she stood. When she was out of sight, he sat down, not noticing the woman who followed after her.


Buffy pushed the door opened as someone shoved her from behind into the restroom. Before Buffy realized it, she was on the floor. Rolling over, she saw a woman with red hair locking the ladies room door.

“What are you doing?” Buffy asked nervously.

The woman turned around slowly, removing her wig.

“Harmony,” Buffy whispered.


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