Author's Chapter Notes:
Happy Holidays!

*I did an other spellcheck, so I think it is better now. But let me remind you, I am not English, so please have mercy. I am really trying, ok.*
Feeling drunk, bored and miserable, Spike left his favorite pub Willy’s, and stepped into the chilly night for the second time that evening. He still had hours and hours left, before the sun would come up, and not wanting to waste time by going home, he decided to go to the bronze.

Stepping outside, the atmosphere had suddenly changed. He couldn’t explain it, but the air seemed less thick, easier to breath in if that would have been necessary. He felt something stirring deep inside him, and looked up at the sky, as if the answers to his questions were written in the stars.

But there were no answers, just stars. Feeling slightly stupid, he starting walking again, entering the nightclub.

He was relived it was just an ordinary Tuesday night, which mend it wasn’t crowded in the club. Stalking towards the bar, and ordering a beer, he glanced around to see who he could robe to get money for smokes and blood.

To his surprise, he shared the bar with a petit blond that looked awfully familiar; Buffy.

She had decided not to home to her lovers arms, just for the fear of the feeling that could come to her again. She just wanted to be alone, and the bar in her favorite place; the Bronze, seemed just the place for some quiet time.

That was, until a familiar tingle started in her neck, and run all the way down over her spine. All the way down, until it almost made her gasp. Good god, how she hated him for that.

“Spike, I am going to ask you this one time, and I will give you one chance to do as I tell you, so listen carefully:”

But as expected, he paid no attention to her treat, and took the seat next to hers. And as expected, she did nothing to stop him.

“Shouldn’t you be at home, shagging captain cardboard’s brains out?” He sneered, but trying to bring his chair as close to hers as he could without making it look too obvious.

“You’re a pig Spike.” She snapped, throwing him a disgusting look, but still not doing anything to get rid of him, or his knee that was now touching hers.

“Yeah, well. That’s the least bloody thing I can do.”

“You want me to feel sorry for you?”

“Is that what you heard me saying, luv?”

“I am not your love, Spike.”

Rolling his eyes, the bartender collected their, now empty glasses. He had heard the couple bickering like this before, as it wasn’t the first time they met at his bar, and it were always the same childish comments they exchanged. He figured it must be some sort of foreplay, before they would get it on in some deserted ally.

“It is nice to see there is still hope for love.” He commented with a warm smile, putting a stop to the bitching between the two blonds.

“Excuse me?” He realized that was not a smart move when they looked at him with the same fury they had been letting out on each other.

“I just mean that, it is good to see that even though you fight every time I see you guys, you always end up together.”

He saw the bleached man stealing a glance in the woman’s direction, obviously hoping for her to loosen up and well…perhaps throw herself into his arms.

The opposite was true. Buffy took a few seconds to stare at the barman; yaw dropped, and then threw her arms in the air, getting of her chair.

“Wonderful, that is just wonderful Spike. Just because you seem to follow me around like a pathetic harmless puppy, everyone thinks that we are a couple.” She shouted, walking towards the entrance with Spike following, and walking just fast enough to hold open the door for her.

“Oh save it Slayer, you are the one coming to me for help, almost every bloody day.”

“You have on hell of an imagination Spike, honestly.”

If she only knew, he couldn’t help thinking.

“I am leaving now, and don’t you dare following me.”

“Like I want to stay any longer around you, you stupid arrogant bitch.”

“Fine, see you... never.”

“Yeah, until you show up at my crypt again, begging for help, because your boyfriends fell over trying to tie his own shoos.”

They were now shouting, because Buffy was already half way across the street.

“Fuck you.”

“Whatever, you have stupid hair anyway.”

She had now turned around the corner, leaving him standing in front of the Bronze, and he let out a long sign to calm his nerves. What was she doing to him?

“Wow, that was mature.”
A voice behind him suddenly commented, almost making him jump. He hadn’t sensed anyone, which was very unusual.

Standing on the balls of his feet, he turned around.


Buffy heard his last comment trough the cold night, and then there was nothing. The sound of her steps echoed trough the street, as she felt forced to go home.

‘There is nothing wrong with my hair.’ She pouted, and stroked it a little insecure with her fingers.

The house that contained her family and boyfriend came in sight. She still didn’t want to go inside, and sat down on the cold porch, looking up at the stars.

Somehow, the atmosphere seemed different. She could not have explained it, but the surrounding seemed lighter, less treating. She was also feeling better then before, like she believed that now the sky had heard her concern, someone or something was already making things right.

She felt silly even thinking that anything had changed, but even Spike’s harsh words hadn’t spoiled her mood.
Being near him, bickering like the always did, had felt familiar, and not even that unpleasant to her.

Why was she even thinking about him, she wondered, and pushed him out of her thoughts, like she always did.

But she did feel a spark of unexplainable hope, and turned towards the dark sky for the second time that night.

“What did you do? What changed?” She wondered out loud.

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