Buffy slammed on her brakes, screeching to a halt, narrowly missing the car stopped at the light.


“Damn, Buffy! Learn how to fucking drive!” Lynden put his hand over his racing heart, leaning his head back against the seat.

“When did this happen?”


She turned back to the road, her hands gripping the steering wheel. Tears came to her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. Why should she cry? He wasn’t her boyfriend, he wasn’t her anything. They had no commitment. He just held her in his arms, softly kissing her while she drifted to sleep occasionally. Why should she cry?

She pulled into the Howard’s driveway, slammed the car into park and waited for Lynden to get out.

“Aren’t you coming?”

She jerkily shook her head.

“Tell Dru I’ll call her later. Call me when the banquet is over and I’ll come get you.”

“Are you alright?“ Lynden looked at her.

She gave a small sarcastic laugh.

“I’m fine.”

He nodded and got out of the car. She rolled the window down and yelled his name, halting his trek to the door.

“I’m only picking you up, you got that? No one else.”

She rolled up the window and screeched out of the driveway, leaving her confused brother watching her from the lawn.

“That mother fucker! That low down, son of a bitch bastard!” Buffy hit her fist against the dashboard with every curse she uttered.

She threw her head back against the seat, cursing the tears that tried to well in her eyes. She shook her head, a laugh bubbling in her throat. What the fuck was wrong with her? This was Spike! A fifteen year old, what did she expect. This was what was going to happen since the beginning. He would find somewhere else to find his pleasure and she would move on as well.

Why did she feel like she couldn’t move at all?

“This is ridiculous.”

She sat up and started her car, pulling back onto the road. She had been parked at the beach, watching the waves crash against the sand. The water was so blue, so perfect. It reminded her of his eyes. The way emotion darkened them, the way they shone in the light as he looked at her. She looked away, concentrating on the road.

She glanced in the rearview mirror. She knew this would happen. Why dwell on it? She was a pretty girl she could have anyone she wanted.

Or so it had seemed.


She pulled into the driveway, paying no attention to the strange car parked beside Dru’s.

Dru met her at the door, a concerned look on her face.

“Where did you go?”

She smiled and passed Dru, making her way into the house.

“I’ve been trying to call you, Buff. Where’s your phone?”

“Dead battery.”

“What’s wrong, sis?”

Buffy sighed and looked at her. What was she supposed to say to that?

“Nothing. Long day.”

Dru smiled and nodded.


Buffy turned toward the voice coming from the kitchen. Her brow furrowed and she looked at the sly smirk on Dru’s face.

“Who is that?” Buffy mouthed.

“Come here! I want you to meet someone.”

Buffy watched as a tall shadow appeared in the doorway seconds before the stranger appeared.

“Buffy, this is my cousin. Angel.”


Spike sighed and glanced at his brother, but Lorne was to busy chatting it up with some of the many girls that showed up in support of him. He looked to Lynden, who was leaned back in a chair against the wall. He needed someone to rescue him from the blonde mass of bubbliness attached to his arm. What in God’s name had inspired him to ask this idiot out.

He smiled as he thought of the exact reason that he had asked Harmony Kendall to be his “girlfriend”.

Another blonde, but this one he didn’t mind being attached to. Maybe it was childish and he would pay dearly for it, but he just couldn’t resist. He just had to know what her reaction would be. He hoped it would be one like the night of the football game.


He turned his attention back to Harmony, cringing at just the sight of her. She wasn’t quite as hot as he used to think. Her eyes were too blue, her hair to bright, and her nose wasn’t crooked at all.

“Harm, I don’t think this is gonna work out.”

Her expression was priceless. Fish is in the ocean couldn’t make a better face.

“We’ve only been together five hours!” She screeched.

“I know. It felt like forever though.” He turned and walked away, listening as the rest of the cheerleaders followed a sobbing Harmony to the bathroom.

He walked up and kicked the leg of Lynden’s chair.

“Wake up. Call Buffy and tell her to come on, I’m ready to go.”

Lynden sat his chair upright, his eyes scanning the gym.

“Where’s your girlfriend?”

“What girlfriend?” He said with a smirk.

Lynden laughed and stood up.

“You’re an asshole, man.”

“Yeah.” He laughed. “Call Buff, tell her to get her ass over here.”

Lynden scratched the back of his neck, his eyes anywhere but on Spike.

“Yeah, about that. She said she was coming to get ME. As in me only.”

Spike’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“What? You only?”
Lynden laughed, scuffing the floor with his shoe.

“Yeah, that’s what she said. I think she‘s pissed about something. I don‘t know though.”

“Well, what happened?”

Lynden sat back down and Spike sat in the chair beside him.

“I don’t know man, we were driving down the road, just talking and then BAM!” He slapped his hands together, “She nearly rear ends a damn car stopped at a redlight!”

“What were you talking about?”

“I don’t know, just stuff that happened today.”

Spike’s stomach dropped.

“What stuff that happened today?”

“You know, school, stuff like that. Oh! And I told her about you and Harmony.”

Spike turned and leaned back in his chair.

Oh fuck.

Maybe his brilliant plan had a minor flaw.

“Well call her anyway, see if she’s calmed down any.”

Lynden gave him a look.

“You have met my sister right?”

Spike rolled his eyes.

“Just call her.”

“Alright, alright.”

Lynden pulled out his cell and punched in Buffy’s number. Spike tried to listen to what was being said, but the gym was just to loud. Lynden pressed end and put the phone back into his pocket.

“What did she say?”

Lynden got up and made his way to Lorne, Spike tagging right along behind him.

“What did she say?”

“Hold on.”

They made their way to Lorne, pulling him away from his groupies.

“Come on, Dru’s on her way.”

“Dru?” Spike and Lorne spoke at the same time.
“Why Dru? I thought you called Buffy’s phone.” Spike asked as they made their way to the doors.

“I did. Dru answered.”


They stopped under the awning, watching the cars for Dru’s little red neon.

“I don’t know, she said Buffy was busy.”

“Doing what?”

Lynden sat down against the brick column, looking up at Spike.

“Why so many questions?”

Spike shrugged. “Just curious.”

“She said she was talking to somebody, Angel or something.”

Spike froze.


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