Suddenly, the brunette felt someone snatching the stake from his hand.
Turning, he met the flashing yellow eyes of a very pissed off Buffy, which parted him from Spike, shoving him to the floor roughly.
“ Don’t dare to touch him!” she growled, placing herself in front of the blond, in a protective way.
No one dared to talk for a while. Giles did it first.
“ Fascinating!”
“ What? She went all ‘ Grr ‘ at my boyfriend and you find it fascinating?” Anya blamed him.
“ This is typical, it’s their bond: Sire and Childe are very protective to each other; that’s why she acted that way when Xander attacked him!” Giles explained.
“ I couldn’t explain it better myself, Rupert!” Spike smirked.
“ Ok, I learned my lesson. Ouch. Calm down, Buffy! I’ll do nothing to your precious Sire!” Xander said, getting up laboriously, keeping his distance from her.
Buffy seemed to calm down and her growl stopped.
“ Buffy, how can it be Spike? He can’t bite anyone!” Giles observed.
The blonde turned to Tara.
“ Haven’t’ you told them yet?”
“ Well, I’ve found out just yesterday; I tought you needed to know it first, but it seems I warned you too late…”
“ What are you two chatting about?” Giles interrogated them.
“ Since Buffy has come back, something funny has happened to her cells and that fools my chip; so she was the only human I could hurt without pain!” Spike explained.
“ So, as soon as you found out, you took advantage of the situation, you…” Xander accused him, but Buffy resumed growling to him, making him shut up.
“ Actually, he didn’t know anything!” Buffy defended him, amazing everyone, especially Spike.
“ We don’t remember exactly how it happened; anyway, I went to his crypt, we got drunk, the day after I woke up a s a vamp!” Buffy said as quickly as she could.
Spike was a little upset that she hadn’t told her friends how things had faithfully gone, but he seemed to understand. After all, they were already enough shocked.
“ You got drunk?!” Xander asked in disbelief.
“ How much did you drink? What did you drink? Did you drink wine? And if you did, was it one of a good vintage year?” Anya asked curios.
“ Buffy, you are the Slayer, your duty is killing vampires, not getting drunk with them! You’ve been very irresponsible…” Giles blamed her.
That was too much for her.
“ What? You think I’m happy ‘bout it? Ask Spike ‘bout my ‘ cheerful ‘ reaction! I didn't ask for it…” she said and tears began falling from her eyes.
“ I didn’t ask to come back to life… And I’VE NEVER ASKED TO BE PULLED DOWN FROM HEAVEN!” she screamed.
Realizing what she had done and the umpteenth shock she had provoked, she ran away, before Spike could stop her.

Willow felt guilty the most.
Noticing that Spike was the only one not surprised, she approached him.
“ Did… y- you already k- know?” she stuttered.
“ She told me when she came back, but she made me swear not to tell anyone… she didn't want you to know and I’m sure she didn’t mean to tell you it. I’d better go to find her..” he explained, but she stopped him, taking him by the arm.
“ No. I’ll do!” she said, resolute.
“ But I’m the only one who can find her! I feel her, instead you…”
Spike stopped, seeing Willow closing her eyes to concentrate, embracing herself.
And saying that, she disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke.
“ She had got some point, after all..” Spike commented, dumbfound.
Buffy was sat on a swing, rocking absently, finding some comfort in the quiet of that place.
She understood why April, the robot, had chosen to refuge just in that Park when she had realized that Warren didn’t want her anymore.
Warren… it was only his fault, and the other two’s: if they hadn’t messed up with her life, she would have never got drunk with Spike and…
“ Here you go!” Willow exclaimed behind her shoulders, startling her and taking her mind off from her thoughts.
She turned, drying her eyes.
“ How did you find me? Oh, sure: you are a witch, stupid question!”
“ Yeah, I’m a witch, but I can see that my magic is not always good for everyone… Buffy, I’m terribly sorry! It must be so hard…”
“ It’s not your fault, it’s no one’s fault! You didn’t know and you shouldn’t have known, not that way! I’m the one who has to apologize!”
“ No, Buffy, you were right. We’ve been very selfish and when you told us about what happened with Spike, we’ve been very rude, we didn’t have the right to judge you…”
“ Let’s stop playing ‘ Whose fault is it? ‘! After all, I have to thank you, it’s good to live again, well… now I’d better say un-live… “
“ Don’t worry, Buffy, everything will be fine! You must be so confused, you don’t even know how it happened. I just wonder how Spike could have been so cruel to…”
“ Actually, I lied, Will…” she interrupted her.
“ What?”
“ I said we didn’t know how it happened. And it was true… ‘till this afternoon… when we suddenly remembered everything…” Buffy confessed, taking a deep breath, which she didn’t even need, before carrying on.
“ We got drunk, we argued as always, so I said ‘ Bite me!’ as a joke, but he did it! We didn’t know anything ‘bout my cells and his chip thing, so I told him he could bite me because we were dreaming…”
“ Oh! Well, it was the alcohol that..”
“ That’s not the point, Will! Not only I told him we were dreaming, but also that I used to dream about that and I added it wasn’t the only thing he did to me in my dreams..”
“ Buffy… is it what I think it is?” Willow asked wavering.
“ Yes: I dreamt ‘bout having sex with him! So, finally, he also thought we were dreaming, and he said that he needed to do what he always did in every dreams of his..”
“ So, he turned you, right? I just wonder why you didn’t react…”
“ Wanna know how much I reacted? All I did is telling him I had also dreamt ‘bout that once or twice and I enjoyed that every time… even the real one!” she admitted, breaking down and crying.
“ So, Will, can’t you see how much your friend is wrong?”
“ You’re not wrong! After all, we all saw how much Spike has changed and now we have no doubt he really loves you. Question is… do you love him?” the red wondered.
“ Love him? No, I can’t love Spike! Just because I dreamt about him and I still do and I know it’s not due to the bond; just because he was so fond of my Mom and she loved him like a son, just like Dawn loves him like a brother; just because he has been so sweet and caring with me after my death, but even before; just because I feel complete just when I’m with him; just because all I want is to lose myself forever in his strong arms that are waiting fro me for so long; just because I’m craving for him to kiss me once more… Oh, God! I LOVE HIM!” Buffy exclaimed, bringing a hand to her mouth after saying that.
Willow looked at her with a knowing smile.
“ I have finally admitted it to myself…” the blonde muttered.
“ Yeah, so why don’t you go admitting to him?” Willow suggested.
“ But the others will never accept..”
“ Buffy, think about yourself for once! Don’t worry ‘bout the others: Tara and Anya will accept it easily; it will be hard with Giles and especially Xander! I’ll talk with them, and if they don’t understand… well, Amy will be happy to have some company in her cage!” Willow said, making Buffy smile.
“ I mean, you know how much we all love you, so if you wanna stay with Spike because he makes you happy, well, just do it! You deserve to be happy, so don’t let anything or anyone stop you this time!” her friend advised her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“ Oh, Will!” the blonde exclaimed, getting up and hugging her.
“ Well, are you still there? Go, run to him!” the red incited her.
“ Sure, don’t forget to tell me everything in slightest details, then!” Willow assured before the blonde disappeared in the dark of the night.
As she expected, she found him in his crypt.
It just took few seconds to Spike to feel her presence.
“ So, what? Did you come back ‘cause you don’t fancy being home alone again, or just to tell me how much you hate me for what I’ve done to you?” he asked in a bitter tone, his back turned to her.
“ Actually, I’m here to … apologize…”
He turned, watching her in disbelief.
“ I’m sorry for never thanking you..” she explained.
“ For what?”
“ Well, it’s a long list: I’ve never thanked you for defending Dawn ’s secret; I’ve never thanked you for remaining here, although I was dead, helping the others and supporting Dawn; I’ve never thanked you for being so nice and kind with me when I came back…” she said, taking a step closer for every single thing she thanked him for.
“ And I’ve never thanked you, not for turning me, but for giving me the chance to spend eternity with the man I love…”
The blond’s eyes hardened.
“ Sure! You come here to say goodbye to run in Mr. Born-To-Be-Sad ‘s waiting arms! I would wish you two to be happy, but you know the bloody consequences!” he exclaimed turning again, wondering where he found the strength to be witty in such a painful moment for him.
Her only answer, she approached stealthily, hugging him from behind.
“ Silly, silly, silly boy! I was talking about you!” she smiled, caressing his hair.
He turned instantly, with the most astonished of the looks.
“ Buffy… you said…”
“ I know what I said and I bloody mean it!” she clarified.
“ Thought I had told you not to steal my words!” he smiled, playing with a lock of her hair.
“ Thought I had told you I do what I want!” she struck back, touching his mouth with a finger.
“ Buffy, just promise you won’t run away again, if I kiss you…” he begged her, bending on her.
“ Not. Going. Anywhere!” she reassured him, caressing his shoulders.
They kissed for a very long time and at the end, Buffy burst out laughing.
“ What?” Spike asked, not very pleased by her reaction.
“ You were right: you do have lots of nicknames for him!” she explained, snuggling against his black T-shirt.
“ Well, pet, I could go on forever…” he laughed.
“ Mm.. forever… I like that word…” she purred, kissing him again.
“ Mm.. and what do you think ‘bout this word (kiss)? And this one (kiss) and this one (kiss)…” he moaned.
“ I adore every word you say, Spike, (kiss). Never quit talking to me (longer kiss)!”

Suddenly, she felt a strange taste in her mouth and when she figured out what it was she parted, touching her face to realize that her demon had prevailed over, scraping Spike’s lower lip.
Spike figured out that, too.
“ Pet, don’t say you’re sorry, because there’s no reason: I enjoyed that, and it’s more than natural, ok?” he said, holding her hands.
She smiled.
“ You know what? I was sure only rage could bring my game face on the surface… instead, this time … it was love!”
He pulled her to him to kiss her again, but she stopped him.
“ First, let me shake it off…”
“ Don’t!” he summoned her.
She questioned him with her golden eyes.
“ You are beautiful the way you are. And I know you liked that, too. And maybe you want more…” he said, exposing his neck.
“ No, Spike, I can’t…” she answered, staring at his neck, giving out a soft growl.
“ C’mon! After all, you haven’t even eaten yet tonight…”
“ Neither you have!” she exclaimed, pulling her hair behind to bare her neck.
“ I want you to do the same!” she required, approaching to kiss him, being careful not to hurt him again, until she realized satisfied he had also slipped to his game-face.
“ How could I have been so blind to never notice how beautiful you are?” she whispered, caressing his bumpy face.
After an understanding gaze, they bit down into each other’s neck simultaneously, tasting mutually for few minutes.
Buffy stopped first, coming back to her human visage, watching Spike, which was also back to his human features, shocked.
“ That was w..”
“ No. Don’t say ‘ wrong ’; please…” he begged her, dreading her umpteenth escape.
She shook her head, smiling.
“… wonderful!”


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