Author's Chapter Notes:
I'm a so sorry it took so long, you guys! Really, I am. I promise the next chapter is already on it's way! Please don't hate me for any spelling mistakes *bats eyelashes* And I really hope you like it.
“Why are you crying?”

Buffy wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her coat before turning around. Embarrassed to be seen like this, and ready to snap at the girl standing behind her. To tell her to leave her alone.

But turning around, and facing the person who couldn’t mind her own business, she fell silent. It was just a girl. Just a girl.

A girl with wavy gold hair, and big green eyes that looked at her with concern. She was quite a bit taller then she was, and obviously cold to the bone. She stood only a few feet away from her, next to the entrance of Spike’s crypt, and hugged her coat close to her body.

The girl smiled when she came face to face with Buffy, and her concern disappeared for a moment as she felt the girls’ eyes looking right trough her. Like she already knew everything there was to know about her.


“Wow, you are so pretty.” Chris whispered, but her words were carried away by the gusting wind, and Buffy did not hear them.

“Why are you here?” Buffy asked in a grating voice from her previous crying. She could not imagine why this girl was here in a graveyard in the middle of the night, standing next to a crypt all the way in the back. Had she been waiting here for her?

“What happened? Did he say something?” The girl asked, ignoring her question, and carefully approaching Buffy, who took a step in the opposite direction.

“What? Who? And who are you?”

“Look…” Chris signed, walking towards the entrance and guiding Buffy with her.

“Do I know you?”

“Well….This is probably one of the long and complicated story’s that need to be told over some hot cocoa. What do you say?”

Buffy didn’t know why she nodded, or took a complete stranger to her home, but found herself standing in the kitchen making coco a good 10 minutes later.

“I love the house. It’s very homely. By the way, do have those little marshmallows?” Chris asked with a smile, sipping her cocoa and throwing in a handful of little marshmallows out of the bag Buffy had gave her. She sure loved the little marshmallows.


“Chris. My name is Chris”

“Thanks Chris. I like your name.” Buffy said, swallowing the warm liquid and not noticing the little smile that played around Chris lip when she said that.

“I’m sure you do. Are you home alone?”

“My sister is upstairs, and mum is at the gallery: She works there.”

Buffy had no idea why she was telling her all of this, but her instincts told her to trust this girl that reminded her so much of herself. She looked strong, but fragile at the same time. Kind, but tough. Lonely and sad, but trying to make the best of every situation. By appreciating little things like cocoa with marshmallows.


There was a silence. Neither of them knew what to say next, but it was also comfortable, and familiar. Buffy noticed Chris glancing her way while drinking, with a look of what almost seemed disbelieve on her face.

Just when Buffy was about to get to the point, and ask her what she was really doing here, she realized she had forgotten to mention one other person that was in the house, and had just entered the room: Riley.

“Hi baby.” He greeted Buffy, yawning and stretching, dressed in army green clothes and with neatly combed hair.

Buffy tried to signal him with her eyes, but as usual, he did not get it. It cost Chris an ‘ahum’ and a hand wave to get his attention, as he was so fixated on his girlfriend.

“Oh excuse me; I did not know we had company. My name is Riley Finn.”

Chris ignored the hand he offered her to shake, and gave Buffy a questioning look.

“Great, and you are here…why?”

“Chris, this is my boyfriend, Riley.” Buffy quickly explained, before Riley could give a much less polite answer.

Not that it made the situation better in any way, because after the word boyfriend, Chris had jumped up, got of her chair, and looked at him like he was something that had just been puked out and stepped in.

“Bloody fucking hell! You are fucking kidding me here right?” She spat, using word her mother, and father would have forbid her to say. Even though her dad hadn’t been an angel in that department either.

“I don’t have time for this! If you guys don’t work with me, there is no way I’m going to get this done.”

“Uhm… Riley, it might be better of you would leave. I need to talk to Chris.” Buffy spoke in a shocked, but stern voice.

Riley looked offended by Buffy’s order, or maybe it was the outburst of the strange girl, but he did as he was told without saying another word.

When he was gone, Buffy turned around, ready to snap at the girl who had just gone completely mad in her kitchen. But looking at her, she did not have the heart to do so.

Fat tears were rolling down Chris her cheeks, as she sat herself down again, pressing her hands to her face.

“I’m sorry.” She said, shaking her head, and looking at the sealing while the tears disappeared in the corner of her mouth.

“It is all just too much. Coming here, seeing you again, which is so hard, and the killing thing, and now it turns out I have to be a match maker.” She mumbled, more to herself then anyone else.

Buffy lay a hand on the leather covered shoulder of the sobbing girl, trying to comfort her, without getting too close.

“I can explain, really, I do. Can we go to your room to have some privacy? It’s going to be a little shocking.” Chris pleaded, looking into Buffy’s eyes which had the exact same color as her own.

“Ehm…Ok, sure.”


Spike saw them going into Buffy’s room, as the light was suddenly turned on. He was standing underneath his favorite tree, and was smoking a cigarette to calm his nerves.

The second Buffy had left his crypt, he had not been able to hold back his true feelings, and tears had rolled down his pale cheeks.

He did not want her to leave. He wanted to explain her everything: To tell her about Chris, and how they must be mend to be together if such a girl would come from them being together. He wanted to understand this, and figure this out together with her.

If he could only tell her how she made him feel, and how he had changed the moment he had laid eyes on her in the Bronze.

But the looks she had been giving him, the things she had said: It made him feel hopeless, powerless and even more confused. So he had sent her away, feeling even worse then before.

But she hadn’t left. At least not right away.
He had sensed her standing outside, in front of his crypt, alone. Just standing there, not moving, in the freezing cold.

She had left after a little while, and he couldn’t help but taking a peek outside, to get a clue what she had been doing.

Seeing the other pair of footsteps in the snow made it all a lot easier to figure out what had happened. There was only one person in the world he knew he could not sense, even though she had been there: His baby girl.

She must have met up with Buffy, and was probably telling her the whole story right now. He did not want to miss this. After grabbing his coat, he ran out, and followed the footsteps that led to Buffy’s front door.

He sensed she was in the kitchen, and sneaked around the house to get to the back, wanting to hear their conversation.

His vampire hearing came in handy, because he could hear every word that was said inside the house. Surprisingly, it wasn’t much.

He could smell the hot chocolate Joyce had made him once, and his mouth started to water at the smell.

“By the way, do have those little marshmallows?”

Spike couldn’t help but snicker at that. The more he got to know her, the more he realized how much they were alike.

They didn’t really talk that much. Buffy did not ask, nor did Chris explain anything.
It wasn’t like Buffy to trust someone she had just met, and he realized she was feeling the same thing he had felt with her.

When Buffy finally opened her mouth to say something, the moment was ruined by soldier boy. What a surprise. He growled under his breath, hearing him calling Buffy pet names that sounded ridiculous and fake in his ears.

Chris her reaction towards him was so amusing it made him laugh out loud, but when he heard her cry he felt his heart break. She was struggling. His little girl was in pain, and he was just standing here, doing nothing to help her: Because he couldn’t.

He did not know what she had to do to change the future, but it sounded like a lot of difficult tasks, and Spike knew her hardest task was Buffy and himself. He decided there and then he would do anything in his power to help her. To take some of that pressure away.

When he heard they were going upstairs, he sneaked to where Buffy bedroom was, and smoked a cigarette underneath the three. The downside was, he could not hear a damn thing from here, because now they were too far away.

Luckily for him, his favorite tree also turned out to be the tree that let to her bedroom window.

“Don’t you break on me.” He muttered before grabbing a branch and climbing his way up.

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