Part II
“Spike?” Buffy asked as, on their walk home, they reached his cemetery.
“Could you, uh, maybe,” Buffy looked scared. “You know what, never mind. Goodnight Spike.”
“No,” he stopped her with a light hand on the bend of her arm, “What was it you were going to say?”
She looked at him, really looked him in the eye, for longer than she ever had before, possibly combined.
“Would you walk me home?” She finally asked, never breaking eye contact.
“Need someone to help you carry all that tooth rottin’ junk?” He was trying to lighten the situation some, make her more comfortable.
“Actually, uh, well you know I’m sure Dawn misses you being around and I have been having a nice time. And,” she was talking slowly, but really giving him the opportunity to question any of her reasons, “I don’t really think I have any business eating all this ‘tooth rotting junk’ by myself.”
“Buffy?” He’d stopped nearly a yard behind her, stunned into near silence.
”Spike?” She mimicked, smiling at the entire situation.
“You, luv, you do realize that those things require me….they require me coming into your house for at least a minute or so, right?”
“Actually the one about Dawn sort of requires a little longer than a minute, few hours longer actually,” She told him, scrunching up her nose, trying to keep the mood light.
They were at her house now, since Buffy had started walking again as she answered his question, leaving Spike no choice but to follow.
“I was actually kind of thinking….Well, I thought that maybe you could be there when Dawn’s getting ready for school---you know, since she’d like to see you and all.” Then when she saw his look she rushed to add, “I don’t mean that…oh God, I made myself sound skanky with that, didn’t I? What I was thinking was that maybe you could come in so we could spend more time with…then you could maybe…” She trailed off, not able to finish her proposal.
“Slept on the couch plenty over the summer; it’s fine, luv,” And just like that Buffy knew she was making the right choice. No matter what the situation, Spike somehow knew what she needed—even when she wasn’t quite ready to admit to it just yet.
Quietly the two of them made their way into her house, Spike locking the door and turning off the living room lights—just like someone who lived there might—before following her to the kitchen.
“Gonna have to get you up to bed soon if you want the Scoobies thinking you’re sick for the day,” It was now past five thirty in the morning. After they’d gotten to the Summers home around one o’clock, Buffy and Spike sat in the kitchen and talked about stupid things. “Need to give you time to get up there and into bed.”
“Trying to get rid of me?”
“’Course not, pet. Just want you to have that day off.”
Buffy didn’t say anything, honestly not sure what it was she needed—or wanted—to say. Carefully she closed up the bag of popcorn they’d been picking at over the hours and put it in the china cabinet, along with the rest of her treats. “Don’t want everyone eating them all,” She had explained earlier.
After Buffy had put the popcorn away, ensuring that no one could see any of it, she headed out of the kitchen, just leaving Spike there. She knew it wasn’t the best idea, but she really wasn’t sure what she needed to do.
Spike followed her, stopping near the living room sofa, nodding towards it a little and not sitting down to take off his boots and get some sleep until Buffy gave him enough of a smile to indicate she still wanted him to stay.
Buffy was half way up the stairs, much as she’d been that night before—before they fought Glory when she stopped and turned to look at his recumbent form.
“Spike, I uh…”
”Don’t worry about it, pet. I’ll say a hello to the bit then get going through the sewers, none of your other pals have to know.”
“I was actually…I really,” Over the course of the night she’d realized just how harshly she’d been treating Spike if every time she was unsure he assumed she was trying to reject him somehow. “Since uh, since mom died, actually since she got sick there really hasn’t been anyone that I knew would just listen to me, you know?
I mean, well, everyone else wants me to be the strong Slayer, even if they don’t realize it…but they all count on me to be ‘Strong Buffy’ who knows what to do…and sometimes…thanks for not wanting me to always have it all together.
Thanks for making me go to the fair, I don’t know if it was the sugar or just…the entire situation, but I finally had some fun. And I didn’t even worry about vampires or demons once. That hasn’t happened in the last six years, Spike,” She said in near awe.
“Thanks for letting me be Buffy.”
When he didn’t say anything, didn’t even indicate in any way that he’d heard her, Buffy got scared. She should have known something bad would happen, things like this weren’t allowed to go well for her. “So, what? All those professions of undying whatever were just to annoy me and now that they’re maybe not so annoying you’re taking it back? Well, fine. I’m going to bed. You say whatever you want to Dawn and go home; I don’t care.”
“Buffy,” He said when she was merely two steps from the top, his tone halting immediately.
She didn’t come back down the stairs though.
“Just don’t want to be pushing you, luv. Doesn’t mean I still don’t love you with all I can. I do.”
Now she had to try to hide her embarrassment, “How’d this become such a serious night?”
“Reckon it was some stuff we had to have out…but it’s late, yeah? Best get you off to bed.”
“You’ll stay?”
“Yeah, I’ll stay.”
“Goodnight Spike.”
“’Night, luv.”
and if anyone read LC when the formatting was all funny, I've fixed it. I don't know why it did that, sorry.

Author's Chapter Notes:
I have a really bad migraine today so if I make any mistakes in posting this, please..well one, forgive me and two, let me know.
Thanks for all of the reviews ont he first chapter..hope you like this one even more ;-)
Thanks for all of the reviews ont he first chapter..hope you like this one even more ;-)