Spike awoke the afternoon after. As always, he got up and he went dressing. Only when he came out from the bathroom, he realized there was someone else in his bed.
He tugged the covers and, as he supposed, he found Buffy under them.
Due to the lack of the covers, she was starting stirring.
At the beginning, he was happy, then he remembered their quarrel.
“ Well, well. Look who is here: Miss Leave-Me-Alone must have changed her mind!” he exclaimed sarcastic in a bitter tone.
She started, jumping out off the bed.
“ I can explain. I’ve just come here to tell you something important…” she began explaining.
“ Yeah, and you have thought to sleep in my bed while you were waiting for my awakening, sure!” he commented, raising an eyebrow.
“ Ok, there’s more: I felt kinda alone at home and… anyway, don’t you wanna hear the big news?” she asked, hoping to manage to change subject as soon as possible.
“ Ok. Shoot away!”
“ Fine. Tara said that, after the spell to bring me back, something has happened to my cells; nothing serious, a part from a little detail: that fools your chip and it means you could have hurt me without feeling pain all this time long. So, now we know how you did the damn thing!”
“ It’s incredible! But it’s not what we were talking about!” the blond clarified.

< Here we go again! > Buffy thought, rolling her eyes.

“ You came here to sleep beside me, to feel me close to you… it must mean something!”
“ Yeah. It means that I’m stupid, it was a bad idea and I’d better go now…” she said, reaching the door, but it was enough to open it a little to let a ray of sun let in, forcing her to back off and close it immediately.
“ No escapes, pet. You are stuck with me and I’m sure you are glad for it. I know you like spending time with me…” he said, approaching her slowly.
“ In your dreams!” she snapped.
“ And in yours, too!” he struck back.
They kept silent for a while, a little puzzled by those words.
Spike resumed talking first.
“ Stop hiding behind lame excuses and bloody admit you feel something for me!” he summoned her.
“ Bite me!” she struck back, sticking her tongue to him.
“ Already done that, sweetie and…”
Suddenly, they looked at each other and their eyes opened wide, remembering everything about that night.
“ That’s how it all began!” Buffy exclaimed.
“ When you felt me biting you, you said we were dreaming…” Spike commented.
She hoped he wouldn’t remember just every single thing, but she hadn’t that luck.
“ You said YOU DREAMED ‘bout me, and I’m not talking about me and you playing cards or telling stories!”
Buffy had never wished the sunset as much as she did then: she could feel it coming; just few minutes again and she could have escaped.
But those minutes seemed to last hours.
She listened to Spike silently, keeping her distance cautiously as he tried to get closer.
“ You dreamed ‘bout me having sex with you, biting you, turning you, kissing you… Wait! We really kissed! And * you* kissed me first!”
This time Buffy couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
“ I was just tasting the alcohol… “ she justified, coming back to the door, but he dragged her to him.
“ Liar! It’s the same thing you told me when I kissed you again, remember?” he said, wrapping an arm ‘round her waist.
“ Well, now I’m totally sober…” he explained, bringing his face close to hers. Oddly, she hadn’t tried to break free from his embrace.
“… let’s see if I can make you moan, anyway!” and saying that, he smashed his lips to hers.
After protesting a bit, Buffy, not only surrendered to his kiss, but she also participated.
Inevitably, soon the room was filled with her moans mingled to his.
Suddenly, she broke the kiss.
“ I can’t…” she exclaimed, backing off towards the door, but Spike didn’t do anything to stop her.
“ This is wrong..” she kept talking, opening it, thanking the sun for being set.
“ Now I must go. Gotta tell the truth to my friends… they’re waiting for me..” she informed him, before running away.
Spike remained alone with his thoughts, pacing in his crypt.

< She kissed me back… but she ran away scared! Is there a bloody logic between her actions and her reactions? That girl will drive me crazy! If I had stopped her, she would have surely denied everything, it’s Buffy ‘s second nature! What if she kissed me, thinking of… NO, it can’t be that! BLOODY HELL! Look at me; I’m brooding like him! This can’t be me! >

Meantime, Buffy was running to the ‘ Magic Box ‘, trying not to think about that kiss, about how she felt… about what she felt for Spike… whatever it was.
There was no time to cry or regret: she had a hard mission to carry out.

As soon as she let in the ‘ Magic Box’ she noticed that everyone was already there.
“ Buffy, what’s the matter? Why this meeting?” Giles asked, inviting her to sit.
“ I’ll do more than talking: I’ll show you!” she explained, concentrating, clinching her teeth and fists and trying to growl.
Nothing happened.
“ Buffy, are you sure you’re fine?” Xander asked astonished by her behavior, as everyone else.
“ I just wonder why he always does it so easily!” she muttered, getting up.
“ Ok guys, I guess I gotta find another way: look at me, don’t you see me paler than usual?”
“ It’s true, Buffy. Maybe you’re sick!” Willow observed worried.
“ That’s not the point!” the blonde exclaimed.
“ If you put a hand on my chest, you will realize my heart doesn’t beat anymore, and the only reason why I managed to let in, it’s because this is a public place…” she kept talking, approaching to a pile of books, which hid a mirror, starting to remove them one by one.
Hearing those words and seeing no reflections when she stood in front of the mirror, the others realized everything, jumping off their seats immediately.
“ YOU ARE A VAMPIRE!” they screamed terrified.
“ Yeah, but don’t worry, I’ve kept my soul!” she reassured them.
“ Oh m-my God, h-how d-did it happened?” Giles stuttered, cleaning his glasses nervously.
“ It’s a long story… Just..”
“ A vampire knocked you down and turned you against your will, it can be only that!” Xander interrupted her.
“ Not exactly. As I was saying, it was after…”
“ Oh! Maybe someone cast a spell on you, turning you into a vamp!” Willow suggested, interrupting her again.
“Neither that. Anyway, after that infinite day here as a shop girl, I..”
“ I bet this mess it’s Bunnies’ doing!”
“ No, Anya. NO bloody bunnies!” she snapped, tired of all those intermissions.
“ I…”
“ What about a prophecy?” Giles commented, looking for a book.
“ Would you all be so nice to SHUT UP?” she roared exasperated.
The Scoobies gave out a shout and Giles started.
“ What?” Buffy wondered, not figuring out why everyone was shocked.
“ Your.. face…” Tara explained gently.
Touching herself, Buffy realized she had slipped to her game-face.
“ Alright! Now that I don’t need it anymore, it shows up!” she muttered, rolling her now amber eyes.
“ Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to scare you!” she apologized.
“ Well, my demonic visage is way more terrifying than yours!” Anya commented proudly.
“ After all, you’re not so bad…” Xander exclaimed, arousing Anya ‘s jealousy, so she punched him in the stomach.
“ Anya, you know I love only you, honey!” he reassured her, caressing her face.
“ It’s kind of interesting, I’d better write on my Diary about it!” Giles said, watching her with such a great attention that made her feel uneasy.
In fact, she turned to the two Wiccas.
“ Don’t worry, Buffy. Now I’m just a bit surprised, but I’ll get used to your game-face soon!” Willow promised.
“ Me, too!” Tara added, smiling to her sweetly.
“ Anyway… could you please… shake it off?” the red required shyly.
“ Sure!” Buffy exclaimed, concentrating.
“ I just gotta wish it away…”
After few seconds she came back to her human features.
“ Well pet, you learn quickly!” Spike exclaimed, letting in the shop.
“ Spike, what are you doing here?” she asked, astonished to see him, especially after what had happened between them.
“ Yeah Spike, you chose the worst moment to show up; we are in the middle of a tragedy and..”
Suddenly, Xander stopped, looking first at Buffy, which tried to avoid both his and the blond’s gazes, and then at Spike.
He gasped.
“ Wait! First, you didn’t seem so surprised to see her change and then you talked about learning… OH MY GOD! Buffy, tell me he’s not the culprit!” Xander begged her, scared.
“ I could tell you he’s not, but it wouldn’t be the truth: yes, Spike is my Sire!” she declared, watching the floor.
Xander dashed to the table, grabbing a stake and hurling to the bleached vampire.
“ Bastard! How could you do that to her?” he shout, taking him by the leap of his coat, raising the stake towards him, without any reaction from Spike.
“ I’m gonna do something Buffy should have done a long time ago…”


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