As Buffy wondered what the hell ‘stepping it up’ would entail Spike gave his next order.
“Hold your skirt up round your waist please. Let me see how adorable those demure little panties look on you.”
Buffy complied and after staring for a moment in a way that made her squirm, he surprised her by moving closer and kissing her gently. She sighed and brought her hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck as he deepened the kiss, teasing her tongue with his own. When he pulled back Buffy tried to keep his head in place and continue the kiss. She was unsuccessful and he stepped out of her embrace saying
“Oh dear Summers. You really are quite the little slut aren’t you? Did you think that getting teacher to kiss you would get you out of trouble?”
Buffy was outraged “But you started it! You……”
She was cut off by Spike speaking loudly “AND you moved those hands of yours again. I told you to hold that skirt up! I’ll have none of your excuses.”
“No buts Summers! You disobeyed again and tried to worm your way out of trouble with your feminine charms. Oh but I’m going to enjoy this even more now.”
Again he paused, Buffy knew he was both upping the stakes and giving her a chance to use her safe word at the same time. Well, if he wanted to play like that there was no way she was going to give up! She’d take anything he could give out and he wouldn’t get the satisfaction of any reaction whatsoever out of her.
“Bend over again, but make sure your skirt stays up around your waist.” He commanded.
‘If looks were stakes’ he thought, chuckling slightly as she glared at him before bending over and arranging her skirt as directed and putting her hands on the floor again. He let it go for now though, he wanted to get on with this, he was having so much fun.
He rested the paddle against her butt for a second, letting her feel it there and think he was taking aim. Then he replaced the paddle with his hand, rubbing gently he caressed her panty covered butt round to the damp spot between her legs which was a lot more accessible just now due to her position. Buffy hadn’t been expecting that, she’d been stealing herself for a blow from hand or paddle. One of those she’d have handled without any reaction, his hand stroking her through the underwear caused a small but sharp intake of breath and she mentally slapped herself. Resolving instantly not to show any further response. His hand found her clit and hovered, not quite touching, until he unexpectedly brought the paddle down across one cheek. As he did so he pressed hard on her clit and Buffy’s eyes screwed up, partly from the smarting in her ass, partly from the intense pleasure on the sensitive nub. Her legs trembled a little as she felt Spike’s body move, drawing his hand back for another blow but she didn’t let a sound out. Her brow furrowed and she almost prayed for strength to keep her reactions down as the blow struck with a firm contact to her clit exactly as before. This time however a flurry of blows randomly stuck each cheek afterwards, every one accompanied by his hand on her clit. The blows so close together now that the hand on her nubbin merely had to rub backwards and forwards to coincide with each stroke.
She felt her pussy flood at the mixture of sensations and squeezed her eyes even tighter shut as the last hard blow landed across both cheeks he cruelly pinched her clit . Damn him she felt like she’d come from just one more blow but, as he always seemed to do he stopped just short of her ecstasy. The fact that he’d gotten nothing more obvious than a little knee tremble from her pissed him off somewhat, she could be a tough little bint when she wanted. But he could tell she was close.
“Stand up” he barked, adding “and keep those feet apart” as she had moved them when she stood up, no doubt trying again to get some friction from her inner thighs. ‘Yeah she’s close’ he thought slightly more gleefully.
She stood before him, her face flushed desperately trying to control her breathing, still holding her skirt up around her waist. He hadn’t told her to let it drop and she wasn’t about to give him ANY ammunition.
“Pull your pants down and then hold your skirt up again.” he ordered
Buffy pulled the pants down and had them at her calves, about to step out of them when his voice stopped her. “I said down, not off. Leave them around your knees.”
Although flushed already Buffy’s face got redder as she did as he said, feeling slightly ridiculous and very embarrassed with her panties round her knees. He knelt in front of her and examined them, before reaching out and gathering some of her moisture from them on his finger. He looked up at her as he sucked the finger into his mouth. She shuddered at the erotic sight of him tasting her from the panties she had drenched. Pulling the finger out he brought it up to her sex and circled her entrance with it. Making her use every ounce of willpower she had not to move her hips to try to get it inside of her. He circled for a couple of seconds before brushing the finger forwards over her inner lips, again studiously avoiding the swollen flesh at the top of her slit. He brought the finger up to her mouth with a slight smirk.
The first time he’d ever done this she’d baulked at the idea and told him he was sick. Although she’d never admitted it, he knew it gave her a thrill now. He loved to make her do this when she was (as happened frequently) trying to pretend that he didn’t have any effect on her.
“Be a good girl and suck it” he said his other hand coming round and pinching her ass to urge her to open her mouth.
Reluctantly she took his finger into her mouth, tasting herself, her reluctance melted. On the higher functioning levels of her brain she found it disgusting. However, she was running on a much more basic, primal level of consciousness now. Moaning slightly she swirled her tongue round his finger cleaning it completely of her juices before he removed it. He slipped the wet finger into her bra and tweaked at her left nipple with it. She moaned again as her chest heaved and her back arched her breast towards him.
Abruptly Spike pulled away having decided that he’d aroused her far enough to move on to the next bit of his plan. He began to circle her again as she tried to stand still and control herself. Her flushed face and wild eyes told him all he needed to know about the state of her mind just now.
“Look at you” he said scathingly as he stopped in front of her “standing there all horny and wanton. Standing there with your knickers round your knees like the naughty little girl that you know you are. Letting me spank your arse because you know you deserve it. How humiliated you would feel if you could see yourself right now.” He began circling again and he could see Buffy’s hands itching to drop the skirt, end the game and probably slap his face hard. He stopped behind her, almost daring her to turn round. “And you love it don’t you?” he said slapping his hand onto her bottom.
Buffy almost came on the spot as she unthinkingly breathed out “Yes Sir.”
“You know you deserve this don’t you?” he questioned “You need this, and you know you do.” He’d moved round again and he swung his hand at her outer thigh, chuckling as she tensed up before placing his hand carefully against her leg and rubbing it gently. “You like me to put you in your place don’t you? Before I’m done you will promise me that you’ll come to me in future if you need help. Now come here.”
He’d moved over to a sarcophagus and seated himself on it. “Seeing as you’re the naughtiest girl in school” he said, going back to the role play after the little diversion into why he was really pissed at her. “I think I’m going to have to take you in hand…….literally.”
Buffy moved to pull the panties off to walk to him.
“Leave them!” he commanded
Flushing bright red at the ignominy, she waddled toward him, more than slightly pissed at the fact that Spike seemed to find the sight so amusing.
“Over my knee” he said when she finally reached him. Hesitating for only a second to roll her eyes at him Buffy did as he said, pushing herself awkwardly into position. “This time,” he leaned down and breathed his words into her ear “you wont have the benefit of skirt or panties to save your precious hide. I’m going to smack your bare bottom until it’s red and your begging me either to stop or to make you cum.”
Buffy swallowed hard and tried to ignore the effect he was having on her. It had been a little while since he’d aroused her this badly before finally giving in and fucking her. She knew he would, eventually, but she was increasingly certain that she wouldn’t last until his dick was in her.
Spike began the spanking, the first six blows were surprisingly light although they were accompanied by a lot of scolding from Spike. After six he rubbed her heated flesh his hands straying towards her pussy but never actually going there. The next six were harder and the scolding more severe. The rubbing in the aftermath was a lot nearer her pussy this time and Buffy’s legs instinctively tried to push themselves wide apart to grant him access. They were hampered however by the panties still clinging round her knees and Buffy couldn’t help but groan. After three more sets of six smacks, each progressively harder and each followed by increasingly indecent groping, Buffy was squirming like a cat in heat.
Spike set her on her feet before him, holding onto her outstretched arms to steady her as her legs threatened to give way. Through the haze of lust enveloping her Buffy had a tiny moment of triumph that he had stopped and she had not begged him to do it, although she was incredibly close to pleading with him to make her cum. “Are you sorry you didn’t ask for my help?” he questioned.
“Yes Sir” Buffy said
“Will you ever again show off that body of yours, which belongs to me, to any other men?”
“No Sir”
“Are you sorry?” One of his hands slid up her thigh and stroked maddeningly just below the crease where her legs met her body.
“Yes Sir” it came out on a shaky sigh and was barely audible.
“Are you really sorry?” he asked, the hand now moving to the same point on her other thigh as his free hand cupped her chin, both moving in tender caresses.
Buffy was puzzled by the sudden gentleness and her only response was to cock her head on one side, trying to work out what Spike was up to, she’d fallen for it when he kissed her, she wasn’t going to do it again. Spike now gripped her chin hard and pulled her head up and down in a nodding motion. He spoke again through clenched teeth “This is the answer I’m looking for.” he said referring to her enforced nodding.
Letting her chin loose he asked again “Are you really sorry?”
“Yes Sir” Buffy almost wailed, still rapidly overheating and not sure how much more playing she could take, her need for release was so great.
“Then prove it Summers” he took a step back “Kneel.”
She was actually surprised that he had taken this long to go down the blow job route. As she lowered herself to her knees her agitation grew at the thought of sucking his big hard dick. She was frustrated almost to the point of tears now from Spike’s constant working her up then leaving her to simmer and cool a little before working her up again. She fervently hoped that if she did a good enough job maybe he wouldn’t notice if one of her hands should ‘accidentally’ slip between her legs and rub her to orgasm. Buffy’s luck was out today though. As her knees hit the floor she reached out to unfasten his trousers. Just as she was about to free his cock he slapped her hands away sharply.
“So eager” he teased looking deep into her pleading eyes. “Trying to distract me with that smart little mouth of yours again? You haven’t earned the right to suck my cock yet. I’m going to give you a chance to earn it though.” Waggling his eyebrows and grinning evilly he challenged “Beg.”
“B-beg you to let me suck your cock?”
“Yes Summers, and for anything else you want, though I suggest my forgiveness should be high on your agenda if you have any common sense.”
Buffy closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, could she do this? It wasn’t like he’d never made her beg before but it was always just at the point of him entering her, or during lovemaking. As aroused as she was she still didn’t know if she could just kneel in front of him and humble herself like that. Spike seemed to realise her problem, rather than push again he decided to help her out. He insinuated his foot between her legs. Without a thought Buffy ground against it the contact propelling her towards a state where she was able to beg.
“Ohhh,…….please, I’m sorry, I am,…..please forgive me………I’m a bad bad girl and …..nnnnggghh……….I…I..really want to suck your dick………please Sir….oh please.”
She opened her eyes and looked up at him.
“You want to come Summers?”
“Oh God! Yes please………I-I know I don’t deserve to but….oooh fuck!!…..I’ll be so good if you let me…..and I really am sorry….I’ll make it up to you if you’ll let me.”
“Ok Summers, if you want to come you’ll do it like you are just now. You haven’t earned a fucking yet either.”
Not caring anymore how much she was subjugating herself or how ashamed she might later feel Buffy went to town on his foot. Grasping it behind the heel she held it in place while she rode herself to a earth-shattering orgasm. Panting and gasping as it began to subside she stilled a little until she realised that another was coming. However, when Spike felt her tighten her grip on his foot and begin to move faster again he pulled his foot away. Buffy dropped back so she was sitting on her calves, her hands limp in her lap. Although the orgasm could have continued she felt a lot better for the release she had had.
“Stand up” he barked although he was now painfully hard from the show she had just given him.
She did so and looked up at him. “Thank you Sir,” she said looking into his eyes. “I meant it Sir. I’d love to make it up to you, if you’ll let me. I also know that I don’t deserve the privilege and I am very sorry. I promise never to flaunt myself again and to come to you if I need help in the future, especially with money.”
“Are you just saying this to get me to fuck that tight little pussy of yours?”
Even though she’d cum she was still horny as hell, she knew she had been on the verge of more, still, through the haze of lust still surrounding her she recognised in his tone of voice that Spike was being playful now.
“Probably” she winked, “but you know you want to………Sir”
“God Slayer” Spike said “It was bloody lucky for me that you weren’t around when I was human and actually tutoring people. I’d have been done for, for ruining your reputation, cos there’s no way I could’ve been your teacher and not had you.”
Buffy’s only response was to stick her tongue out at him.
“That’s it!” he barked “Downstairs with you now! I can see there’s another lesson I need to teach you.”
“And what would that be Sir?” Buffy asked all innocence, now back to trying not to touch herself, Spike might be playing just now but she was sure he’d have something to say (or do) if she made that mistake again.
“I’m going to fuck you so well, and hard and mind-blowingly that you’ll see exactly why you never need another man for anything.