Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: I'm borrowing Joe Rogan from Fear Factor... it's all for fun, not profit.
Buffy watched as Joe Rogan possed in front of the camera. She stood with the other contestants, switching her weight from one foot to another, swaying from side to side. To another person, she looked like a ball of energy that couldn’t stay still.

“The stunts you are about to see were all designed and supervised by trained professionals. They are extremely dangerous and should not be attempted by anyone, anywhere, anytime.”

“And CUT!”

Buffy glanced at Spike out of the corner of her eye. He looked even more delicious than usual. Dressed in a black T shirt and jeans, he was watching Joe in ernest while Harmony was patting his bicep absentmindedly. Buffy narrowed her eyes at the sight. Spike seemed to be ignoring Harmony though.

Her jealous-fest was abruptly interrupted by Rupert Giles, who had stepped in front of them and said, “Well, now that you’re all here, let’s start with the briefing. Before the actual stunt day, we will film some of the things you will tell us about yourselves. Where you’re from, what are your motivations to win, and your feeling if you will win. Doesn’t hurt either if you can tell us who are your biggest threat and if you have a plan in mind.”

“So,” Giles said, clapping his hand together once, “let’s start, shall we? Angel, you first. Follow me, please.”

Angel left with Giles, leaving the rest of the contestants staring uncomfortably at each other. They were at the Fear Factor main office lobby, in the waiting lounge where a receptionist was busy taking calls and camera crews busily rushed by. Buffy looked around for somewhere to sit and seeing a couch nearby for visitors, she plopped down on it.

To her annoyance, Spike sat down beside her. He had somehow shook off Harmony’s pesky attention.

“Are you nervous, pet?” he asked.

“No,” she snapped back a little too quickly. “I mean, I am as nervous as anyone in this room.”

He nodded. “Me too. Have I told you how beautiful you look today, luv?”

Buffy blushed furiously, and Spike chuckled in amusement. God, he loved to see her blush. It was the most endearing thing he’d ever seen. Dru would never do a blush; she had long ago lost the innocence. He watched as she pulled a magazine from under the coffee table in front of her and started to flip through it, just to do something other than talk to him.

When she didn’t answer, Spike said, “You still owe me that apology, you know.”

Buffy exploded, “God! You’re still harping on my case about that one? Jeez… Spike, I would hate to have you as my loan shark.”

He chuckled at her anger, which made her even more annoyed.

“Why, is that why you’re here? To pay off excessive amount of debt?” Spike inquired.

“No. I don’t… owe.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“It’s just a polite question, pet.”

“You? Polite? Last time I checked you called me a bloody bint. And the name’s still Buffy by the way.”

“Well, Buffy, I can still be polite. We just got off on the wrong foot, that’s all.”

Buffy narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. He stared back at her, an innocent expression on his face.

“Why is it so hard for you to apologize?” he asked her lightly.

Buffy literally turned blue in her face, speechless.

“Look, it’s real easy. Let me show you: Buffy, I’m sorry about teasing you so mercilessly and trying to get you to show me that adorable blush of yours at every single opportunity I got,” Spike said, grinning at her.

“And you forgot to apologize about calling me pet names,” Buffy pointed out.

“Oh, for that I’m not sorry,” he said, grinning and curling his tongue against his teeth. Buffy shivered when she saw him do that.

“Now, you try,” he said.

“OK, fine!” she snapped.

Buffy struggled to remember what he wanted her to try. It was so hard, with that amazing blue eyes that seemed to pierce your soul, that sensual, kissable lips…

“Um…,” she squeezed her eyes shut to block that mental tirade and focus. “I’m sorry about banging into you last week, so I hope you’re satisfied now!”

It was a few seconds before she realized what she’d just said and her mouth fell open in shock. Spike raised his eyebrows at her before giving her the naughtiest grin ever.

“Oh I’m verrryy satisfied now, goldilocks.”

“I-I mean…,” she stuttered, horrendously embarassed. She shut her eyes and blushed. “I mean, I’m sorry about running into you, not… uh… banging.”

Spike and banging. Banging Spike. Her panties dampened in response.

Oh God, she thought.

Spike’s shoulders shook from laughter. Buffy glared at him, her cheeks still flaming red.

“You’re very cute, you know that, Summers?”

“And you’re very un-cute right now, mister.”

“No, ‘m not cute, ’m handsome,” Spike replied. Buffy snorted in response.

“ ‘Ey!”

“Ego much?”


“I hate you, you know.”

“And I’m intrigued by you, Miss Summers…” Spike leaned forward, his face almost touching hers. Buffy gulped nervously.

What the hell are you thinking, mate? Spike thought to himself. You have Dru back home! Dru, who you are going to marry. That’s what you’re here for, innit? To win that fifty grand and sweep Dru away in the sweetest honeymoon ever…

“I-I-…” Buffy stammered, her eyes wide. She licked her lips unconsciously and Spike groaned inwardly at the erotic sight. His pants began to feel uncomfortably tight.

But Dru was no match for this sunny goddess. She seemed to radiate pure light, with her golden honey California tan and strawberry blonde hair. She was light, while Dru was dark. She had pink, kissable lips, while Dru had plum-coloured lips. She was full of fascinating energy, while Dru seemed to move in a lazy haze. She outshone Dru in every way, and Spike felt guilty about that.

Abruptly, he pulled away. Wide-eyed, Buffy didn’t know whether to be hurt or relieved by that. He gave her a sheepish smile, then stood up and started to walk away.

He stopped a few paces away and turned to Buffy.

“Apology accepted, pet. May the best man win,” he said, grinning at her.

Buffy snorted in response and replied, “May the best woman win.”

A/N: The first stunt is coming up next. Don't forget to leave reviews!

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