Spike was frantic; he had checked all of the party including a rather embarrassing incident in the women’s restroom to find Buffy. However, she was nowhere to be found. He had not looked back to see if that Parker ponce was ok. He was the least of his concerns and what kind of thug would he be if he cared about the wanker he had just tried to punch out.

Buffy, Buffy was his main concern, not only the fact that she was drunk but that she had been spooked and had run off. He had been calling her cell constantly for the last twenty minutes with no answer.

“Xander,” he barked into the phone.

“What now?” replied a slightly sleepy Xander.

“I need Buffy’s address.”

“Giles won’t give it to me. He always insists that the limo pick Buffy up first and he always organises it himself.”

“I didn’t call to get excuse’s Xander. I called to get her address,” he was starting to get really pissed off now.

“Well maybe I can...” Spike was only half listening to Xander when a bolt of inspiration hit him out of the blue.

“Never mind, I got it sorted,” he snapped the phone shut.

He had remembered that Buffy’s friend Faith had called him the night Buffy had gotten drunk, he checked back through his phone log and found the number.


“Faith, this is Spike, Buffy’s boyfriend.”

“Hey bleach boy how’s it going?”

“Look I have lost Buffy and I need to find her ASAP?” he sounded desperate but he was beyond caring at this point, all he wanted to do was find Buffy.

“Spike, from what I can tell you are a smart guy. How do you lose a whole person?”

“Look we had a fight and then I got into a fist fight and by the time I had turned around she had left,” he was getting frustrated.

“Why should I help you if you are fighting with her? Maybe you can’t find her because she doesn’t want to be found.”

“I understand that but she’s drunk and she seemed really spooked when we ran into this wanker Parker.”

“Hang on. You ran into Parker Abrams?” he could hear the concern in her voice.

“You know the guy?”

“Unfortunately yes and so does Buffy. Look she probably went home. You can find her there.”

“I thought as much, but I don’t have her address. Can you give it to me please?”

The phone was silent for a few moments. Spike was just about to check if Faith was still there.

“Before I give it to you, you have to promise not to judge Buffy, ever no matter what you see or hear,” her tone was serious.

“Look, I would never judge Buffy; she is one of the most special people I have ever met.” In his heart knew the words but his head would not allow him to say them, “I admire her more than you will ever know.”

“You better, because if you let me down on this Spike, I am going to come over there and kick your ass myself.”

“Permission granted. Now can I just have the address…’’

As Spike made his way over to Buffy’s house, he kept going over Faith’s conversation. What was he going to find at Buffy’s house that was so bad. Maybe she lived in the bad part of town. However looking at the address that Faith had given him, he knew that was not true. Maybe she lived in the worst house on the street. As he turned into her street, he knew he would soon find out.


Buffy started to regret the amount of alcohol she had drunk tonight about two seconds after running into Parker. However, now that she was at home brushing her teeth after the fifth vomit, regret had turned into full-blown remorse.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was a mess. The crying had started as soon as she got into the limo and had not stopped since. She had so many emotions spinning around her head that it had literally felt as if she was spinning.

At the party, it seemed as though Spike was the biggest problem she had to deal with, but as soon as Parker appeared all other problems had paled in significance. She had kept her head down for this very reason. She knew that one day she would have to run into him. He had tried to contact her through Giles but had been unsuccessful. This was one of the reasons why she did not go out, kept to herself. So what if she was labelled a recluse and got less jobs. Having her life exposed to Parker, let alone the world, was nowhere near as important as keeping her life a secret.

She made her way towards the bedroom for some much-needed sleep, when she heard the doorbell ring. Had Parker followed her? She reached for her phone to call Giles for advice when she heard who was at the door.

“Buffy, it’s Spike. Look I know you’re in there. Please answer the door,” he continued knocking loudly on the door. She knew if she did not at least open the door, he would wake the whole house and that would be disastrous.

As she opened the door and she was swept up into his arms.

“Thanks goodness you are ok,” she disentangled herself from him and was greeted by the sight of one very stressed Spike.

“What the hell did you think you were doing by running off like that?” So much for the small talk.

“I had to get out of there. I’m sorry to have bothered you.”

“Bothered me? You did a hell of a lot more than bothered me love. I have been worried sick. I have been trying to call for the last hour. Anything could have happened to you.”

“Well, I am fine now so you can go home,” Buffy started to shut the door but Spike was too quick as he placed his body in the door jar.

“I don’t think so, Buffy. You need to explain to me what the hell happened back there with that wanker Parker.” Fear gripped her at just the sound of his name.

“What did he say to you?”

“Well, not much. It is kinda hard to speak when my fist is shoved down his larynx,” she smiled slightly.

“You hit him? Is he ok?” Not that she cared that he was ok. She just did not need the hassle of him pressing assault charges against Spike.

“Didn’t stay to look pet, was too worried about you. What’s going on here Buffy, you look as white as a sheet,” he went to touch her but she pulled away.

“And he said nothing at all too you?” She needed to know just how much information she had to tell him to explain.

“He did imply that you two had been intimate,” Spike searched her face for any confirmation of his claim.

“Oh, he did,” Buffy searched her brain to try to begin to explain what had happened between to two of them. Her thoughts were broken when she felt a slight tug on her dressing gown.

“Mommy, who is the man shouting at you?”

As she looked down at Cody, her five-year-old son. She knew the time for secrets was over.

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