Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry about the wait.

“Hello, my other daughter.”

Buffy smiled into the phone.

“Hey, my other mother.”

“What are you up to?”

“No good.”

Lynn softly laughed, “I bet. You at work?”

Buffy sighed and leaned back in her chair.


“What are you doing when you get off?”

“Nothing that I know of.”

“How much do you love me?”

Buffy laughed as she leaned forward, twirling a pen across the desk.

“It depends on what you want me to do.”

“Pick up the boys from practice.”

The pen whirled off the edge of the desk.


“Because me and your dad have to go see Mr. Giles, he’s in the hospital again. And you know how they are, we won’t get home until midnight.”

Buffy closed her eyes.


“And besides, I haven’t seen you in forever, don’t you love me anymore?”

“You know I do.”

“Well, then go pick up our boys and be at home when I get there.”

Buffy rubbed her eyes. “Alright.”

“Are you sure? You don’t sound too enthused.”

“Yes, mom.”

“Alright, baby. I’ll see you tonight.”


“I love you.”

“Love you too.”

Buffy hung up the phone and leaned back. Lynn was right, she hadn’t been to the Howard’s in almost a week. In fact, she had barely even spoke to any of them since the ‘incident’.

And it had been hell.

She missed them like crazy. Lynden had been over at their house nearly every night, and each night she made some excuse not to stay as she dropped him off. But it seemed as though her excuses had finally ran out.

Buffy sped into the parking lot, narrowly missing the mini van pulling out. She was late and the boys were gonna give her hell. She pulled up into a parking space and scanned the field, only to find it empty. She turned to the field house and watched as Spike sauntered out, his gym bag thrown across his shoulder. God, he was walking sex. Buffy sighed as she watched his muscles roll smoothly beneath his skin. She rolled the window down as he made it to the car.

“Where’s Lynden and Lorne?”

He never stopped, never even acknowledged her as he opened the back door, throwing his bag inside. He walked around the car and slid into the front seat.

Buffy turned to look at him, her blood near boiling.

“What IS your problem?”

He shrugged and looked at the window.


“Where’s the others?”

“They went home with Clay for the night.”

“So they’re not coming?”


She sat back in her seat, pissed beyond belief. What the fuck was his problem? God, she hated him sometimes. She pulled out of the parking lot, making her way to the house.

“Why did you come?”

“Because your mom and dad went to see Giles.”


“Why didn’t you go with Clay?”

“Because Clay gets on my fucking nerves.”

She shook her head and concentrated on the road, determined not to let him get to her.
She pulled into the drive way and stopped, waiting for him to get out. He looked over at her, but she kept her eyes straight ahead.

“What are you doing?”

“Waiting on you to get out.”

“You’re not staying?”

She looked at him then. “Why would I want to stay? You’ve been an asshole ever since we left the school.”

Spike smirked at her and leaned back against the seat.

“No, I haven’t.”

She shook her head and gripped the steering wheel.

“Get out, Buffy.”


He reached over and twirled her hair around his finger.
“Get out. I’m here by myself.”

She slammed the car into park and got out, making a bee line for the door. She left the door open for him and headed up the stairs for Dru’s room. She went inside and slammed the door, locking it before landing on the bed. She rolled over and closed her eyes. She was not gonna make another mistake, she would just stay in Dru’s room until somebody came home.

She tensed as she heard the door knob rattle. She sat up on the bed and listened as he tried to jimmy it open, releasing a breath as she heard his retreating footsteps. She pushed the small disappointed feeling away and lay back down against the pillows, only to jump back up when the door burst open.

Spike leaned against the door knob, smirk and butter knife in place.

“What do you want?”

He shook his head as he strolled into the room, tossing the knife down on Dru’s dresser.

“Nothing, just want to experience the pleasure of your company.”

She narrowed her eyes as he lay down on the bed, turning to face her.

“You won’t be experiencing any pleasure from me.”

He smirked and closed his eyes, snuggling into the pillow.


She sighed and leaned back against her own pillow, scooching over to the edge of the bed. She closed her eyes and concentrated on nothing. She cleared her mind of everything, especially the blonde Adonis lying beside her. Her breathing slowed and evened out, her muscles relaxing. God, it felt good to just lay back and relax.

Buffy was nearly asleep when she felt it. Hot, sweet breath blowing gently against her cheek. She opened her eyes and sucked in a breath. How did he get that close without her realizing it?

“What are you doing?” She knew he wasn’t asleep, ”Spike!” She nudged him and cocked a brow at him, as he pretended to wake up.


“What are you doing?”

He stretched and rolled onto his back.


“Don’t you have your own room?”

“Don’t you?” He shot back.

She bit her lip and nodded her head, moving to get up.

“You know, as a matter of fact I do. I’ll just go home to it.”

She rose from the bed and he followed her, jerking her back against him. She stiffened as she felt him press against her back, nuzzling her neck with his lips.

“Don’t go.”

Her head dropped to the side as his lips closed around her sensitive flesh. She jerked
away though, as he slid a hand across her chest. She turned to face him.


He smirked and advanced on her.


She backed away until she hit Dru’s dresser

“I will NOT make the same mistake again.”

He stopped and regarded her. She narrowed her eyes at the emotions that flit across his face. He almost looked- hurt.

“You think it was a mistake?”

She laughed and shook her head.

“There is no thinking to it! I know it was a mistake! A huge, white whale of a mistake!”

His jaw clenched as he stared at the floor.

“You wanted it. You know you did, Buffy. Is that what bothers you the most? Knowing that you, a twenty year old woman, burn for a fifteen year old?” He was across the floor in a second, jerking her to him. He stared into her eyes, nose to nose with her. “Because you wanted it, Buffy. Oh, how you wanted it.”
He ran his hand down her back, pulling her tight against his chest.

“And you still want it.”

She closed her eyes, wishing she could pull away. Jerk away from him and deny the truth he was laying before her.

“Don’t you?“ He nuzzled her cheek with his lips.

She sagged against him, her hands latching onto the hard muscles in his arms.


He twined his fingers in her hair, pulling her head back and claiming her lips in a searing kiss.

She was so fucked.

She fell back against the dresser, grunting against his lips. He pulled back and ran his lips down her throat, whispering softly with each kiss.

“Been thinking about this ever sinc-”

The front door slammed.

She pushed him away from her and bolted for the bathroom in Dru’s room. She locked the door and leaned against it, sliding to the floor. She didn’t know where he went, she didn’t care either. All she knew, was that she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her.

Her head fell back against the door with a dull thud.



“Are you alright?”

She stood up and opened the door, smiling at Lynn’s concerned face.

“Yeah, just haven’t eaten much today. Got kinda sick at my stomach.”

Lynn rolled her eyes and took Buffy by the hand, leading her out and down the hall.

“Come on. I got a pizza.”

They stopped as Spike’s door flew open, his annoyed face halting their trek.


“Son.” Lynn smirked at him.

Spike rolled his eyes and threw his practice clothes at her.

“Wash these.”

His eyes fell on Buffy and narrowed before the door slammed.

“Come on, dufus. Pizza awaits.”

Buffy sighed and followed Lynn down stairs.

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