Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry for the long break everyone. Just RL got really busy in a good way and my muse decided she needed to get away for a while. Thanks to all of you who are still interested in this story.
Buffy had to ask herself just what the hell she thought she was doing once again. Okay so the time she'd been spending with Parker may have been a little boring but it had been nice enough. And it wasn't like she had a whole lot of dating experience to fall back on. Besides the sparkage was there even if it was at a lower level then she would have liked.

The point was she was out seeing a guy. A human guy at that. And even if he didn't have any idea about what she did at night after she left their dates at least he was interested in the Buffy he saw.

Maybe Willow had been right maybe the lusty feelings weren't wrong in a traditional sense but she wasn't sure what to make of them.

Here she was just a little older than eighteen and just starting out in her new found adult life living in the dorms and going to college. The only thing left tying her to her girlhood was her virginity.

It wasn't like she hadn't thought of it before.

She didn't want to sound cliched but there was no desire on her part to die intact, in a matter of speaking.

The old joke about the headstone of a virgin saying returned unopened always ran around her head at night.

Not that she dwelled on her death. No. But she was more realistic then her friends realized. The painful fact was she was going to go to an early grave prepared for it or not. It was just a fact about Slayers. And while she could and did fight as hard as she could to keep it from happening it didn't mean she should have to give up the little experiences that life was about.

And wasn't sex one of those things?

Which was why she was at this boring frat party, only the second she'd been too (and hurray for there not being any giant snakes), with Parker. The week they'd seen each other was not very eventful but he had made an effort and he was a nice guy.

Buffy sighed into her drink hoping that he would want to leave soon. Not that she wasn't having fun.

Okay maybe she wasn't.

At least with the loud music she didn't have to focus on a conversation instead she could let her mind drift. It wasn't like she didn't have problems boy did she ever. She thought getting rid of her soul sucking roomate would have made things a little easier. She was wrong.

She loved that Willow was rooming with her now it was just that they weren't as close as they used to be. Buffy wasn't sure if it was because they were in college or if the time they could be spending together doing not Slayer related activities was taken up by Oz. Not that she didn't deserve to have happy time with Oz it was just Buffy could feel her slipping away more and more.

And Xander was just as bad. Or worse. With him not there with them during the day it seemed the only time she saw her Xander shaped friend was at official Scoobie meetings. There was a distance there that was almost tangible.

Giles was no help either considering the depression he was sinking into. Oh he tried to hide it but he wasn't a very convincing actor. She knew he felt adrift in his life now having lost his job and still associating with only her and the other scoobies. He was practically screaming for companionship and she didn't know what to do about it.

Not to mention the whole Mom being lonely because her only child had finally left the nest.

The only person she didn't have to be concerned about had made an exit out of her life last May. It wasn't like she really needed Angel around and while it was true that the love they had shared had faded for her during the whole Angelus affair he was very much still in love with her. Or the idea of her. She wasn't sure if it was the Slayer he was attracted to or the fact that she was still a virgin. He'd finally been honest with her though and admitted being near her was painful to him. Knowing they were never going to be was tough for him to take.

When he'd decided to leave Buffy wasn't necessarily glad but she was kind of relieved. The tension between the two of them was still obvious and she always felt bad whenever she got the urge to see if she could meet someone else. After all wasn't Angel doing the right thing standing by her even though they were only friends? The guilt for him only got worse though after the whole Faith thing and sure she'd almost died again when she let Angel drink from her but she was trying to save a friend. Not the first time she had put herself on the line for that.

So even though it was hard to say goodbye to someone who had been a big part of her life for so long she wasn't that sad to see him go.

Occasional thoughts of Angel always led to the brief thought of the other vampire she had known. It wasn't like her and Spike were friends and it wasn't like she was all yay for him to go back to mortal enemy status either. They had connected in a wierd way during his last visit. And even if she was sure she would never see him again she still thought of him fondly.

Well as fondly as you could think of someone who still wanted you dead but gave you a hug because he didn't know what else to say when he left. And while the guilt she felt the last time Spike had fled with his super ho in tow hadn't changed she wasn't feeling it as strongly. Maybe she was getting used to the idea that she wasn't able to save everyone.

Or maybe it was just the fact that deep down she knew without a doubt that she couldn't stake Spike. Not to say that if the fate of the entire world hung upon his dusting that she wouldn't do it but the usual stakeage? She so couldn't go through with it.

Her feelings about the blond vamp were still a mystery to her though. She had no idea why she reacted to him like this and why he acted the way he did around her. Never in her career as a slayer had she run across an enemy that confounded her so. Most demons were pretty straightforward.

Not Spike though. A demon that cared about the world and could love even if he loved a demon even if that bitch was beneath him. Knowing Spike had thrown her ideas about demons into serious question. There were a few times that she had turned a blind eye on some demon walking down the street. Listening carefully for the usual sounds of a struggle before they disappeared into the night.

She was pretty sure it wasn't the right thing to do. But everything she had been taught first by Merrik and then by Giles kept getting proven wrong. She couldn't help but think that the council's teachings about all demons being bad was wrong too.

Truth be told there were a few demons she knew that never caused any trouble. She didn't bother with them when they occasionally crossed her path either on the street or when they were hanging out at Willy's. Not that she told the others about it. Not like they would even understand. The prejuidice that they had against anything demonic kept her tongue in check. And it wasn't like they were really on the front lines anymore. She couldn't remember the last time one of them had even patrolled with her. Sure for the big things she could count on her friends but the day to day slaying? Well the saying the Slayer fights alone was sure to have been developed just for her.

So here she was at one of the most uninteresting parties ever hoping to lose herself in the music if only for a little while. And maybe later to lose herself in the moment with the guy she kind of liked. There was no need to sugar coat it in her own mind.

He really was just a guy.

A guy she might want to focus on because he was talking to her. Oops.

"-want to dance?"

She was saved from having to answer though by a sight she would never have expected.

All in all if things were different she would have been crumpled on her knees in hysterical laughter unfortunately things weren't different. It wasn't the fact that by some quirky twist of fate Harmony was a vampire. Unfortunately the little altercation between her and Willow the other night had gotten that message to her loud and clear. It wasn't even the sight of the out of it frat boy draped over her shoulder in what she guessed was the vampire form of take out.

What was surprising and more then a little funny was the sight of the blond by her side. And although she hadn't expected to see him ever again the sight of him obviously with the worlds most ditsiest vampire ever was just so damned amusing.


There were times in his unlife that Spike was sure the Powers no matter who they were were just fucking with him.

Here he was in a town he hated after suffering the world's most painful and humiliating break up with his girl. If that wasn't the icing on the cake he had to make a play for the bimbo at his side just so he wouldn't have to search for a place to stay. No he managed to begin to over come those obstacles and even came up with a plan to finally kill his mortal enemy.

True the hate he felt for her now wasn't as personal as he would like it to be but they both had their respective roles on the planet Dru's ramblings aside. And if he took in account what Drusilla said he was even more sure that the Slayer needed to die. Not just because she was the Slayer but because she was Buffy as well.

There were times that he understood that his particular obsession with the petite blond wasn't normal. Knew that he was making himself crazy. But mostly it didn't matter. The thought of not only besting his third Slayer but the best he'd ever faced drove him.

It didn't hurt that there was more to her than met the eye either.

Every confrontation with her was a surprise and while yes he did want her dead and by his hand at that he couldn't help but think he would be awfully bored without her around. And there was one thing Spike couldn't stand it was being bored. In a century of unlife he had never met her equal and the thought of her being totally gone bothered something deep inside of him.

Not enough that he couldn't push the feeling away but it was there nonetheless.

The point was if he killed her at least she wouldn't be something he kept obsessing over.

It was true he knew that he thought of her more than was healthy. Hell Dru had called him on it when they were still in Sunnydale. And ultimately it was the reason Dru gave for why she left him.

But if the Slayer was dead then his obession with all things Slayer related would stop.

He wasn't sure if he could ever get Dru back. The last time he tried had been really bad and she had shredded his heart pretty good. He wasn't really sure he wanted to go right back to her as it was. No the point was that the Slayer would be dead.

So he'd dragged his sorry ass back to the town that had seen more of his failures and heartbreaks then any other and began to plot. And plot he did in between Harmony's excessive whining and nagging.

The plan itself was flawless all he had to do was stay under the Slayer's radar until he found what was buried in those caverns and then he could kill her at his leisure.

Instead of finally getting his treasure out though he was stuck at some stupid frat party with a bunch of pissant little flop top boys trying to placate the bit of tail he was shacking up with so she would shut the hell up. He'd finally convinced her to grab the nearest drunken idiot and get the hell out of there when his eyes clashed with an emerald gaze he would recognize anywhere.


"Spike." While her greeting was short there was no hostility in her voice. No there were no really hostile feelings to be dredged up by her for the vamp. Even if he was back again after he said he wouldn't.

She watched him blink slowly in reaction to her presence before he seemed to remember that they were not alone. And really the menacing grimace Harmony was trying to pull off had her wanting to chuckle.

So no she wasn't upset to see her old arch nemesis. On the other hand she was mighty curious as to why he was back not to mention toting around a blond bimbo in place of his loony brunette.

Spike stared at the Slayer for a minute taking in the familiar green eyes that looked at him with interest and a bit of warmth. He had to stomp on the warm feeling that started in the pit of his stomach as he took in her gaze. Glancing away quickly he took in the slab of meat at her side. Nothing remarkable about the boy at all he'd killed a thousand like him over the last century or so. Clean cut with boyish decent looks he was nothing to write home about. What Spike did notice about the boy was the way he was possesively hovering near the Slayer. Like she was a bit of fluff he was going to sink his teeth into later.

The type was nothing new under the sun, he was really interested in getting one thing from the Slayer. He was the kind of guy that irritated Spike. Not that he hadn't thought or done the same thing now that he was free to do so. But this one was definitely a predator looking for the freshest type of kill. And the Slayer's innocence was still almost tangible in the air.

He didn't answer her call of his name vocally just gave her a nod in acknowledgement.

She wondered at the suddenly untalkative Spike before she decided she needed to deal with other things first.

"Hey Parker would you mind getting me a drink I just need to talk to an old friend of mine for a moment."

Buffy noticed the hestitation in the boy's eyes before he agreed to go. It wasn't like she had said anything damning in his presence about said old friend but she could guess that his imagination was running wild.

"Okay how about the two of you put that guy on the couch huh?" Her voice was pure steel now that she didn't have an audience.

Spike shrugged as he took in the Slayers stance. She wasn't wanting to fight here but he knew that she would protect the idiot they were holding no matter who was watching. And holding on to the wanker was leaving them vulnerable to whatever tactic she threw at them.

"Who died and made you Queen Bee?" Harmony sneered. "I didn't listen to you in high school and you're still a loser."

"Oh but the difference now is that we aren't in high school any more Harmony. Now instead of you being Miss Popular you're just a vamp and I'm the Slayer. Guess which of us would walk away after a fight."

The glare Harmony gave her was easily dismissed as she watched the unconcious form lowered onto the couch. When both vampires turned to face her she had to give Spike a small smile.

"And here I thought you said you weren't ever coming back here again." She shook her head in mock annoyance. "Let's take this outside shall we?"

Spike just shrugged at the suggestion it would be better to be outside and not so confined in the frat house. He wasn't sure what the Slayer was thinking yet but so far she hadn't seemed very threatening. And truth be told she'd almost been hospitable to him. Strange girl the Slayer. If she only knew what he had planned for her. Of course running into her now only made the need for him to find the gem all that more urgent. She couldn't find out what he was planning before he got the chance to off her as he'd imagined.

Seeing Harmony's reluctance to follow the Slayer's suggestion Spike reached out for her arm before gripping it tightly to steer her outside before she could protest.

He didn't think it would be that much of a stretch that he would have to use Harmony as a diversionary tactic. In fact he was hoping that the brainless twit would be so aggravating that it gave him enough time to get away.

Once out the front door Buffy let out a long and tortured sigh. The night was not turning out as she had suspected it would. Although why she was surprised she wasn't sure.

"So before you tell me why you're back in Sunnydale I need to know just how close you and her are."

The strangeness of the Slayer's request was probably what prompted his blurted out response.

"I just met the bint the other day."

He didn't have time to think before a gigantic smile crossed his enemies face and she had withdrawn the stake from her back. He'd only seen that look on the Slayer's face on a few occasions but it didn't mean he was unsure about what it meant,.

Harmony however was too preoccupied being angry about his answer to pay attention to the danger she was now in. Not until the Slayer told her anyway.

"I have to say you as a vamp is really not an improvement. Lucky for you I can take care of that little problem."

It was a good thing the survival instinct was just that for it seemed to give the blond a chance to back away from the deadly killer before turning to look at Spike.

"Yeah well you just wait until Spikey finds that gem of amara thing then we'll see who's the loser." The angry growl that followed her words made Harmony turn suddenly to look at the vamp she was hoping was going to save her.

Spike couldn't stop the growl from issuing from his throat if he wanted to. He should have known the bimbo would blab his plans. And to the Slayer no less. His element of surprise was seriously compromised at this point. While the Slayer might not get the reference now her watcher definately would.

"Blondie Bear?" There was a tremor in her high squeaky voice that almost tempted Spike to help the idiot out. Unfortunately for her it was around the nickname that reminded him that he would be gladly rid of her decent lay or not. He could only put up with so much.

However the name seemed to stop the Slayer in her tracks.

"Blondie Bear?!" The guffaws that followed made Spike cringe with embarrasment.

"You can't seriously let her call you that?" The disbelief in the young woman's voice made Spike flinch. Technically she was right any self respecting man wouldn't stand being addressed in such a way and he was a vampire. A master at that.

"You got a point Slayer or we just out here to take a look at the stars?"

Somehow even with the threat of her death Harmony still found the time to get that they were picking on her.

"Are you just going to let her talk to me like that?" Gone was the fear that had been present seconds before. In its place was a demand that Spike defend this chit.

Something he wasn't prepared to do.

Oh she was a decent lay of course but he really didn't give a damn about her. Hell the Slayer had more of a chance that he would defend her.

"Actually Harmony and I have some business if you wouldn't mind Spike."

He had no doubt about what business it might be and found himself in the reluctant position of poinitng out just how visible they were to the rest of the people at the party. The attention was something he and the Slayer didn't need.

"MIght want to wait on that business until you're somewhere a little less public Slayer. 'Sides not like you couldn't find the chit easily enough again."

Buffy looked back at the Frat house silently cursing. True there was no one looking at them right then but knowing her luck there would be someone coming out the door the second she was ready to stake Harmony. And that was really not good.

Placing her stake back into the waistband of her pants she let out a sigh.

"FIne. Just remember Harmony that I kill you're kind and I do it very well. If you don't want to be made an example out of since your attack on Willow then you better get out of my town by the next nightfall."

Maybe it was her words or the look in her eye but Harmony took a look first at Spike and back at Buffy. Whatever synapses still functioned in the bimbo seemed to kick into gear and she pivoted quickly before running off into the night.

Both of them watched her retreating figure fade away in the distance before turning to look at each other.

"So." Buffy wasn't sure what to say to Spike. She wasn't sure just what was going through his mind. And while the reason for his last visit to Sunnydale hadn't been to kill her it didn't mean that things between them had changed.

As far as she knew he was still the vamp that was going to be snacking on the local populace. A practice she was in no way encouraging. This was her turf after all.

Spike however was just amused at the death threat to Harmony of all vamps. She had to be the worst excuse for a vampire there ever was.

It didn't change that his free ride was gone however and seeing how much he had to put up with the bint the fact that she had taken off left him high and dry. He was not likely to find an easier target in town then she had been. Plus the minions were all hers. And they weren't thrilled with his type of control. A master he may be but the writing was on the wall as far as the minions were concerened Harmony had been their leader and now with her gone he was going to have to do things on his own.

Normally this wouldn't bother him, in fact minions were a pain in the ass that required too much work but he had a goal here and the extra hands were needed with the excavation of the caves.

Thus he began to feel a little angry. It was no more then he would expect to happen to any of his plans but it still frustrated him because he was so close. Another day on the outside was really all he needed.

"Ok I'm all ears Spike. Why the hell did you come back here?"

"Told you before Slayer I go where I please."

Buffy let out a tiny sigh.

"Look Spike I really don't have the time right now to deal with the kind of baggage you always drag to town. Do me a favor and leave town tonight and I'll pretend like you never popped up."

Spike started to dig around his duster for his smokes wanting something to do with his hands before he gave in to his impulse to start the dance with her once again. He needed to be patient and get that gem.

"No can do Slayer. As much as this place lacks small town charm I've got my reasons for sticking around."

Buffy searched the blue eyes in front of her looking beyond the surface trying desperately to find any hidden motives. What she couldn't see bothered her. It wasn't like she knew what he was up to but the feeling of dread began to settle in her stomach. Instinctively she knew that whatever his reasons were they weren't going to be positive for her.

The thought disappointed her a bit. If anything she was hoping she never had to fight Spike again. She had hoped deep down that she had seen the last of him when he left for South America. For him to show up in town almost garaunteed that they were going to fight.

As selfish as it was she would have perferred her last memories of the vamp to be how they left things a few months ago. Not having to dust him or worse getting her ass kicked by his hands. She would never let him win of course but even if they fought to a draw as they often did she would never be able to recall the nice feeling she had been harboring for him since he had last left town.

Spike fought to keep everything he was feeling from showing in his eyes. He knew if he could just hold out a little longer he would be home free. The Slayer had no idea if he was friend or foe at this point and her sense of right and wrong was going to make sure he got away tonight. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and his eyes from giving away what he was feeling.

Instead he gave her his best smirk. Not the one that was sure to piss her off but the one that was slightly endearing. He could be charming if he tried. He just didn't want to try most of the time. And really there was no reason for him to be hostile right now. Not when his payoff was so close. Killing her would come soon enough.

In the meantime he had his glory in being the insturment of her death to look forward to. Soon he would prove to Dru just who was the baddest monster out there. With her or without her.

"So what now Slayer? Bit of the rough and tumble or we going to sit out here chattin' all night?"

Buffy looked back at the frat house once again and let out a deep sigh. She was still in the same boat she had been with Harmony too many witnesses. In fact she needed to get rid of Spike before Parker came looking for her they had already been out here for too long.

"How about a rain check? I don't think either of us are in the right mood for this." She took a step closer to him before searching his blue eyes once more.

She still couldn't tell what he was hiding.

"You want me to check my calendar see when I can fit you in?" He gave her a mocking leer.

She fought to contain the eye roll that wanted to come out.

"Seriously Spike I have to get back inside."

"What to that simpering fool that's panting after you?" He was surprised at the words that slipped out of his mouth.

Buffy blinked at him in surprise. How the hell was she supposed to answer that? She wasn't willing to defend Parker hell she hardly knew the guy. And she was going to go inside with him. It wasn't like she didn't know what he was after she was with him for that reason.

The point was why would Spike even bring it up?

Spike was thinking up as many british curses as he could in his head. He had no idea at what random thought led to him saying that and there was no way he was going to figure it out. Best to leave it the hell alone.

"I think we should call it a night don't you?" She asked the startled vamp. The confusion he felt was written pretty plainly on his face and she really really didn't want to know what he was thinking.

All Spike could do was nod in response to her question. He was too busy blocking all thoughts from his brain.

"Good. Just if I see you in town later we are going to have a confrontation, got it?" Buffy desperately wanted him to take the hint and get out of town.

Her words snapped Spike back to the situation before him.

"Oh we'll have a confortation pet. That's a gaurantee." This time he gave her the full out smirk. "Until then I suppose." He turned away from her trying not to celebrate his close call in front of her.

Buffy watched his black clad figure blend back into the night and let out a small sigh. This was going to be trouble she just knew it. Shaking her head she headed back into the party.

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