Summary: *11-28-06: 'Sunshine' sequel added/complete* Every night, phone in hand, Buffy Summers gives men a living soundtrack for their fantasies. He started out as just another job—but what happens when ‘Spike’ steps out of the phone and into her life as the very real William, her stepfather’s brother?

And please notice all the warnings, this is not a fluffy story--but it is Spuffy. *Nominated at the Forbidden Awards for Best Spuffy Long and the Spark and Burn Awards for Best Dark and Best Fantasy and at the Cradle of Humanity Awards for Best Story--thank you!* Runner Up for Best Spuffy at Big Bad Awards
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Freaky/Kinky, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 57 Completed: Yes
Word count: 88315 Read: 111518
Published: 03/07/2006 Updated: 11/28/2006

1. Prologue and Chapter One by Suzee [Reviews - 52] Liked (1904 words)
Thank you to Elena for both helping me get this thing a summary (I'm not so good with those) and for beta'ing this.

And this fic has some smut in it ;) Hope you like it...My Boyfriend's Back will be posted tomorrow and this story will be posted every Tuesday (eta: and Saturday) least until I decide on a new day :P

2. Chapter Two by Suzee [Reviews - 39] Liked (1889 words)
at bottom.

3. Chapter Three by Suzee [Reviews - 51] Liked (1396 words)
at bottom.

4. Four by Suzee [Reviews - 49] Liked (1119 words)

5. Five by Suzee [Reviews - 36] Liked (1153 words)
Panta_Rei again.

WOW--ya'll are wonderful. Suzee'll thank you like mad once she gets back, but I'll go ahead and give everyone a big THANK YOU right now for the reviews you left for Chapter Four! Because, you know, I have a bet to win. *g* So don't forget to review this chapter, too, please!

Also--*koff SMUT IN 3-5 CHAPTERS koff*

6. Chapter Six by Suzee [Reviews - 37] Liked (1241 words)
Panta_Rei again! You guys have been awesome with reviewing--please keep it up. ;) Enjoy the chapter!

7. Chapter 7 by Suzee [Reviews - 36] Liked (1166 words)
Thank you to Panta_rei for all the updating for me...and to all of you who left me reviwes :-) Thank you so, so very much :-D

'My Boyfriend's Back' will be updated tomorrow....

8. Chapter 8 by Suzee [Reviews - 36] Liked (1275 words)
I've made a fic rec list here....a lot of them are just TSR (meaning not on LJ) stories so you might want to check it out...

Also, if anyone's figured out the time I update (1 EST) and thinks I'm late...we haven't started daylight savings yet, so I am on time ;)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all of the reviews...I'm just completely thank you so very, very much

9. Chapter Nine by Suzee [Reviews - 38] Liked (1091 words)
I know some of you think I'm putting things off or torturing you for fun by making you wait...but i promise this is all written out already and it's done how it needed to be done.....not much longer to wait


Also, thank you times ten million and ninety-two for all of the reviews :)

10. Chapter 10 by Suzee [Reviews - 40] Liked (1467 words)

11. Chapter 11 by Suzee [Reviews - 28] Liked (1467 words)
sorry it's late...also, see the author's note at the bottom of the chapter, please :)

12. Twelve by Suzee [Reviews - 27] Liked (1338 words)
Hey everyone! This is Panta_Rei again, updating for Suzee since her computer's messed up. She's incredibly flattered by all the feedback she's been getting--don't forget to leave her lots of reviews to come back to. ;)

Also, she wanted me to remind you guys that Silently Broken was updated Tuesday, too, right before the site went down; it's an important chapter, so she wanted to be sure everyone had read it.

13. Chapter 13 by Suzee [Reviews - 37] Liked (1357 words)
I really hope everyone's still liking this story--interest seems to have gone down over the last few chapters....Really do want you to continue enjoying it (and not just because I've already written it :P)

14. Chapter 14 by Suzee [Reviews - 27] Liked (1558 words)
please, please, please review :-)

15. Chapter 15 by Suzee [Reviews - 30] Liked (1259 words)
Word's acting funny--let me know if the spacing is messed up any, please.

16. Chapter 16 by Suzee [Reviews - 21] Liked (1309 words)
at bottom

and once again, a big thank you to Panta_rei for the beta'ing.

17. Chapter Seventeen by Suzee [Reviews - 25] Liked (1260 words)
I sincerely hope you all aren't giving up on this story...there's a lot more to happen...and more Spuffy fun (of the angsty kind and otherwise) to be had...please do stick with me...and keep reviewing (I love all of those I've gotten so far and hope to get more...and that wasn't supposed to sound as greedy as it did..hmmm)

18. Chapter 18 by Suzee [Reviews - 22] Liked (1754 words)
I'm so sorry it's late! I rememberd to do it earlier when the site wasn't working then forgot--till just now! I'm sorry.
Think you could forgive me enough to read my little Cinco de Mayo ficlet Mexican Holiday? Please? Maybe even review too? it should open in a new window

19. Chapter 19 by Suzee [Reviews - 22] Liked (1465 words)

20. Chapter Twenty by Suzee [Reviews - 40] Liked (1350 words)
see below

21. Chapter 21 by Suzee [Reviews - 23] Liked (1446 words)
sorry I'm late, but I have good reason: I GOT A NEW COMPUTER....

I want to thank everyone who's stuck with me and who still enjoys this fic, I want to thank you so, so much....and to everyone still a little unsure, try to remember that there is a reason why Buffy took the job and why she's acting how she is--a reason you'll find out eventually....also, remember she's only 19.

Thank you fro all of the positive feedback I received on the last chapter, after the negative reviews, the good ones really did help me :)

22. Chapter 22 by Suzee [Reviews - 27] Liked (1376 words)
I know I'm way late today but my router slowly died over three days and today we had no internet till just now....okay, so it didnt' die, just decided to change it's IP address and not tell us...but I'm here now...and hopefully you'll still be willing to read (and review). Thank you two million and ninety four times over for all of the reviews I've been getting...I love you all so much...even the people who don't like me anymore...and I'll stop rambling now....

23. Chapter 23 by Suzee [Reviews - 26] Liked (1257 words)
I forgot to say so, but THANK YOU to Alyx...I love being added to people's fav author lists...

Info on the next update: Tuesday's update will either be posted late Monday if I can or late Thru/Friday when I get back in town...The next update of Just a Thing will also be posted late Thur/ for the updates in the next few weeks after that..well I'm still figuring those out. I'm going to be out of town a lot over the next 4 weeks and am trying to figure out how the updates fit in there...but...the story's not over yet ;-)

24. Chapter 24 by Suzee [Reviews - 12] Liked (1282 words)
U almost posted 25 so I hope this is right.....

Please read the note at the bottom

25. Chapter Twenty-Five by Suzee [Reviews - 14] Liked (1406 words)
I'm going now...really I am...I hope to be back soon :) Author's note is at the bottom

Thought I'd get you 25 before I left even if a some (I'd say who but they did't tell me) don't care when I update....

26. Chapter 26 by Suzee [Reviews - 17] Liked (1330 words)
finally the trip from hell is over and I'm back....hope you're still reading.

also, there's a spuffy ficathon that needs some people to sign up: here

27. Chapter 27 by Suzee [Reviews - 21] Liked (1183 words)
sorry it's a day late...TSR wasn't working for me yesterday and I couldn't update then. I also posted a chapter of JaT today and a collection of drabbles (nine to be exact)...please read them?

28. Chapter Twenty Eight by Suzee [Reviews - 26] Liked (1416 words)
at the end...also, thank you to everyone who *hasn't* quit reading this story :)

29. Chapter Twenty Nine by Suzee [Reviews - 25] Liked (2012 words)
I can't promise you the next updates will be on time...I'm still feeling really sick so I might take a break just for a little bit. Sorry :(

But this one's longer than most so maybe that'll make up for it?I should probably shut up and go back to sleep

30. Chapter 30 by Suzee [Reviews - 20] Liked (1799 words)
at the end--please read?

31. Chapter Thirty-One by Suzee [Reviews - 20] Liked (1477 words)
the last chapter (Chapter 30) was the lst one that my bea beta'd for me so from here on out it's back to me betaing them..hopefully I've done alright :)

Thank you so, so, so, so much for the reviews :)

32. Chapter Thirty-Two by Suzee [Reviews - 33] Liked (1924 words)
This chapter is beta'd by yours truly ;-) so yell at me for any mistakes, not my usual beta...she's gone away so she didn't do this one. Also? Read the St Patrick's Day 113 Times installment? It's right under this update (title is Iontaoibh (Trust)); to get no reviews on it would be just sad.

And notice the warnings for this chapter and please read the additional a/n at the end :) thanks

33. Chapter 33 by Suzee [Reviews - 22] Liked (1420 words)
sorry I'm a bit late....4 people want to go review MBB and give me an even 100 reviews? ;)

34. Chapter 34 by Suzee [Reviews - 26] Liked (1610 words)
Thank you all so much for the reviews--so, so much :-D and thanks to anyone who reviewed MBB :)

35. Chapter 35 by Suzee [Reviews - 25] Liked (1329 words)
I probablyh had stuff to say but now I've forgotten it...I really should look into setting alarms when I'm sick ;)

Thank you so so much for the reviews you've all given me--they make me feel better...knowing that there is a point too me taking the time to post :)

36. Chapter 36 by Suzee [Reviews - 23] Liked (3050 words)
really not a big fan of super long author's notes, but I have one this time...sorry....I bolded the (I think) main point at the end so you don't have to read it all....

37. Chapter 37 by Suzee [Reviews - 21] Liked (1192 words)

38. Chapter 38 by Suzee [Reviews - 19] Liked (1452 words)
I'm the favorite author of 13 people? Seriously? And Kimmie says I have 'fans' and the story has 974 reviews...I feel so cool :D (Don't worry, I'll get over it)....

Everyone who's thinking Buffy's getting off easy, just remember that there's still quite a bit more to come :-)

39. Chapter 39 by Suzee [Reviews - 13] Liked (1576 words)
I sent out the invites to those of you that said you were interested in my yahoo group--I think there are still a few people who haven't joined yet....
Longer a/n next chapter when I can actually think ;)

40. Chapter 40 by Suzee [Reviews - 20] Liked (1088 words)
at the bottom...also? You are the best people in the whole world..I somehow got 1000 reviews :-D Thank you!

41. Chapter 41 by Suzee [Reviews - 25] Liked (1471 words)
it's down at the bottom again...

42. Chapter 42 by Suzee [Reviews - 20] Liked (1086 words)
I updated this Tuesday about 10 minutes before the site went down on Tuesday and the fav story emails aren't going out (though that would mean neither did one for this chapter...) so anyway, my point is, make sure you've read Chapter 41

okay, so if you read it before I screwed up and hadn't switched Harmony's name, sorry about that

43. Chapter 43 by Suzee [Reviews - 23] Liked (1753 words)
Two things: 1) That was not supposed to say 'Harmony ' last chapter--I changed how some characters were being used and missed that one

2)Everything in my fics has a point, so even when it might seem like I'm just giving you a filler chapter, it's actually contributing to the story and needs to be in there for the sake of the plot...Alright, now on to the chapter (if the storm doesn't cut my internet out again)


44. Chapter 44 by Suzee [Reviews - 17] Liked (1343 words)
I forgot to say so befre but to everyone who thought Spike was in NY...THANK YOU :) I was hoping I was going to make at least some of you thnk that.

And thank you to Scarlet for being the one who added me as a favorite author :-)

45. Chapter 44 Part II by Suzee [Reviews - 16] Liked (2471 words)
I stuck it at the botom again

46. Chapter 45 by Suzee [Reviews - 12] Liked (1834 words)
may I just say (again becausre recent events have pointed it out again) that I love you all for being so great with this story?

link to the manip this fic got Edgehead all inspired for if you missed it last chapter: clicky here

47. Chapter 46: Saturday Mornings by Suzee [Reviews - 20] Liked (1939 words)
sorry for the slight delay...while Stephen King or whoever may be able to type one handed, I'm not so good at it (esp left handed and I wanted to add a few things to the chap) Hopr you enjoy!

48. Chapter 47 by Suzee [Reviews - 18] Liked (1384 words)
I know there's something that I keep forgetting to say as an a/n....I always remember it about an hour or two after posting....and I've gone and forgotten it again.....oooh, I've got something, if you only read AUs (or all human fics) would you maybe be so nice as to tell me in your review?

now I'll go try to remember what it is I'm forgetting--and thank you all so, so much for all of the reviews--it really is still completely amazing to me :)

49. Chapter 48 by Suzee [Reviews - 19] Liked (1927 words)
they're quick things
1) I don't know what's going on with my head but for whatever reason I can't remember if I usually post at 1 or 2, so if this is early, that's why
2) Everyone should go vote at the Spuffy Awards:
3) Thank you to Laura Liz for adding me as a favorite author :D I love when someone does that
4) Thank you for all the reviews :D

50. Chapter 48 ½ by Suzee [Reviews - 21] Liked (2450 words)
So this is Chapter 48 ½ only because I thought I might screw up renumbering the last few chapters (why I thought that when there are only four or so, I have no idea).

I'm trying, trying, trying to get the new story ready so I can maybe overlap the first few chapters of it with the last few of this...we'll see how that goes......if it doesn't work, I'll just have to end this one by begging people to read the next one ;-)

Thank you for all the reviews and i hope everyone enjoys the chapter

51. Chapter 49 by Suzee [Reviews - 23] Liked (1286 words)
Thank you for the reviews :)

52. Chapter 50 by Suzee [Reviews - 14] Liked (2100 words)
I still haven't finished the story to post after this is finished (and having family come visit sooner than anticipated doesn't help much), so I'll try to finish it (as if I haven't been already), start posting a new, short 4 chapter one or try to get one of the mini sequels for SB all done up....hopefully this coming week I'll be able to start posting something that is not a one shot ficlet.......and if not, hopefully you all won't leave me :)

53. Chapter 51 by Suzee [Reviews - 25] Liked (2373 words)
Okay, so just one (or two) more chapters and an epilogue left after this depending on how I do things...(not counting the sequel-y things, of course)...and I'm really, really, really going to try to have the new story ready to start posting either this Saturday or next Tuesday.....,hopefully this will all post right, my internet seems to be playing hide and seek with me due to the thunderstorm ;)

54. Chapter 52 by Suzee [Reviews - 21] Liked (1815 words)
at the bottom....only one more chapter and an epilogue left....(and of coruse some sequel-y goodness later on)

55. Chapter 53 by Suzee [Reviews - 15] Liked (2052 words)
at the end of the chapter..

56. Epilogue by Suzee [Reviews - 28] Liked (1461 words)
at the bottom--be warned, I may sound nutty

Thank you to everyone for the 'feel well' wishes..whatever you'd call them if they had a name

Chapter 2 of (I Wanna) Be There will be up in a few moments...along with a ficlet hopefully soon

57. Sequel: Sunshine by Suzee [Reviews - 16] Liked (1127 words)
I know this story has been set as completed, but I wanted to add these sequels (there will be one more...well one unless I go crazy and write more than that) as part of this story so they wouldn't get lost :)