The sun had set over an hour ago, but Spike was still sitting in the dusty crypt he now called home. There was just no point, going out. He would probably just run into the Slayer, taking out demons, and along with that all the reason for his existence.

He was more then happy that he could at least hurt something that, well…screamed, but the arguing, the fights, the punches he received without being able to do anything, made him feel smaller everyday.

Not that he could face her anyway, after that dream. That damn dream.

And if there wasn’t the slayer, there would be her boyfriend, or her friends, or her watchers. There was always something.

He hated to admit it, but she could hurt him like none of them could. Not because her punches were stronger, but because her tongue was sharper, and stung him in places she knew would hurt him the most. Because he…he loved her. The little bitch got to him, and he loathed her for it.

Speaking of loathing, Harmony was still hanging around in his crypt as well, and it was one of the mean reasons he had to get out at night. He let her stay, because she came in handy if he needed to work out some…frustrations. But as soon as she opened her mouth, to talk, she drove him completely up the wall.

Signing, he forced himself to get up and out. He was in need of some pigs’ blood, and after that, alcohol sounded really appealing.

He cursed when he opened the door, stepping into a white winter world. Christmas was coming up, his least favorite holyday, and the weather had decided to complete the fairytale. The cold bit into his cheeks, and even though cold did not really bother the undead, it had always made him uncomfortable.

Yes, life was not rose-colored for the neutered big bad, but little did he know that was all going to change, before the holidays had even begun.


On the other side of the graveyard, Buffy was stalking trough the snow. She was wrapped up in a big, warm coat, and holding a pointy stake in her icy hand. Even though she was there to patrol, her eyes were not fixed upon any movements in the darkness that surrounded her, but on the white snow underneath her feet.

She was cold to the bone, but couldn’t force herself to turn around and go home. Her vampire senses told her the graveyard was not deserted, but she could immediately tell it was a certain blond she did not need to worry about biting the harmless.

It was strange how she could always recognize his presence, as other vampires felt no different then a tingle in the back of her neck. Spike, however, made the tingle run over her entire spine.

She was a little disappointed when she felt him heading in the opposite direction, because he was always convenient to use as a punch bag to let out on her frustrations. And she had frustrations.

She wasn’t talking about her sister, or her friends, or even Riley….Well, maybe a little. She was talking about the fear that surrounded her since the vision, the dream she had had.

She had been asleep, wrapped up in Riley’s arms and feeling slightly uncomfortable by of the heat his body radiated. She had felt like she was choking, and then it had hit her.

Dead, and pain, and loss, battles, grief, sickness, mistrust, abuse, rape, and more dead. It had all flashed before her eyes, and she had known it was the truth. This wasn’t just fear, it was happening. It was about to come true. This was her future

The fear that had struck her then, hadn’t left her since. She was afraid for what was coming, and had a hard time trusting anyone with this prediction. She felt like, if she would say it out loud, it would become real.

And as if this wasn’t enough, Christmas was also coming up. Not that she hated Christmas, but her mood was just not very…Christmas-y.

She let out a long sign, feeling slightly sick of the worries she carried with her, no matter where she went, or what she did. Always worried about her family and friends, for what might happen. It was exhausting.

She sat down on a bench in the back of the graveyard, still not ready to go home, but also not feeling the need to keep patrolling, since there was nothing to slay.

She felt so alone, even when she was at home with her friends, pretending everything was going to be just fine, and a tear slid down her icy cheek.

And all of a sudden, she felt the need to do something she hadn’t done in a very long time. She prayed. Looking up to the dark, star filled sky, she started to talk, to anyone how would listen.

“God, or whoever it is up there, please listen to me. You know I don’t do this often, so forgive me if this is all wrong, but…I just want to ask you something. I know, I turn to you now things are going bad, and I didn’t do it before, but for Christmas sake, please listen. If you can somehow, someway make it happen that all of those awful things I saw, are not coming true, I’ll…”

Yeah, that was a good question. What could she possibly offer The Almighty in return?

“I’ll do almost anything you ask me.” Yeah, that sounded safe enough.

“Greets, Buffy Summers. Amen.”

Feeling a little better, and slightly calmer. She got up, and started walking to the entrance of the graveyard.

She had no fate that this would work, but at least she got it of her chest.


“Well well, that is quite a request, isn’t it.” Abusis sneered, looking at Buffy’s form leaving the holy ground.

“Oh stop it, can’t you see the poor dear is in pain?” Regnya said, also looking at Buffy, before turning around at watching Spike sitting at a bar, drinking away his pain with Scots.

“And look at William. The poor boy is hurting as well.”


“Her request isn’t that weird if you look at all this, think about it Abusis.”

“You are actually thinking about granting it?”

“Why not?”

“If we have to help every person that…”

“But it’s Christmas.”

“But it’s not fair.”

“Look at what is going to happen. These are not the problems of an everyday girl. It is a reasonable request. It will save so many lives.”

“You are really going to do it, aren’t you?”

“Not without his permission.”

“Oh shut up, you always get his permission.”

Regnya smiled at her companion. They were like day and night, but inseparable. Something about them reminded her of Buffy and Spike, and that is why she felt so much compassion for the two of them.

“Do you even know how you are going to make it happen?” Abusis asked her, still a bit sarcastic.

“Yes, I have the perfect plan.” She smiled, and disappeared. Obviously meeting their creator.

Not an hour later, a young woman appeared out of thin air.

“See Abusis, she is here. Things will be fine.”

“We’ll see Regnya, We’ll see.”

*Chapter 1, hope you liked it so far =D*

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