[Reviews - 13] LikedPrinter
Summary: Post NFA, Post Chosen - you didn't really think that Spike would just let her stay in Rome did you? No, not our vampire. So what's the next step? Wedding March, anyone? Fun and fluffy, unashamedly happy - no angst whatsoever. *happy sigh* Oh, and smut. :)
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 17758 Read: 13494
Published: 03/11/2006 Updated: 03/11/2006

1. Memories by Spikes_Deb [Reviews - 3] Liked (3448 words)
A huge shoutout to Lou again. There are some particular bits in this one that she completely -pardon the pun - revamped, most notably naming the exotic dancer. Enough said - she owns my world.

2. Happy by Spikes_Deb [Reviews - 1] Liked (2431 words)

3. Plans by Spikes_Deb [Reviews - 1] Liked (1537 words)

4. Almost time by Spikes_Deb [Reviews - 0] (3044 words)

5. Meetings by Spikes_Deb [Reviews - 0] (4185 words)

6. Promises by Spikes_Deb [Reviews - 8] Liked (3113 words)