Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Completed: No
Word count: 51303 Read: 25941
Published: 03/12/2006 Updated: 06/29/2009
1. Just Another Day At The Office by Alvarii [Reviews - 12] (2892 words)
Many of the warnings are for "description of" and "mention of". There is no "onscreen" rape or child abuse, and it did not happen to the main characters. These subjects can be disturbing and therefore, since dealt with, the warnings are given. This is a work of fiction. The events described are changed sufficiently to be unrecognizeable to anyone familiar with any resulting criminal cases.
2. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Alvarii [Reviews - 5] (2464 words)
same as previous
3. Why Don't We Get Drunk by Alvarii [Reviews - 11] (2689 words)
One more chapter today, folks. This chapter is very much nc-17. Honest critique is sincerely begged for. I've never written anything this raw before, but I was going for a very specific feel with this. I am not at all sure I managed it. (insert even more begging for opinions.)
4. Too Many Stories by Alvarii [Reviews - 10] (2888 words)
5. Home of the Blues by Alvarii [Reviews - 8] (4153 words)
A bit edgy about this chapter. In case I never mentioned it before, this is a pretty long fic. These guys are both a little battered and bruised, and getting a happy ending (which I require, btw) will take a bit of work for the both of them. On a related note, anyone out there in social work, drop me a line. I'm not looking for statutes & such - I'm looking for atmosphere. I want to write realistically. You wouldn't believe how long I spent talking to dispatchers and lurking on the 9-1-1dispatcher message board for this thing....In other words, don't expect to see the resulting fic next week if you contact me today, 'kay? But would really love to talk to some people who are actually in the trenches in children's protective services or victim intervention.
6. Part of Your World by Alvarii [Reviews - 7] (4290 words)
I want to thank everyone for their reviews. They are much appreciated. This chapter involves mention of child abuse. It is not described in detail, and does not occur to main characters, but it is there.
7. Admissions by Alvarii [Reviews - 9] (1993 words)
just a short chapter. nothing heavy. fyi - I have an extremely heavy schedule for the next two months - so updates may stretch to once every two weeks on occasion.
8. Come Together by Alvarii [Reviews - 5] (2562 words)
Okay, this is one of those chapters that makes it NC-17. Fair warning given. Any and all reviews longed for. A brief interlude of calm before the angst sets back in.
9. In The Real World by Alvarii [Reviews - 6] (2224 words)
Yes, two chapters in one day. That's because I wasn't actually able to post last week's chapter, and got behind. :) Don't get used to it, it practically never happens that I have two.
10. Old Habits by Alvarii [Reviews - 6] (1871 words)
Okay, getting (in ten chapters? GEEZ) to a part where Will's past will start to come to light. Don't worry, Elizabeth will be back soon.Pretty please some sort of feedback. There's a fine line between a slow reveal and total confusion. Need to know if I kept it on the right side of the line.
11. Three O'clock in the Mornin' by Alvarii [Reviews - 2] (4118 words)
Picked this back up after a couple of years away from the internet. (yay for the end of personal budget crisis and return to online) This chapter is lots of exposition tried to work into believable conversation. There won't be another break in updates as this story is complete on my hard drive and I'm just going through trying to fix it up for posting.
12. Love Will Keep Us Alive by Alvarii [Reviews - 17] (2485 words)
This chapter is written in a slightly different style than those previous to it. The idea is that in these circumstances, one never remembers every look, every word, or every action. Time seems to speed up, and what is left in the memory is more a series of small moments that make an impression. I'm hoping to have captured that. Please let me know if I was even marginally successful. Or also, if you would have rather had three chapters telling every little thing. This will help in future works.
13. Already There by Alvarii [Reviews - 2] (2663 words)
This fic is completed on my hard drive and updates will be on either Monday or Tuesday of each week until complete.
14. Alone by Alvarii [Reviews - 8] (2017 words)
Thanks so much for the feedback so far. TANIT - I didn't get the private message, probably due to crappy web mail. Try again, the curiosity is killing me! Posting a day early because I have to do boring real life stuff on my day off this week and couldn't be sure I would get time to sign on this Monday.
15. Hold On I'm Comin' by Alvarii [Reviews - 8] (3756 words)
Special thanks to Tanit for being a second set of eyes and catching a *lot* of things that I would have put out there. Any mistakes still floating around in here are totally mine, though, and probably due to me missing something she told me was in there. :)
16. I Wanna Hold Your Hand by Alvarii [Reviews - 5] (2138 words)
Thanks again to Tanit for the once-over. Any typos, errors etc still hanging about are all my fault.
17. Chapter 17 by Alvarii [Reviews - 3] (1895 words)
Thanks to Tanit for the beta.
18. Come Monday by Alvarii [Reviews - 7] (2050 words)
Special thanks to Tanit for the wonderful Beta work, she find's stuff that me say "Duh!". This story is now nominated at The Spuffy Awards! And thanks to the person who did that.
19. Chapter 19 by Alvarii [Reviews - 10] (2155 words)
Sorry for the delay, I had to wait for my computer to get back from the shop. (thank goodness for back up disks) Thanks to Tanit for the beta, any remaining errors are my own and no one elses.