Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 10073 Read: 9177
Published: 02/18/2006 Updated: 06/09/2006
1. Frailty by infinite [Reviews - 2] (1176 words)
Any reviews would make me smile. :)
I suppose I should warn readers that this isn't a light fic in any way....
2. Of awkward moments and good intentions by infinite [Reviews - 1] (1625 words)
I guess I'm just aiming for a more vulnerable side of Buffy.....hm...
3. If but a footnote in time by infinite [Reviews - 2] (1986 words)
Hope you guys like this, I wrote it quickly over a few drinks, so hopefully it still makes sense.
4. sorta like the boston tea party... by infinite [Reviews - 2] (1140 words)
Okay...hm, I know the characters actions are a bit of a stretch, but this story is drawn completely from personal experience and i guess i don't want to lose any of the situation. Heh, don't be too harsh on Buffy, it's far too easy to fall apart. :)
5. random contemplation of legs. by infinite [Reviews - 1] (1645 words)
This chapter is a little bit of a filler, there's just alot of in between moments that are still significant to the grand picture.
6. raining on the parade. by infinite [Reviews - 2] (1347 words)
Just a warning: just because this is less angsty doesn't mean it'll be smooth sailing from now on, it would'nt be love if it was that easy.
7. does he really have to change his name everytime he gets evil? by infinite [Reviews - 1] (1154 words)
God, it's been an incredibly long time. Due to some intense things in my life, delving headfirst into past mistakes with this story haven't been on the top of my priority list, apologies all around for the delay.