Buffy had no intention of staying in all night like she'd led Willow to believe she would. She didn't care if she was injured and needed rest—that rest would never come as long as she knew Spike was still out there. Almost as soon as the sun had fallen over the horizon, she climbed out the bedroom window and down the large tree beside the house. She ignored her body's protests, trying to force her mind to block out the pain. She wasn't going to let her weakened state stop her. If anything, Spike wouldn't be expecting to see her again this soon after he'd almost killed her, and she'd have the element of surprise on her side.

"Ooh, it's her, Daddy. It's William's new dolly. The one that burns him like sunshine and makes him taste of ashes. Let's play with her now before she tries to find him and finish their game."

"Mmm, she is a nice one. All firm and ripe. And coming from the Slayer's house, too. Isn't that interesting," came the reply, a deep, male voice that sent chills up Buffy's spine.

Buffy had frozen at the sound of a woman's voice, the speaker's mental instability clear from both her words and her tone. When the man spoke, she turned slightly, her heart thundering at her first sight of Angelus and Drusilla. She knew they weren't like the majority of the vampires she faced, and fear rushed through her, though she didn't let herself give into it. Instead, she reached into her pocket and grabbed a stake, holding it at the ready.

Drusilla hissed. "Dolly's playthings aren't very nice. Bad dolly. Bad."

Angelus stepped forward, moving with inhuman speed, and grabbed Buffy's wrist, twisting it until the bones snapped with an audible crack and the stake fell to the ground. Buffy gasped in pain, but didn't give Angelus the satisfaction of hearing her cry out.

"Good job, Daddy," Drusilla said with a sharp clap of her hands. "Teach the naughty girl a lesson."

Angelus smiled before using the hand that wasn't around her small wrist to hit Buffy hard on the side of her head, making her crumple to the ground, unconscious. He picked her up, holding her limp body across his arms. "Ready to have some fun, Dru?"

"Kill her, Daddy. Kill her now. Drink her down. Twist her foul little neck," Drusilla replied with a sort of glee that became all the more sinister for its childlike quality.

"I'll kill her soon enough, but I want to play with her a bit first. See what kind of music I can make from her screams," Angelus said. He walked off with Buffy, Drusilla trailing behind him.

*** *** ***

Buffy woke with her head pounding and her body aching. She looked around, noting the unfamiliar surroundings. It was then that she also realized she was naked and remembered the vampires. She panicked, trying to move, only to find herself chained to a wall by a set of rusty but sturdy manacles. Pain shot from her broken wrist as she fought with the chains, and she slumped, knowing she had no chance of breaking free.

"What the bloody hell have you done, Angelus?"

Buffy jerked her head up at the sound of Spike's voice. He was standing with the two vampires who had taken her, and from the look on his face, he was not happy. For a moment, she felt a rush of relief hit her until she realized that Spike was not going to save her and wondered why a thought to the contrary had entered her mind for even a moment. He was a vampire, just like the other two, and if anything he'd most likely participate in whatever degradation they had planned for her.

"You don't want to share," Drusilla said to Spike, snapping her jaws. "Naughty, Spike. Mummy's quite cross with you. You shall have to be punished."

"I'm a bit cross myself," Spike said, his eyes traveling to Angelus. "That girl isn't yours."

"She will be," Angelus replied with a grin. "She'll be mine just like Drusilla here is. You think she'll want you to touch her then?"

"Stay away from her," Spike growled. "That girl is mine. You have no prior rights to her like you do with Drusilla."

Angelus smirked. "Neither do you. All you did was fuck her and have a little taste. Doesn't make her yours." Angelus walked over to Buffy, unchaining her. She struggled against him, but he kept his hold tight until she gave up and slumped in his arms.

Spike's demon came forward at the sight of Angelus holding Buffy. He stalked towards them, knocking Drusilla out of the way without a second thought when she tried to stop him.

Angelus laughed as Spike approached, setting Buffy on her feet but holding her against his body, her back to his front. He pinched a nipple cruelly, making Buffy cry out in pain and Spike's anger grow. "You think she's yours, boy? Looks different to me right now." He ran his hands down Buffy's body, shoving three fingers into her dry pussy and delighting in the way it made her scream.

Spike roared in anger, his demon sick of being pushed around by Angelus. He'd been made a fool of enough with Drusilla. It wouldn't happen to him again with this girl.

"What do you think you're going to do, Willie?" Angelus taunted. "You gonna fight for her? That's always worked so well in the past, what with you losing every fight we've ever had and all. You're pathetic. It's why the women would always rather be with me than you. Women like a real man, not some sorry excuse that would rather recite his awful poetry to them than give them a decent fuck. It's no wonder Drusilla was so eager to come back to my bed. She hadn't gotten it good in years."

Spike roared, tackling Angelus and grabbing Buffy. Angelus looked surprised for a moment before getting to his feet, chuckling. "Come on, Willie-boy. Just hand her back. You know you have no chance against me. Be good now and maybe I'll let you play with her later."

Spike snarled. Angelus wasn't having this girl. She was his. She'd come to town searching for him, and he was the one who had taken her virginity the night before. No other man would ever touch her, especially Angelus. With a roar, he sank his fangs into the marks he'd already made on her neck, taking a strong pull of her blood before raising his head, crimson staining his lips. "Mine."

Angelus gaped in shock. "Did you just claim her? No one claims anymore. You really are a complete idiot."

Spike kept a tight hold on Buffy as he snarled at his grandsire. He'd done what he'd had to do to keep what was his. He'd shared enough, and the demon wasn't one for giving. The girl was his completely now. Angelus had taunted him by telling him he had no rights over her, and he'd changed that, given her his mark. Angelus could not bed, drink, or turn her now.

Suddenly, Drusilla was on her feet, jumping at Spike. Buffy slumped to the ground as Drusilla attacked her childe, clawing and screeching. Spike held up a leather-clad arm, trying to fend off her attacks, but she didn't stop. "I hate you!" she yelled. "You were my prince. Mine! You promised forever!"

Spike's demon retreated as Drusilla's cries made the full weight of the situation hit him. He'd claimed a woman that wasn't Dru. He'd chosen a woman other than the sire who had rescued him from a life of mediocrity and brought him into this beautiful world of darkness and bloodshed. He'd turned away from the face of his salvation. "Drusilla…"

"I hate you!" Drusilla snarled again before pulling back and drawing into herself, whimpering. Angelus walked over to her, placing his large hands on her frail shoulders.

"You should probably just take your human and go," Angelus told Spike. He smirked. "Don't worry—I'll take good care of Dru. She won't even miss you."

Part of Spike wanted to throw himself at Dru's feet and beg for her forgiveness, swear to kill the girl right now if Drusilla would only take him back, but his pride wouldn't allow it. It was pride that had driven him to claim the girl, and it was pride that kept him in check now. Drusilla and Angelus had pushed him around for long enough, and claiming the girl had been getting a little of his own back. He shrugged off his coat, picking Buffy up off the floor and wrapping her in the cool leather. Somewhere in it all, she'd lost consciousness, and he carried her out of the mansion.

Angelus had to admit that hadn't gone quite the way he planned, but it had still been quite amusing. That bleached moron Dru had sired apparently had no idea why claims—once the standard practice in vampiric relationships—were practically non-existent today. And to claim a human… Angelus shook his head, almost wished he could let them stick around just to watch Spike come completely unglued. That would certainly be good for a chuckle or two.

He shrugged, deciding he had better things to do anyway. The Slayer was still out there after all, and she provided hours of enjoyment with her pathetic internal war between her love for him and her chosen duty. Maybe he could kill off one of her friends. If killing one of her teachers got such a reaction out of her…

Although at the moment, he had some excess tension to work off and Spike had so rudely run away with his new plaything. He wrapped his arm around Drusilla. "Come on, Dru."

Drusilla whined. "He left with her, Daddy." She reached up, pulling her hair. "He was mine. I made him for me, not to play with the sunshine." She stamped her foot, whimpering like a small child. Angelus sighed, deciding he was going to have to gag her for the night as he threw Drusilla over his shoulder and walked towards the bedroom.

*** *** ***

Willow came running down the stairs, her eyes wide and full of panic as she yelled, "Nancy! Giles! Buffy's gone! She's gone!"

Giles jumped to his feet from the table where he'd been going over the monthly bills. "What?"

"Buffy's gone," Willow repeated, stopping at the other end of the table. "I went up to check on her, and she wasn't there. The window was open—I think she climbed out. She said she'd stay in tonight. I didn't think she'd actually be crazy enough to go after Spike again this soon after she almost died."

"Bloody hell," Giles muttered. "What was she thinking?"

"She couldn't have gotten far," Nancy said, already headed towards the door. "She's too weak."

Giles and Willow exchanged a look before following Nancy outside. They stopped when they saw her standing beside the tree in the front yard, a red rose in her hand. "Angelus," Nancy said.

Willow gasped. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Nancy replied with a nod. "He keeps leaving these around, making sure I know it's him." She threw the rose to the ground in disgust, then turned to her Watcher, seeing the stricken look on his face. "I'll find her, Giles," she said before taking off in a run.

Willow put her hand on Giles's arm. "Come on. Let's go back inside and I'll make you some tea."

"I need to look for her. I have to find her. Angelus has her. Joyce wouldn't like it…"

"Nancy will find her, Giles," Willow said, hoping she sounded convincing. "But we need to go inside now. Neither one of is armed, and it's not safe out here."

Giles looked at Willow, then blinked, as if suddenly realizing where he was. With a resigned sign, he walked with her into the house.

*** *** ***

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