Rated: NC-17
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No
Word count: 21593 Read: 23205
Published: 09/19/2005 Updated: 12/24/2005
1. Chapter One by Randie [Reviews - 1] (1245 words)
A/N Let me know what you think! I need feedback!!!
2. Chapter Two by Randie [Reviews - 1] (1520 words)
3. Chapter Three by Randie [Reviews - 1] (1093 words)
4. Chapter Four by Randie [Reviews - 8] (1201 words)
5. Chapter 5 by Randie [Reviews - 3] (1162 words)
6. Chapter 6 by Randie [Reviews - 3] (1247 words)
7. Chapter 7 by Randie [Reviews - 2] (1705 words)
8. Chapter 8 by Randie [Reviews - 5] (1376 words)
Anyone wanting to give some feedback on whether or not to continue this one, please get back to me. RL is getting busy again. Thanks! Jenn
9. Chapter 9 by Randie [Reviews - 5] (1741 words)
Thanks for the support guys! You make all of this worthwhile!
10. Chapter 10 by Randie [Reviews - 7] (1597 words)
Sorry I haven't updatd, but work has been taking up a lot of time! Thank you for the feedback guys, and remember, it is always good to let a writer know how they're doing, good or bad! **hugs everyone**
11. Chapter 11 by Randie [Reviews - 13] (1246 words)
This is a short one, but for a reason! You'll see soon!
12. Chapter 12 Part 1 by Randie [Reviews - 7] (1462 words)
So, I was wondering if you like the two-part chapter system, so when the second one gets posted, let me know what you think by email! Thank guys!
13. Chapter Twelve Part 2 by Randie [Reviews - 9] (1816 words)
My bad! Maybe I shouldn't have left it there, huh? I know, I know get the updates comin'! Keep those reviews coming and I will get the updates as soon as I can! Thanks guys!
14. Chapter 13 by Randie [Reviews - 1] (1299 words)
15. Chapter 14 & 15 by Randie [Reviews - 8] (1883 words)