[Reviews - 74] LikedPrinter
Summary: Buffy had a little accident, she sees all, knows all--and can't trust a single living soul. Set in Season 4 not long after Restless.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No
Word count: 21593 Read: 23205
Published: 09/19/2005 Updated: 12/24/2005

1. Chapter One by Randie [Reviews - 1] Liked (1245 words)
A/N Let me know what you think! I need feedback!!!

2. Chapter Two by Randie [Reviews - 1] Liked (1520 words)

3. Chapter Three by Randie [Reviews - 1] Liked (1093 words)

4. Chapter Four by Randie [Reviews - 8] Liked (1201 words)

5. Chapter 5 by Randie [Reviews - 3] Liked (1162 words)

6. Chapter 6 by Randie [Reviews - 3] Liked (1247 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Randie [Reviews - 2] Liked (1705 words)

8. Chapter 8 by Randie [Reviews - 5] Liked (1376 words)
Anyone wanting to give some feedback on whether or not to continue this one, please get back to me. RL is getting busy again. Thanks! Jenn

9. Chapter 9 by Randie [Reviews - 5] Liked (1741 words)
Thanks for the support guys! You make all of this worthwhile!

10. Chapter 10 by Randie [Reviews - 7] Liked (1597 words)
Sorry I haven't updatd, but work has been taking up a lot of time! Thank you for the feedback guys, and remember, it is always good to let a writer know how they're doing, good or bad! **hugs everyone**

11. Chapter 11 by Randie [Reviews - 13] Liked (1246 words)
This is a short one, but for a reason! You'll see soon!

12. Chapter 12 Part 1 by Randie [Reviews - 7] Liked (1462 words)
So, I was wondering if you like the two-part chapter system, so when the second one gets posted, let me know what you think by email! Thank guys!

13. Chapter Twelve Part 2 by Randie [Reviews - 9] Liked (1816 words)
My bad! Maybe I shouldn't have left it there, huh? I know, I know get the updates comin'! Keep those reviews coming and I will get the updates as soon as I can! Thanks guys!

14. Chapter 13 by Randie [Reviews - 1] Liked (1299 words)

15. Chapter 14 & 15 by Randie [Reviews - 8] Liked (1883 words)